My asthma has been well controlled recently - finally! But I seem to lose it when I start getting tired. Problem is I'm in a job that is extremely time-consuming, where it is actually impossible to get enough sleep, so I get more and more tired as the term goes on.
Halfway through an 8 week term and by Friday I'm so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open, and I've started coughing in the mornings and needing my ventolin more. Know this will start to turn into a vicious circle where my asthma makes me even more tired, but don't know what to do about it! Don't need to see GP as not bad enough for pred at the mo, but can just see what's going to happen and have no idea how to stop myself being tired. I usually get to bed about 11 and am up at 7 so not ridiculously short of sleep, but I just seem to need more.
Not sure what anyone can do to help really....