Warning to all you Asthmatics!!! - Asthma Community ...

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Warning to all you Asthmatics!!!

187 Replies

I am City Girl's husband and she posted at the beginning of the week about her Frustration of being bad with her asthma and not being able to get a bed on the chest ward.

Well please let this be a warning to you all - she got worse yesterday and started going blue around the lips, could hardly breath and had a serious attack. She was blue lighted in to A&E, straight to resus and after having extensive treatment she was exhausted with bad blood gases and unfortunately has ended up on a ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit. The consultant told me today that this should be a warning for all asthmatics NOT TO LEAVE THEIR SYMPTOMS AND ATTACKS TOO LONG before seeking medical help. He highlighted the fact (can't remember the figure) but people do die of asthma!

City Girl will be ok thank God this time, they are just resting her lungs and are hoping to wake her up and remove the ventilator tomorrow.

Believe me she will get a lecture and WARNING from her consultant and I just wanted to share this with you all!

PLEASE PLEASE SEEK URGENT MEDICAL HELP if your symptoms are deteriorating and not responding to standard treatment. Don't ignore the signs and dont be stubborn about going in sooner. Please don't leave it late as this is what has happened to my wife, next time she may not be so lucky BUT I assure you all when she wakes up in intensive care she will realise her mistake and stubbornness of next going in sooner.


187 Replies
Asthma-girl profile image

I am sorry to hear that City Girl has had to go onto a ventilator, I hope she starts to improve soon.

To City Girl's Husband thank you for highlighting this issue of not to leave symptoms and attacks too long, I have had this mentioned to me several times in the past by my GP and Respiratory Team.

I will in future make sure I get help sooner rather than later more so now that I have read this post.

It must have been a very frightening time for you and her family, my thoughts are with you.

Janna123 profile image

Get well soon citygirl x

Hope she gets well very very soon . xxxx

You are so right about this.

Reading your post is like hearing my husband trying to reason with me at times when I'm being stubborn.

I will think of this next time so thanks for being so honest.

I hope citygirl makes a speedy recovery.


Thanks for this. Get well soon city girl xx

Get well soon. Thoughts and prayers for you! x

Massive hugs to you all, and I hope city girl is ok after her resting period!!

I think the hardest thing most asthmatics find is that if we know we are deteriorating, sometimes getting that help early isn't always beneficial. By this I mean, we rock up at GP or hossie to be told ""we've seen you worse"" ""peak flow isn't to drastic"" ... the list is endless and I'm sure many more of you will be able to verify this, I've also had hossie nurse laugh at me if my GP has sent me in and I'm breathing better than half the staff, so after all the effort that we have put in to trek out to the medical service, we then have to go all the way home, and then it shatters us even more. Agreed we should always seek medical attention if and when needed, but maybe there should be a little more awareness out there in the public I mean, and maybe a little more support sometimes from the community services to which are out there!!

Again, hope you are ok, and pass on my love to city girl, be looking out for an update!!


Hope city girl is soon on the mend.

Angelica I know what you mean sounds alot like my husband also. I do leave it longer than I should, many of us hate gp's, costa and often doctors attitudes and their lack of knowledge surrounding asthma.

This is something to be aware of and thank you ""Mr City Girl"" take care of you too xxxxxx

Update:- My wife City Girl is still in the Intensive Care Unit and is still on a ventilator. The doctors reduced the sedation but unfortunately she was not making enough effort on her own to breath so they could not withdraw the ventilator. They explained that the lungs needed more time to rest and recover from her severe attack.

They will try again tomorrow and hopefully her lungs would have rested/recovered nough for her to start breathing on her own again.

I will keep you all informed and once again many thanks for all your good wishes and support for my wife and for myself.

Take care all you of and PLEASE SEEK HELP WHEN YOUR BAD

Thank you for the update, thinking positive thoughts for both of you.

Hugs xxx

Thanks for the update - really hope City Girl can come off the ventilator asap and feels better soon.

And like others have said - look after yourself too Mr CG! xx

btw I'm not that bad and have so far never needed to go to hospital but I agree with Charlie and ljh that you do get put off going, given there's a not unreasonable chance that if you actually follow the sensible advice on places like this website some drs won't necessarily follow it and will make you feel like a time-waster. Though it turned out ok in the end I once had this issue with an out of hours dr on the phone completely contradicting Asthma UK advice so agree that some people need to be more aware of it/pay more attention.

Thanks for the update, I really hope she gets off the ventilator and can be back home soon.

Thank You MR C-G for the update, Really feel for you as my mum told me what it felt like for her when I was on the ventilator, fingers crossed she makes a speed recovery soon, and you can both be back home on the sofa soon!


Asthma-girl profile image

Thanks for the update. I do hope she gets off the ventilator soon.

thanks for the up date - this was me last night, not wanting to go to hospital and fighting it till the last then blue lights and little green men.

I think I am so stubborn because I want to control my life not my lungs and when I spend so much time in hospital anyway I don't like going in as an emergency. Often the way I am treated in A&E puts me off any sort of visit unless its the last option and wards are not fun or nice places often it makes me more stressed. I'm not saying its right and sadly it has put your wife on the vent for a short time but just trying to explain her reasons or how I think she might feel.

I hope she gets well soon thankfully I avoided ITU last night and am hoping for a better week. Keep us up dated and look after yourself as well as CG. Amanda x

dreadful but I hope you both get through this.

So right to seek help when bad, absolutely every time.

Stay strong x

ITU's a scary place so I'll be thinking of you both and wishing you well.

UPDATE:- City Girl still ventilated im afraid :(. It has been a horrible day today. I was hoping that she would come off the ventilator but no success. Unfortunately she is not really making any effort to breath on her own. she is still heavily sedated (unconscious) and her lungs are still recovering. The ITU Consulltant said that in another day or two she should be ok to come off the ventilator but obviously she needs to breathe for herself.

Another reason that today was horrible is our kids really wanted to see her as they are missing her. They are aged 15 and 12 and the ITU dr's and nurses said that they could see her but they did prepare them for what mum would be like and how she was hooked up to all the machines etc. the kids found it very hard and were freeked out whenever a machine's alarm went off. They spoke to her and stroked her hands but obviously got no response. This was really hard for me to watch our kids go through this and I would not wish it on anyone.

PLEASE let this be a warning - no kids should go through what ours went through today seeing their mum in intensive care on a ventilator.

