Would you rather...?: Last time I had a... - Asthma Community ...

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Would you rather...?

55 Replies

Last time I had a clinic appt I made a list of all the things I'd rather do (get a filling at the dentist, take an exam etc). This time I was joking to my mum about how I'd rather wrestle with a crocodile than go to my appt on Wed. Not getting too melodramatic/ridiculous or anything lol...

So...thought that I'd turn my willingness to do almost anything instead of go to clinic and have LF tests into a silly thread - since we've not had a 'game' thread for a while. This is very silly I know but thought it would be nice to have some light relief. And although this is 'asthma-inspired' I'll try to keep it off that after the first one as this is the off-topic space.

Basically, you pose two alternatives (nothing X-rated please, I know this is kind of a drinking game but young and impressionable minds use this board) and the person below has to answer it then come up with their own:

Would you rather: wrestle with a crocodile or attend an appt you're not looking forward to?


Would you rather: wear something totally hideous and uncomfortable for a work day or wear nothing for a work day?

55 Replies

Love it, something to keep me busy again!!


Wear something totally hideous and uncomfortable for a work day!!

Ok ok so mine is...

Put hippopotamus after every sentence you had to say for the day, OR trim your best friends toe nails - WITH YOUR TEETH :O lol

Happy choosing!!

Charlie xxx


Does anyone remember the ""Would you Rather"" book hippopotamus? I can't remeber who it's by but I used to love it as a kid hippopotamus.

Would you rather have a bath in baked beans or share your bath with a hippopotamus hippopotamus? :p

Baked beans! Even though I hate them - hippos are nasty beasts! I'd just steal one of those rather fetching noseclips from the lung function lab, to block out the icky smell of baked beans.

Would you rather have to eat something you hated every day, or never eat your favourite food again?

Janna123 profile image

definately eat something I didn't like! I couldn't live without my favourites!

Umm, ok:

Would you rather dress up as a cartoon rabbit (I'm thinking pink furry onsie) everyday for a year or not go outside for a year?

Haha definatly dress up as a cartoon rabbit, (i love onsies!!)


Go without electricty for a year or go without water for a year!?


hehe why am I not surprised you chose that Charlie? ;)

Guess I'd go with living without electricity as you'd die well before a year with no water! Or is it just no water supply to your house?

hmmm...ok, be transported into the past and have to live the rest of your life there (you can choose when) or into the future?

Ooo definitely transport to the past, sorry I'm a history geek (probably Victorian)! Plus you could 'invent' something before it was actually invented, Back to the Future style.

Ok Eat chocolate for EVERY meal for a whole year, or NEVER eat chocolate again (easy one I know!!!)

Janna123 profile image

Never eat chocolate again. I'm strange but I don't like chocolate that much! Plus I'm very weight concious :p

Ok, would you rather walk 50 miles or go the same distance on a bus full of screaming kids?

Lungs permitting, I'd rather walk!

I still shudder at the memory of a morning bus trip a few years ago full of secondary school kids from one of the dodgy local schools..... :-(

Ok, would you rather live a year without t.v. or a year without books?

Much as I hate screaming kids, I think I might go for the bus on the basis that it would be a lot quicker to trvae the distance by bus!

Re TV vs books: no contest, give up TV! My taste for books would be described as a dangerous addiction if it were anything else...plus I might find it a bit hard to do my job if I wasn't allowed to read lol (I work in publishing).

Would you rather have to move country every 3 months or never visit any other countries again?

never visit any other countries again, i'm quite a home bird although i do enjoy visiting different parts of the UK for holidys

would you rather go naked on a beach or never go to a beach again

Janna123 profile image

Love this thread!

Ooh that's a hard one jinglfairy since I love beaches but I'm incredibly self concious! I think I'd have to go with go on a beach naked though, as long as everyone else is too!

Would you rather become nocturnal or have to be in bed from 6pm to 9am everyday for the rest of your life?

Ah rachel this one is easy for me...