Thanks for all your messages of support, hopefully when City Girl is out of the woods, she will be able to read all of your messages both to her and to myself. I really appreciate you posting words of support and comfort to us. Thanks and good night - lets hope that tomorrow will be a better day!

Mr City Girl

Asthma-girl profile image

Thank you for the update Mr City Girl.

I am so sorry that you and your family have had such a horrid day. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

I do hope City Girl starts to improve soon.

Thanks for the update - I hope you all have a much better day tomorrow and City Girl starts to move towards coming off the ventilator and breathing for herself. It's hard at any age to see a parent like that (and of course very hard for you as her husband) but especially when you're a kid!

Take care and hoping for better news soon. xx

As asthmagirl said, thank you for the update.

I am thinking of you all and hope that city girl comes off ventilation soon and ckmes home to some tlc from all of you.

Hugs x

KateMoss profile image

Thanks for the update,

sorry you are all having a rough time & hope CityGirl comes off the vent soon!

I fully understand about not leaving it too late.......

I had a severe attack a few weeks ago and had a respiratory arrest in the ambulance. Though I am brittle so go down hill very fast.

I always get help earlier rather than later, had too many close calls in the past.

Hugs to you all xxxxx

Thank you for the update

I'm so sorry to hear she is still struggling my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family during this hard time.

I will keep praying for strength for CG, you and your family. x

Hi Mr C G,

I am sending virtual hugs to you and your children it is a very tough time for all your family.

Keep in touch.

Lisa xx

UPDATE:- I am pleased to say City Girl is off the ventilator!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!

She came off the ventilator this morning but is still very weak. She can breathe for herself however they keep assisting her with an artificial ventilator occasionally. She is awake but not that alert. Very sleepy and not really with it BUT at least she is making an effort to breathe on her own. I have spoken to her and told her that everyone is rooting, hoping and praying for her and this produced a small smile :), she is not able to speak yet though.

She has to stay on very high oxygen for the moment as her sats are hovering around the 90's. All in all a progress today.

Thanks for your continued good wishes to City Girl, myself and my family. I was actually sent home early by the ITU staff as I am totally exhausted. Early night for me so nite nite

Mr C G

Mr C G, can't tell you how pleased I am to read this update!


Great news Mr C G! :)

Keeping fingers crossed for City Girl. You make sure you get plenty of rest, she will need you to runaround after her soon :)

Lisa xx

Just keep fighting CityGirl we are all right behind you and get well soon!! and

give those lungs of yours a good talking too when you are out of COSTA

Oh gosh poor CG and family. Pleased to read she is off the vent, and sending lots of get well soon wishes.

Sorry to say but I've just had a call from ITU and City Girl is struggling to breathe on her own tonight with decreasing oxygen sats in their 80's. They recommend her being put back on the ventilator again for tonight and will try to take her off it tomorrow. I feel so deflated by this and didn't know where to turn. Has this happened to any of you out there? They did reassure me that this can happen and it is a set back but I thought she had turned the corner when she was able to breathe on her own today.

They are so lovely in there and are so caring towards City Girl, myself and all the family. I'm sure they know what they are doing and they said I do not need to go back tonight as there is nothing I can do there but sit by my wife. They suggested I go to bed myself and then I will be fresher tomorrow for my wife when PLEASE GOD she will be off the vent again and her lungs are a bit stronger. She certainly is going through a very rough time and i would not want anyone to go through this.

Hopefully better news tomorrow - Good Night

Asthma-girl profile image

Oh no, I am so sorry that City Girl has had to be put back on to the ventilator again. Let's hope today (Monday) will be a better day for you all and that City Girl will be able to come off an stay off the ventilator.

Hoping for good news for you and city girl today.


UPDATE:- I really think that today City Girl has turned the corner! After a night on the ventilator again, this morning they took her off it and she is holding her own. She is breathing for herself and her oxygen Sats have come up to 93%. FANTASTIC NEWS, we're so pleased :).

She still has a long way to go but wanted to share this great news today with you all. She is smiling and whispering a few words. We are all so relieved that she has finally turned the corner :)

I'll update you later after we've visited her tonight, she needs to rest now.

Mr City Girl :)

wow I have just caught up, seems like you have all been through a little ordeal again, my fingers are crossed and ill be thinking positive thoughts for you and your family!! sounds like you have a very good hospital looking after you all also which is fantastic!!

Thank you Mr CG for keeping us all updated!!

massive hugs to you all again!!


my thoughts and best wishes are with your family

I hope CG improves every day now xxx

Truly, truly amazing news, so pleased to hear this.


UPDATE:- What a difference a day makes!! Tonight City Girl is still holding her own, still breathing on her own but with high oxygen flow. Her SATS are still around 93-94% but she is doing well. The dr's and ITU nurses are pleased with her but obviously she is extremely weak and delicate.

I took the kids in and they are delighted with their mum's progress. She even managed smiles for them but only managed to whisper as she cannot talk because of the vent tube being down her throat for days. She is allowed to drink and I asked her whatever she wants I'll get her and believe it or not, she managed to whisper very softly ""a McDonald's milkshake please"". So I rushed out and got her one!! She had a bit of it and then fell asleep as she's extremely tired.

So glad I can share the good news aswell as the bad with you all. Thanks to all of you for your messages of support and encouragement, i really appreciate all your messages and I know City Girl will enjoy reading them when she's up to it. Many thanks and I'll update you tomorrow (that is if you are still interested??)

Many thanks

Mr City Girl

Thanks for keeping in touch. I hope City Girl continues to progress. She will need a different flavoured milkshake tomorrow :)

Your kids must have been pleased to see her. Take care.

Thinking of you all

Lisa x

wahoo that is awesome, great progress all round i say, and mcdonalds milkshake, your wife has good taste :-)

Heres praying for a good night for all off you, and fingers crossed you all make fab progress and can be on the respiratory ward by the end off the week!!

sending you a massive cheesy grin :-D


Very good news about CG, I hope she continues to improve. Maybe she'll make some requests for food tomorrow ;)

I hope all the family get a good nights sleep. Look after yourselves. xx

she will be asking for a burger as well as a milkshake tomorrow lol!!, its brilliant she is making good progress - take care and wish her well from all of us

Thanks for the update, please do keep us posted.

So glad your children got to see their mum doing better, that wull reassure them.

Try to get some decent sleep tonight!


That's great news, so glad she's off the vent and doing better!

Those Maccy D's milkshakes are strangely good even if you don't want to know what's in them...

Hope you can get some rest now. xxx

Asthma-girl profile image

Fantastic news, thanks ever so much for the update. I hope City Girl continues to make good progress. What a relief it must be to you all.

Sending you virtual hugs

KateMoss profile image

Yay! Great news! Glad she had the kids in to see her!

You must be so relieved!

Hugs to you all



My heart goes out to you all, and nearly everyone will know that I can say what I am going to as I have been in our shoes too many times to remember, my wife has spent many months in icu on a ventilator over the last year, at one point it was for 3 months, it's draining, exhausting and seems never ending.

For me it's hard to read similar stories, especially when things are not good here right now but couldn't just not say anything, as there are not many who know exactly how YOU feel !!

People will laugh when the read this, as I am useless at doing it but do take time out, be with your children and look after yourself!

With respect to your children, our son is 14 now but 13 when the really bad time hit last year, I debated long and hard about him seeing his mum like that but with talking to the icu counsellor, nurses and dr's it was decided to involve him, we had to think about the awful fact of if she did not make it how would he of felt if he had not of visited and was unable to offer her his love in whatever form that took, I think it's important that they get used to it gradually and do what the feel they need, even if it's just turn up say they live her and give a kiss, I hope this has not sounded out of turn, just saying how it was for us and what strongly believe in

Anyway, really hope she continues to improve, your deeply in my thoughts, and my prayers and wishes will be directed your way


UPDATE:- What a difference another day makes!! City Girl is continuing to breathe on her own and is slowly but surely starting to improve., The Consultant and ITU staff are pleased with her and they are hoping if her SATS remain in the 90's then she may move to HDU tomorrow, so it's looking good. She has actually had a bout of pneumonia as the chest x-ray's have shown pneumonia on her lungs so with that and a bad asthma attack she has really suffered. City Girl got a gentle lecture today from her Consultant about leaving her asthma too late and that she shouldn't have struggled on and been stubborn about going in sooner. He was very gentle with her today but I'm sure he will get firmer as she continues to get better! Please let this be a warning to all of you not to leave your asthma too long when you are bad and PLEASE seek help sooner rather than later!

She requested another milkshake today as it is very soothing for her sore throat from the ventilator tube, not ready to eat yet though, maybe tomorrow!

Thanks for all your continued good wishes and positive vibes, they are helping me and my family to cope through this nightmare we have been through. thanks to each and everyone of you who have posted something, I have told City Girl about my postings today and she is looking forward to reading your messages when she is stronger.

Good nite all and be well

Mr City Girl

wahoo more fab news all round, this is absolutly great!! Sending a massive hug to you all!! cant wait to hear more progress as the week goes on!! :-)


Great news! So glad to hear City Girl is still improving, crossing my fingers for a move out of ITU soon and further improvement. Next stop Big Mac?

Really glad to hear your kids were able to visit and see her awake as well.

Hoping to hear more good news and that you never have to deal with this again.


I really hope CG has continued to improve. Has she managed to make the move to HDU?

I also hope that you and the kids have managed to sleep and eat as well as you can. It's so difficult to even do the basics when in such a stressful situation. Two years ago my partner was on a ventilator for 6 days and stayed in ITU for another 5 days after an accident. I remeber completely losing my appetite and having to force myself to eat, sleeping very rarely and not being able to concentrate on anything at all, I was barely functioning. It's all so draining, I really hope you've managed better than I did.

I found the move from ITU to HDU to ward a mixture of emotions, really happy that he was improving enough to move, but also scared that he wouldn't get enough care if he needed it. He had a couple of very rough bits but ITU staff were there in an instant to care for him, along with all their gadgetry. I wonder if you have the same fears.

I'm thinking of you all, CG, Mr CG and children.

Alex and Snowy-you're also in my thoughts

This is such great news, thank you Mr CG for the updates. I will still keep you all in my prayers think there is a road to recovery that still needs our thoughts and prayers.

This really does remind me and all asthmatics how careful of the illness we have to be and that sometimes we need help we might not want.

Sending you and the children massive hugs you have been so strong through this. Amanda x

UPDATE:- 2 steps forwards but 1 step backwards. City Girl is still managing to breathe on her own, however she is struggling a bit. They keep putting her on an artificial ventilator which is a form of CPAP machine, does anyone know about these? Her oxygen SATS seem to vary between 85% and 93% so they really want to get her SATS a bit higher and she is now on 100% rebreathable oxygen. She is still residing in ITU but hoping for an upgrade to HDU maybe tomorrow!

Kids are happier being able to talk to their mum even though she can only whisper back to them. She is able to drink (loves the milkshakes) but no food yet. Generally very tired, worn out and very weepy bless her - I suppose she is entitled to be!

I am making sure the kids carry on with seeing their friends, going out etc. I took the kids out for pizza last night as I felt they needed some real special time out with their dad and it was lovely. I mustn't forget what they are going through aswell with mum being so ill.

Anyway I really appreciate and thank you all for your lovely messages of support and encouragement, it really means a lot to me and it will do to City Girl when she reads them.

Take care and God bless to you all.

Mr City Girl

Ps. I'll update again tomorrow as I think I'll take the kids out after visiting tonight again as they thoroughly enjoyed it

Thats terrible, get well soon x

Just caught up with this. Glad to hear things are improving, and pray that things continue to improve.

Take care x

Hey Mr CG and Family!!!

Ive had BIPAP before which is similar, and is similar to the ventilator CG was on but less invasive and not having to be sedated which is good! hopefully this can start to be weaned off also!!

Ive got my fingers crossed for the big move tomorrow - all being well!!

Hope your having a good time with your little ones!!

Give CG a wave and a hug from me!! (((())))


get well soon cg, my thoughts are still with you all xxx

stay strong Mr.cg

My son was on CPAP as a newborn after being ventilated, hopefully it's only a short term thing for CG whilst she gets stronger.

Get well sone CG and all the best to Mr CG and your children too.

Asthma-girl profile image

I do hope City Girl continues to improve.

Still thinking of you all. xx

UPDATE:- sorry for not posting yesterday, busy day and myself and the kids were invited out to friends for dinner last night!

Well City Girl is still on ITU, still having to be on the CPAP machine intermittently. She is still struggling a bit (bless her) but they can't move her yet because she is requiring 100% oxygen flow and the CPAP machine from time to time. Also it's best for her to get the one to one care on ITU over the weekend as you probably know things come to a bit of a halt around the hospital over the weekend!