Be in bed from 6-9 every day!! (Only coz im in bed from 830pm untill 9 everyday anyway through sleeping, reading and nebbing)

Ok so would u rather

Have spongebob or patrick as ur only friend in the world


Janna123 profile image

Has to be spongebob! Unfortunatly for Patrick he doesn't live in a pinapple under the sea and he can't make Krabby Patties. I think spongebob would be a great friend (as long as he isn't driving lol)

These things are hard to think of!

Would you rather be lonely but have an endless amount of money, or have loads of friends but no money?

Mine at the time was pretty easy as i had just put my spongebobb bedding on pol

Erm i would have to go have loads of friends and no money. (Not every pound in the world could ever make me happy unless i didnt have my ffiends to share it with!!)

Ok thinking time (tick tock tick tock)

Would you rather a 900square foot fishtack in your bedroom woth lots of brightly colour tropical fishies OR 900square foot insect tanks that containts lots of rare and i teresting insects not just an ant and a green fly (both of which are securly sealed so nothi g can get in or out-so that cant waver ur choice!!) :-D


Annista profile image

Oooh, that's difficult. I'd like fish, but every fishtank I've ever seen has a noisy pump aerating the water and I'd never sleep through the racket. On the other hand I'm not mad keen on insects unless they're on TV and David Attenborough's telling me how interesting they are. Maybe that's the answer - I'll go for the insects if I can get commentary from DA.

On the grounds that I had both, would you rather have someone help you with your housework or with your gardening?

oohhh yaaaay an easy one - housework, i don't have a garden LOL

would you rather live next to an all-night disco for a year or be deaf for a year

Hhmmm i thought about this, and thiught being deaf for only a year cant be bad as im semi deaf already. But then figured bwing funny deaf would be hard as i love my music far to much so for me...

Its live next to an all night disco for a year. Just think, ear plugs or ear defenders for those nights times!!

Ok my turn urm...

Eat a jar or marmite or a jar of peanut butter!?


Easy peasy one Charlie, eat a jar of peanut butter!

I like marmite too but only a thin scrapping on toast etc whereas peanut butter gets piled on! Lol!

Right, how about having to tell the full truth for a day or only tell lies?

Id much rather tell the full truth for a day than lie. I really dont like anyone that lies. It generally gets you know where.

Hmm these are getting harder to think up.

Would you rather see P!nk or Jessie J in concert!?


Janna123 profile image

Has to be Jesse J, I just love her!

And now I have to think of one...

Would you rather be able to fly, or be invisible? (Courtesy of the big bang theory ;))

be invistable (then can be listening into others convo's)

Now would you rather go white water rafting or bungee jumping?

White water rafting for me, I hate heights!!!!

Would you rather have a quick revitalizing shower or a long soak in a bath?

Haha now that depend on how much time i have.

But i prefer a bath...showers make me have a rash lol

Ern hot chocolate or horlicks!?


definitely hot chocolate

full english breakfast or cereal

100% cereal - froot loops to be exact lol

Erm iphone or samsung


iphone... though I prefer HTC's

Bow Pasta (Farfalle) or Twist Pasta (Fusilli)

(on a random note when looking up the posh names for pasta there are over 100 different varies of pasta(yes I cant sleep!))

Twist Pasta (Fusilli) because it picks up the sauce in the twists better.

Galaxy chocolate or Cadbury's chocolate...

cadbury's definitely

classical music or pop music?

that has to be pop music. I actually cant stand classical, only because I cant understand a word they are saying, im sure its lovely

Emmerdale OR Corry


Hehe, this made me chuckle :-)

A tough one, but its gotta be corrie at the min?

How to chill? A nice long walk in the countryside (lungs behaving :-) ) or chill out in front of TV?

oohh i like this game, glad it's been ressurected :-)

long walk in the countryside :-)

favourite reading material - fiction or non-fiction?

Fiction! Not that I don't like non-fiction but fiction is like crack, I am seriously addicted.

Spa day or white-water-rafting? (assuming lungs behaving - my little %^&*( don't like spas!)

Spa day!

Would you rather eat savoury food (only) for the rest of your life or sweet food (only)

Savory - not much for sweets.