City Girl still lovi g the milkshakes and had some soup but not up to food just yet.

Kids are busy with friends over the weekend and I'm sorting stuff out in the house but still obviously visiting my wife! She does need to rest and the more visitors, the more weepy she gets and also she's not up to talking that much as she gets breathless.

Anyway friends, hope you are all well, have a great weekend and many thanks for the comforting and supportive posts, really means a lot to myself and my family.

God bless you all

Mr City Girl xx

Hi MrCG and co!!

Glad you are all doing reasonably well and you and the kids are still getting out and about!!

Fingers crossed that CG can be moved early next week!! Got my fingers crossed for you all!!

Say Hi from me!!


take care of yourself too, Mr CityGirl

UPDATE:- I am very pleased to say that City Girl is out of ITU, she is in HDU and hopefully within the next few days will be on the Chest Ward!!!

She is doing very well considering everything she has been through - tough old cookie my wife!! She is now eating and drinking and is generally better than she was. Still occasionally having to go on the CPAP machine but hasn't been on it now since Sunday night so hopefully it's goodbye to that.

Hope you are all well and looking after yourselves! Thanks for your messages of support and encouragement

God bless to you all & I'll update soon, take care

Mr City Girl

so its definateley a mcdonalds burger then on the menu - joking aside glad she is much better i bet you and your kids are relieved aswell take care all

Great news, so pleased for you and your family.


Absolutely fantastic news, so please for you all!! keep those frowns upside down and you'll be on the resp ward in no time at all!!

Love to you all!!


KateMoss profile image

Thank you for the update!

Glad she is making progress and has reached HDU... next stop ward and then home! xxx

Glad to hear the news that CG is improving. I hope she continues to improve.

Great news! Hope City Girl keeps improving and is home soon. We do have a JCB to help members escape but won't send it before she's ready...

Hope you're taking some time to rest as well now the stress has maybe eased a bit.


Asthma-girl profile image

That's fantastic news, what a relief for you and your family. I am so pleased that City Girl is improving.

great news Mr.cg

hugs to all of you @@@

get well soon now cg xxx

let us know when her bed is transferred to McDonalds ;)

UPDATE:- City Girl has been moved to the Chest Ward!!! Hooray!!! Today has been a long time coming, but City Girl has reached the Chest Ward!! Thank goodness I have good news to share with you all, it's been a long time coming and felt like ages for me.

City Girl is getting stronger each day, is just a bit down because she wants to run before she can walk! I'm sure you all know that feeling!

She is on regular nebulisers, still on IV drip of Aminophyline and still on IV antibiotics but she's getting there and even her appetite is doing back, won't be long now before she's asking for a Big Mac!!

Take care everyone and have a great weekend.

Mr City Girl :)

Asthma-girl profile image

That is brilliant news, thanks for the update Mr CG, I am so thrilled City Girl is continuing to improve, I bet it is not long now before she is able to go home.

Great news!

City Girl will be homeward bound in no time!!!


Fantastic news!

I hope City Girl, your recovery is swift and you are soon home to your loving family.

Hugs and best wishes

Lisa x

Sorry your wife is still in hospital.

One warning I have read is that people don't take their preventer properly and rely on Ventolin, this may not be what your wife did but folks do take care.

Fantastic news, hope she's home soon! xxx

Excellent news. I hope she continues to improve. And I hope you're all looking after yourselves Mr CG and family.

Best wishes to you all xx

UPDATE:- Sorry to say but City Girl is not good again. I can't believe they just stopped the Aminophyline Infusion yesterday and she has gone downhill fast today. After they stopped the infusion yesterday she had a bad day wheezing, coughing loads and very breathless, her SATS are now only around 89/90% and she is struggling again. They have obviously put her back on the Aminophyline infusion but she has not picked up yet and they have moved her back to HDU to observe her more. She was really picking up and doing well but now has this setback.

I hope she isn't going to have to be ventilated again. I have just got home as the HDU staff sent me away, not sure I can deal with this again but I have to be strong for her and the kids. She couldn't really talk to me tonight as she was so breathless and struggling. Let's hope with some more Aminophyline, IV steroids, IV antibiotics, High Flow Oxygen and back to back nebs they can sort her out.

Has this happened to any of you after coming off the IV Aminophyline?

Take care everyone and look after yourselves

Mt City Girl

I'm very sorry to hear of this setback. My thoughts are with you all. Stay strong, all of you. xx

Asthma-girl profile image

I am so sorry that City Girl is struggling again. I do hope she starts to improve soon.

Oh no, hope Citygirl turns back round again asap and heads for the chest ward again then out the door! She's done it once. Crossing my fingers for all of you, and hope you manage to get some rest Mr CG.

Hi Mr C,G, not very good for you and your family or city girl. Thinking of you and hope things pick up again soon, keep strong (easier said than done sometimes), you can always vent here.

Keep in touch

Lisa xx

So sorry to hear about the latest setback

Yes it can happen, I often go downhill once iv's or other support stops, and especially when you have been so ill and vented, I have bounced from being tubed to not and back again many times before my body decided it wanted to cope on it's own

Hang on in there as I and a living example of overcoming the worst of odds last year, she's a figther tom of come this far, keep strong and look after yourself too

Hugs hugs xxxxx

Hoping cg has started to pick up again.

Thinking of you and your family, wishing you all well.


Mr.cg thanks for all the updates

so sorry citygirl has had a set back, like the others, you are all in my thoughts xxx

UPDATE:- Sorry to say that City Girl had to be ventilated again, she was really struggling and was very tired with low SATS so they ventilated her again yesterday morning. I'm totally gutted for her and have been struggling to deal with this myself aswell as trying to reassure the kids.

I had a long chat to her Chest Physician today and basically she had pneumonia, then got another chest infection on top of that and also with the weather and humidity etc this has really had an effect on her. I cannot stress enough to you all to please take your preventer inhalers, steroids etc aswell as relievers. Also to get help sooner rather than later!

He said that they hope to take her off the ventilator tomorrow as her lungs have been given a rest and they have pumped her with loads of IV antibiotics and goodness knows what along with the Aminophyline etc.

Let's all hope and pray that tomorrow she is able to come off the ventilator, I'll let you know.

Keep well guys and keep taking the tablets, inhalers, nebs etc.

Regards Mr City Girl

Oh no Mr CG :( Hoping to hear better news tomorrow, but that does sound like a lot for one set of lungs to deal with!

Not a good situation for anyone, but hopefully someone who'd slipped into bad habits will read this and change their ways as you've been urging!

Gosh, you really are having an awfully tough time, all of you.

Keep fighting City Girl, and stay strong Mr City Girl and children. Thinking of you all and sending positive vibes your way. xx

UPDATE:- Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok and taking your meds!

City Girl has been taken off the ventilator a couple of hours ago and is holding out, bless her. She is breathing on her own, with Oxygen and whe she woke up she was very confused and agitated. Her chest sounds clearer today as her lungs have had a good rest.

They are keeping her on ITU for the time being to see how she gets on today - I'll update you later.

Take care and have a good day.

Regards Mr City Girl

great news Mr.cg

poor cg, come on girl, you can do it

sending you all good vibes xxx

Thanks for the update Mr. CG, glad to hear cg is back off the ventilator.

Keeping everything x she stays off and gets stronger.


That's great that City Girl is off the vent again! Hoping she stays off this time.

Thanks for updating us Mr CG, hope you can get some rest.

Thanks for letting us know the good news. I hope she keeps holding her own, and has a smoothe recovery. Thinking of you all.

Asthma-girl profile image

Thanks for letting us know Mr CG. I do hope City Girl continues to improve.

wow just caught up on everything, what a nightmare of a time you have all had!!

So glad that CG is now off the ventilator again and holding her own, so please for her!!

Hope you and the children are doing ok also Mr CG!!

Massive hugs to you and your family!! ((()))


UPDATE:- Hi all, hope you are enjoying the Olympics Opening Ceremony!

Well City Girl is doing ok, she is holding her own and her SATS are up to 94% on Oxygen!

I went to see her this evening with the kids and she is a bit brighter in herself but she had tears in her eyes and then cried when she saw the kids tonight. She whispered to them ""Mummy's gonna get better and i hope to be home very soon. Remember mummy loves you very much"". I had to walk away as i choked up and the nurse who was there also had tears in her eyes.

Anyway, glad she is finally on the mend, she is still on ITU at the moment but we are hoping she will be moved to HDU tomorrow - fingers crossed!

Hope you are all ok and my continued thanks for the lovely messages you are posting to me and City Girl, they are very much appreciated - she will be overwealmed to read them all once she is feeling up to it.

Have a great weekend everyone and please keep well!

Mr City Girl :)

Asthma-girl profile image

Thank you so much Mr CG for the update. I am so pleased that City Girl is continuing to improve.

It must be a great relief to you and your family.

Thanks very much for letting us know. I'm really glad she's on the mend, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she's well enough to move to HDU very soon. Bigs hugs to the whole family. x

so please that things are starting to look good again!! fingers crossed you all get to make step in the right direction to HDU soon!!

Hugs to you all!!


Asthma-girl profile image

Hello Mr C G,

How is City Girl doing did she get moved to HDU?

My thoughts are with you and your family.

UPDATE:- Hi everyone hope you are all well, City Girl is doing well, she is out of ITU and was moved to HDU yesterday. We are hoping for the Chest Ward tomorrow!! She is brighter in herself and has not had to go on the CPAP today at all, she did yesterday just for a couple of hours.

I've just finished the washing, ironing and put the kids to bed so I'm going to try to get an earlyish night myself!

I'll let you know tomorrow if she reaches the chest ward, let's hope so. She had a Macdonalds milkshake again this evening which she enjoyed!

Take care all of you and be well

Mr City Girl :)

Asthma-girl profile image

That is great news Mr City Girl thank you for the update.

Thanks for the update. Great to hear that City Girl is improving. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she's well enough for the chest ward today.

I hope you've managed to get a reasonable nights sleep, you must be exhausted by it all. Take care of yourself, and the kids of course.


great news Mr. cg :)

cg is on the mend now, well done girl xxx

That's great news Mr CG! Hope this time it's a one-way trip and she's out the door as soon as is sensible. My asthma is nowhere near that bad but I find (and from reading posts on here think others have the same) that it's rather like playing an endless game of Snakes and Ladders when not well controlled! Severity just changes how long the snakes are and what's at the bottom of them.

Hope you got a good night's sleep. xx

Fantastic news for you all...hope you managed to reach the chest ward!! Got everything crossed for you!!


UPDATE:- City Girl has made the Chest Ward!!!!!!! She was moved this afternoon and is near the nurses desk where they can keep an eye on her. She is feeling very weak however bit brighter in herself. I went this evening with the kids and they were pleased to see their mum without all the bleeping machines, no tubes coming out of her and infact the doctors took the central line out of her neck this evening as it was getting sore and was so annoying City Girl. She has started eating and it won't be long before I will no doubt have to get her a Cheese burger along with the chocolate milkshake from Macdonalds!!!

Let's all hope and pray that she continues onwards and upwards and let's hope it won't be too long before we get our City Girl home once and for all :)

Take care everyone, thanks for your continued messages of support and get well wishes for myself, my wife and kids, I can't tell you how much I have appreciated all your support. It won't be long now hopefully until City Girl is reading them herself and hopefully chatting with you lovely people.

Good night and God Bless to you all

Mr City Girl :)

woop woop! Now you need to bar the door the other way, back into HDU/ITU. I'm glad City Girl has managed to ditch the lines etc and hope she starts feeling more comfortable.

Crossing fingers she's home with you and the kids soon along with a monster Big Mac...

Good night, hoping for some sleep for you all. xx

What fantastic news!!

So glad things are starting to look uo for you all!!

(Make sure you get one of those scrummy looking mcflurrys also whilst there still in stock, wouldnt want citygirl missing out on one of those, just get her to let me know what there like as i cant eat ice cream!! )

Hope you and the iggle piggles are managing to rest up also!!


Asthma-girl profile image

This is superb news Mr City Girl thank you so much for the update.

I am so pleased that City Girl is continuing to improve.

Excellent news. I'm hoping City Girl continues to get stronger all the time and is well enough to go home soon.

Hugs to all the family. Lou

City Girl is doing well. She was certainly brighter today and started to have a joke with the doctors. Her Chest Consultant had a long chat with us both, he's sure she is now on the right road to recovery. My wife, bless her, even asked when she can go home but she's still got a way to go yet. Her consultant is going to try and wean the Aminophyline off slowly. City Girl wants to try and run before she can walk!! I'm sure this will sound familiar to a lot of you!!