Would you rather ride a rollercoaster or a carrousel?

hmm that used to be a hard question for me but now with the state of my back it would have to be a carousel - far less stressful on the back

would you rather drive a car or ride a motorbike?

Drive a car....... I'm far too much of a chicken to ride a motorbike lol.

Hmmmmm Sky Dive or climb a mountain???

definitely climb a mountain - i'm far too chickn to throw myself out of a plane haha

european or UK holiday?

Ooh tricky!!

I would have said UK, but went to France last summer and it was amazing :-) Gotta say European!!

Hmm .... cats or dogs


easy one - cats (i am the crazy cat lady!!) although i do like dogs as well

strange, and possibly difficult one hehe:

Fall off a horse (as i've done tonight) or fall out of a tree

I fell out of a tree & was hanging upside down by my skirt when I was a child haha.

Hmmm if the horse is at a standstill ill fall off that.... So long as its a soft landing. Hope you are ok jjingfairy after falling from a horse.

tapas or Italian food?

Italian definitely loess likely to have peppers!

Would you rather have to wear all your clothes inside out for a year or wear fancy dress for a year?

hmmm thats a difficult choice i think inside out

@Lisa yes i'm ok thanks but i've found my left shoulder and neck on that side are sore, think i pulled them as i went down

would you rather go to the races or a football match?

Races - i have very fond memories of going to steeple chases (in the USA - Virginia,not UK) when I was a kid. We'd drive way out into horse country with a hamper full of food, park the car on the hillside above the race course, open the back of the station wagon, and spread out the food. I'd go back and forth between the car with all its food and the track where I'd stand on the white slat and post fence to watch the horses up close. There is something truly beautiful watching a horse run and leap or even just walk proudly to its starting position. It always seemed more like a dance than a race.

Would you rather be a sparrow or a snail?

(apologies to Simon and Garfunkel,but I've always wondered)

Sparrow - you get to fly! And I feel like i've had some experience of being a snail, it wasn't fun. I'm too impatient to move that slowly.

Based on a book I'm reading at the moment: would you rather get the chance to meet a (friendly) alien race but never come home again, or stay on Earth your whole life even if you could go into space?

space. I've always wanted to explore and friendly aliens might have a cure for asthma!


Canoeing or abseiling?! Can you tell I love the outdoors? hehe x

Abseiling most definitely. Have had some very good time abseiling off mountains in wales with the scouts a few years back :)

Would you rather wear a ridicolous hat to an important event or wear clown shoes for a week?

P.s. the outdoors are awesome wish I could spend more time in them!

I love the outdoors too! :-D

I think i'd rather wear the ridiculous hat - clown shoes would be so impractical haha

Would you rather go to the circus or the theatre?

The theatre most definitely, I love a good play I did drama at gcse and i miss it (now at uni doing engineering)

You are going to work and have two options, would you rather be be painted blue (your whole body but you may wear clothes) or wear your swimsuit to the office?

Asthma-girl profile image

Ooh tricky.

They are both lovely but I would have to say dog seeing that my brother has just bought a puppy.

Now I have to think of one, hmmm.

Would you rather have a seaside holiday or mountain holiday

hehe Jen - painted blue I think. Well, assuming this is in an actual office with other people - atm I work from home so wearing a bikini all day wouldn't be much of a problem, though the postman and the estate agent bringing people round might find it interesting...

Asthmagirl - think I'd rather go for the seaside! Love the sea. (My asthmatic granddad would have definitely said mountains - he was really keen on mountaineering but for some reason the seaside set his lungs off, would hate that!)

Would you rather have to wear one really ugly and also large and blingy item of jewellery all the time or never wear any jewellery ever?

never wear any jewellery ever - i hardly ever wear any anyway, just my earrings

would you rather work with children or animals?

Asthma-girl profile image

Children or animals.

Both have their advantages but I would rather work with animals.

Would you rather work in an office or outside.

I´d rather work inside an office. there I may have some control over the allergens, outiside not so much.

sooo.... would you rather drink just chocolate milk for the rest of your life, not eating nothing or just eating pizza without drinking nothing?

Not what you're looking for?

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