The physio's and Occy Health are working with her to get her walking properly again (remember its been nearly a month now since became really poorly and in ITU) she has not walked at all for that time, most of it been vented or her in ITU or HDU. Her appetite is coming back and she is eating more.

So on the whole we are heading in the right direction and let's hope it's onwards and upwards now. We are all scoop leased and relieved we have got to this stage!

Thanks for your continued lovely messages of support to us all. I wish those of you who are not too good a speedy recovery and please remember to seek help sooner rather than later!

Thanks to you all, I'll update you all soon.

Take care and God Bless to you all

Mr City Girl :)

this put a massive smile on my face, im so glad things are going well for you!! heres to a nice settled recovery now adn that things improve more and more each day!!

You are all doing fantasticly well!!



Soooo happy to read about how well citygirl is doing!

I hope you qre able to sleep a bit easier at night too Mr cg.


Asthma-girl profile image

That is fantastic news I'm thrilled that City Girl is making good progress.

It's great to hear of City Girls continuing progress. Even sitting up is hard work after being on a vent for some time let alone walking and running. Fingers crossed for a smothe recovery. Lou x

go for gold citygirl from all of us and get well very, very soon we are all routing for you and next on the menu is the cheeseburger i reckon hubby have you ordered one yet!!

Massive sympathies about CityGirl. I am a brittle severe asthmatic. In the last year I have been into ITU 7 times in 6 months. I have been vented twice in that time space. I can totally empathise completely with CityGirl and you. I came out of hospital a 2 weeks today. I went in this time Blue lighted as usual with a severe attack and they threw all the usual stuff at me. I settled fairly quickly and was found a bed on the resp ward. 24 hours later I suffered another attack ( on the ward) and was rushed to ITU (AGAIN!) Grrr) Anyway . They again threw everything at me and I thankfully settled without being vented. The FRUSTRATING thing for me is that I am now on this new expensive injection called Xolair . I have had 4 jabs in 4 months and the stupid thing isn't working yet.

Asthma is frustrating for all concerned

Chris Barrett

Laughaminute profile image

So good to hear Citygirl is on the road to recovery at last. Such a hard time for all your family.

Hope she continues to improve each day, thinking of you all.

Ellie xx

City Girl really is going for Gold!! I took her in the wheelchair for a walk to the coffee shop in the hospital today which she absolutely loved. She had her oxygen in tow and Aminophyline drip being pushed along but she really enjoyed the escape for half an hour, however even that made her really tired. We are getting there slowly but surely and City Girl is really improving. We just need to get her walking again and build up her strength.

Her Chest Consultant came to see her again today and our aim is to get her off the Aminophyline in a couple of days then maybe, just maybe possibly home sometime next week hopefully! - we can't wait for this to happen!! So please everyone keep your fingers and toes crossed for her!

Sorry for all of you who are not well and suffering, I really feel for you.

Many thanks to you all for your continued lovely messages of support and all your good wishes for City Girl's recovery.

God bless to you all


Mr City Girl :)

Asthma-girl profile image

This a great news thank you for the update.

It must be such a relief to you and your family to see City Girl making such a good recovery.

Amazing to hear that you have been on a little adventure, best form of recovery I say!!

Dont do to much at once though, we know where that lands us!!

Ill keep everything crossed you in the hope for home next week!!


great news Mr.cg :)

I think of city girl every day


It's fantastic to hear of your adventures and I'm looking forward to hearing more soon. xx

This is great news the Olympics are helping!! I am still praying for you, one step at a time and make sure you get some rest too Mr CG x

Way to go CG. Fingers crossed things keep looking up and she is home soon.

Great news! Now City Girl is getting better she must have enjoyed getting out of the ward and seeing something other than the corridors between ITU, HDU and the chest ward...

Hope you and the kids have her home soon! Take care. xx

UPDATE:- City Girl really is doing well, she walked the length of the ward today and she is on half the amount of the Aminophyline infusion, hopefully tomorrow she may be off it! They try in the morning and see how she goes on throughout the day without it. She is much brighter and she is eating more. I took her in the wheelchair to the coffee shop in the hospital again which she loved (believe it or not it's a COSTA!!) The kids went to see her tonight and are so happy their mum is getting much better. She even managed to walk to the end of the ward to see us off and say goodbye, the nurses all were delighted to see City Girl improving after all she has been through.

She still has the oxygen on but it was taken off when she walked and she was ok, SATS didn't drop,too much. The doctors have told her to not run before she can walk and to take things very easy as things can change very quickly and she will be worn out if she does too much. We are being sensible and she does need her rest. After the physio's have walked with her, she has a rest and a sleep as she worn out. Slowly but surely she will build her strength up and she is certainly going for Gold!!

Thanks for your continued lovely messages of encouragement and support, much appreciated.

I hope those of you not so good get well soon and are taking it easy.

God Bless and be well

Mr City Girl :)

Asthma-girl profile image

Wow, what progress, well done City Girl, at this rate it will not be long before you are home. What a lovely little outing to the coffee shop, I bet City Girl enjoyed the change of scene and company.

Mr City Girl please make sure you and the kids are getting plenty of rest too.

Sending my best wishes to you all.

That's fantastic, sounds like a great improvement and I hope it continues. Fingers crossed she can withdraw/reduce the amino without any hitches.

Great to hear of the visit to Costa from costa. It's so good to have a change of scene, I bet she really enjoyed it.


Its so good to read the amazing progress that citygirl is making, I'm pleased for all of you!

Keep going for gold cg! X

Everyday has become a strength within your hearts, and you are fighting the battle well!! I am so please to hear about all your achievements and I cant wait for you all to get home and all be within arms distances from each other!!

Ive got everything crossed for you!! and lets hope things continue in the right direction and you get to spend some of the summer holidays together!!


Sounds like a definite move in the right direction, so glad Citygirl has managed to get up and about even if just a little. Hope she's home with you soon. xx

UPDATE:- City Girl certainly is going for Gold!!! Today she has come off the Aminophyline - Hooray!!!! Goodbye Aminophyline!!!

She is walking better, managed to walk the whole ward and the physio's even tried her on the stairs which she tackled well.

Her Chest Consultant had a quite word with me today and said that we are very lucky we still have City Girl here with us, she had a very close call and was lucky to come off the ventilator as her chest had shut down but thankfully she turned the corner and all the medication and the rest for her lungs helped to open her chest again. It made me very emotional and we thank God that she has made such a remarkable recovery.

He also said that he is on call this weekend so he will pop in to see her each day to check how she is doing and maybe just maybe if she is still doing well then he may let her out for a couple of hours to go home with us!!!! This is a big maybe but I've not told my wife or the kids about this just in case she is not quite well enough - but hopefully she will be!!! I'll let you all know..... and it will only be for 2 hours!!!

So things are looking good, onwards and upwards I say! She even managed to have a shower today which did her the world of good but she was absolutely shattered afterwards and needed to rest.

I hope you are all ok and those of you who are not, i wish you better, take it easy and be sensible!!

Thanks for your continued lovely messages, they really mean a lot to me (and my family, City Girl will be reading this blog in due course!)

Take care and be well, have a lovely weekend and I'll update you all over the weekend.

God Bless

Mr City Girl :)

Fantastic news!! Fingers crossed for the weekend then. Maybe we can write to the government and get city girl on a stamp for becoming a gold medalost like the other GB competitors!!

Sounds like you have a pretty amazing consultant there also, fancy sharing!? Dontnget rid of him in a hurry!!

Good luck for the weekend. Will be thinking of u all!!


Laughaminute profile image

Thats such good news, I'm so pleased for you all.

Must be light at the end of the tunnel for you all.

Thinking off you xx

That is fantastic news hopefully it won't be long until she is recovering at home. ;)

Its alot to go through for you as well as your family, I hope you are looking after yourself too.

Hi mr c g,

City Girl is certainly making a good recovery and I bet you both can see the light at the end now. I have been following her progress closely and it is fantastic news to read.

Love to you all and take things slow.

Lisa X

Great news! Fingers crossed that she is allowed home for a bit. Definitely agree that her consultant sounds great.

Hope to hear more good news soon - stairs sound like a good step forward (sorry for pun...) as they're definitely harder than the flat.


Wow, sounds like CG has made great progress. Tackling the stairs is no mean feat. I hope she is well enough for a visit home soon.

When my other half had been in hospital for 3 months, he came home for about 20 minutes with occupational health. He wasn't home for a couple of weeks after that, but it was so good to have him there when he'd been gone so long. I really hope you get the chance have CG home very soon, even if it is just for a few hours, it's such a special moment for all the family.

Keep looking after yourself too Mr CG, you've been through a tough time. Best wishes to you all.

Mr City Girl,

that is such good news, I do hope she can have the home visit soon, it should lift her spirits a lot :)

I hope she will soon be here to change her id to Milkshake Girl lol

bless you all, my thoughts are still with you xxx

OK so I've been up since 7.00am cleaning the house!!! Got to make it all clean and tidy for hopefully CITY GIRL'S home visit!!!!!!!

She had another good day yesterday and her consultant (as promised) did come and see her! He asked her how she would feel about popping home for a couple of hours and she beamed she biggest smile!!!!! She will have to take an oxygen cylinder home with her as SATS can drop a bit after she walks the length of the ward!!

Anyway, she can't wait to pop home. I will collect her with the kids later around 2pm and she is to be back on the ward around 5pm!i can borrow a wheelchair to get her to and from the car and she will have her nebuliser, oxygen etc and if she starts to wheeze or feel bad then I will take her back to the ward immediately, can't risk any chances of going backwards at this stage!

So, the house is all clean and tidy, the kids have helped me and we've some of her favourite things in for afternoon tea!!

I'll let you all know later how things have gone! Can't wait!!! The kids are so excited!!!if it goes well, who knows, she may be home for good by the end of the week - fingers and toes crossed!

Update later - hope you all have a lovely day and be well

Mr City Girl :) :)

Hope you have a fantastic time together today. Hope the weather is treating you well!!


Hope the weather is good for you . Enjoy !!!!!

awww Mr CG, i've not replied yet but i've been reading all the posts. I am soooo pleased for you both and i hope her home visit goes really well :-)

Excellent news. I hope the visit home has gone well. Lou x

I hope you all had a magical afternoon together just being at home all together.

I'm keeping everything x that.cg is able to go home next week.


WOW what a gorgeous afternoon we had altogether at home as a family, it really was lovely. City Girl got very emotional as she came into the house and sat on the sofa, infact we all shed a tear or two as it was so emotional and amazing that she was at home, be it only for 2 hours.

We had a tea with scones, jam and cream and the kids had made some fairy cakes! City girl even squeezed in a milkshake from Macdonalds on the way back to the hospital!!

It really was special and magical to have her home. When we got back to the ward her Chest Consultant was waiting for her to see how she got on at home and to check she was OK, a truly remarkable Consultant who is just fantastic and City Girl is very lucky to have such a great and caring Consultant. She really didn't want to go back to the chest ward and got a bit upset when we arrived back but she knows it's not for much longer and that Please God she will be home for good sometime this week if her lungs behave themselves!

Thanks for all your continued lovely messages, City Girl is going to read this blog very soon after we tell her the full extent as to how ill she's been and how close we were to loosing her. She is making an amazing recovery and she has been so brave - a true inspiration to us all.

Hope you are all doing well and those of you whose lungs are playing up, hope you get well soon.

I'll let you know more as the week goes on and lets hope City Girl comes home for good this week!!!!!

God Bless and be well

Mr City Girl :) :)

Asthma-girl profile image

It sounds as though you all had a wonderful time together at home and a lovely afternoon tea.

Fingers crossed that City Girl will be able to go home sometime this week.

Laughaminute profile image

I'm so pleased Citygirl made it home for a visit!

Hope it isn't long before she is home to stay.

Take care xx

Fantastic!! so glad that you all had a god time albeit only 2 hours!!

Sounds like you do have a pretty remarkable consultant looking after you all!!

Got everything crossed for you for an escape this week!!


KateMoss profile image


So glad CG is making progress. Sorry to hear of the ups and downs and bouncing between ITU, HDU etc.

She is well on track for GOLD now.

Hugs to you all xxxx



It's so great to hear of the magical family afternoon at home. And scones too, mmm. I'm keeping everything crossed for a return home soon for CG. I can imagine that the rest of the summer holidays would be so special for you all with CG at home.

Sounds like a lovely afternoon - really hoping it can be a lot more than two hours vv soon!

Take care, all of you. xx


We can't wait as City Girl is coming home tomorrow, we've got the banners and balloons ready with welcome home on them!!

This has been a long time coming, the kids are so excited and so am I.

City Girl herself is very excited and feels ready to be coming home, more so, her Consultant said that she is ready. He will be reviewing her to start with every week to check on her progress, check her chest etc but she has been told she's got to take it easy. She has got to rest up at home and take things very easy for the first few weeks. I will be around to help her and make sure that she doesn't overdo it!

Thanks everyone for your lovely messages and words of encouragement and support which has really helped me through this nightmare journey.

For those of you not well. I feel for you and wish you better

I'm going to get an early night tonight ready for the big day tomorrow - I can't wait to get my wife back!!

God Bless to you all

Mr City Girl :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Great news, thanks for the update

Thats wonderful news i am so thrilled for you all. i bet your kids are excited I told you she would go for gold!! All you have to worry about now is getting her home feet up and oh yes that mcdonalds and a

big mac??????????!!!!!!!

Asthma-girl profile image

That's fantastic news, I'm thrilled for you all.

Mr City Girl

I am so happy for you all that CG will be home tomorrow, (happy dance) :)

If City Girl doesn`t behave and take it easy when she gets home, no more milkshakes ;)

Get well soon now CG, you are still in my thoughts xxx

I can't tell you how happy I am for you all!

Roll on tomorrow and back to the start of a bit of normality.

Yay flipping fantsdting news, I am so please for you all!!

Bic mac in the way home then!!

Make sure you takenit steady mr CG and also take it extremly steady CG you dont want to end up back in there quicker than you can say azerbijan!! (However spelt-not even sure y that country at this time of hour)

Anyway, rambling!

Good luck to you all today, cant wait to hear on your homeword bound trip, and adventures of homly recovery!!


That's just the best news. I'm so happy for you all. Lou x

She's coming home, she's coming home, she's coming,


The Welcome home banners are up, the balloons are out and we're collecting her from the hospital TODAY!!!!!!

Update later!!!!!!!!!!!

I can just imagine you jumping around the house this morning. Fantastic.

CITY GIRL IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More later as she's gone to bed to rest!

So lovely to have her home once and for all

Mr City Girl :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Laughaminute profile image

That's the best news!!

You must be so pleased to have her home at last.

Take it easy both of you, lots of sofa surfing and sleep!!

Take care xxx

Asthma-girl profile image

Brilliant news, so pleased for you all, make sure you all take it easy and City Girl get plenty of rest and sleep.

awww brilliant news - now just be careful not to try and run before you can walk

And Mr CG you look after yourself too, you've been through a rough time as well

(((hugs to both of you)))

I only have one thing to say about this.....



go evening resting on the sofa no though!!

so please for you all!!


Fantastic news - best wishes for a speedy recovery. I can't imagine what you've all been through over the last few weeks. Enjoy your time back together as a family.

CITY GIRL has had a very restful day, she even managed to sit in the garden for half an hour and watched the kids on the trampoline!!

Her first night at home in her own bed was absolutely blissful she said. No bleeping machines, no noisy patients, no nurses checking on her - just Mr City Girl snooring next to her!!! She loves being at home as a family of 4 once again and we absolutely love having her home.

We have all been through an absolute nightmare which we never want repeating ever again. thank God City Girl made it through and she will certainly be more cautious with her asthma and how she deals with it. Certainly she has learnt not to leave the worsening symptoms and to seek help sooner rather than later. Please let City Girl be a warning to you all and lets hope none of you end up like she did.

I really want to thank each and every one of you for reading through my posts, posting lovely encouraging messages of support to myself and my family and I really want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, you cannot imagine how touched I have been by you all.

Just want to say God Bless to you all, please be careful and seek help when things are not good. I wish you all well and hope those of you who are struggling, feel better very soon.

Many thanks a million times, best wishes

Mr City Girl :) :) -:) :)

Sounds wonderful.


Mr city girl

thank you for all the updates despite you being so worried about cg

you are all still in my thoughts

bless you all and get well soon cg xxx

Wonderful news! So glad City Girl is home. I've just been in myself for an elective admission, totally different from CG's experience obviously but I'm glad to be home so I can only imagine what she feels like after all that time spent in hospital!

Hope it's a long time before she's in again and never again like this.


Asthma-girl profile image

That is wonderful news, thank you for all the updates Mr City Girl. Enjoy being a family of four again.

City Girl I hope you are enjoying your home comforts again and make sure you get plenty of rest.

My thoughts are with you all.

Hope things are remaining well and that you are enjoying the lovely weather!!


Just caught up on the last few days, its great news that CG is back home with you and you can start to be a family again. Make sure you all still take it easy, no bouncing back into hospital. Hope everything has gone well over the weekend and each check up she gets stronger, God Bless you all x

City Girl is doing well, slowly but surely she's getting a bit stronger in herself. She went back to the Chest Clinic yesterday and they are pleased with her. Infact they can't believe how well she is doing considering how much she has been through!

We're just taking things very easy and one step at a time! City Girl is resting and not doing much at all but she wants to be a bit more independent and so I'm letting her make a cup of tea but not heavy chores!! She doesn't want to be waited on hand and foot but wants to start doing a few things for herself! I'm sure this will lead to the odd disagreement here and there!!! Bless here she likes to do things her way!!

What are you all like when you've been discharged from hospital? it's hard to hold her back sometimes!!

Hope you're all ok and keeping well!

Thanks for the lovely messages, so much appreciated

Mr City Girl :)

Asthma-girl profile image

I am so pleased that City Girl is continuing to make a good recovery.

I hope you make a speedy recovery now citygirl

small steps :)


just one sugar in mine please ;)

So please for you all and that things are lookig far better thank the usual!!

For myself the minute Im out of hossie, I cram in as much as possible when I can, but thats mainly because I never know when Ill be back in as its a regular thing for me. This isnt alway good though as im sure it does more harm than good!!

Hugs to you all!!


Hello everyone, hope you all well and those of you who are not, get better soon.

Just to let you know that City Girl is slowly recovering, her only trips out have been to the hospital to see her chest consultant but she is doing well. She has the odd set back with being wheezy and breathless and this soon gets right on many nebs, oxygen at home etc. She has finished all antibiotics now and hopefully all infections and pneumonia have settled. She does still have a persistent and very annoying cough though!

The kids are loving having her home and are still doing everything possible to help her (i'm sure it won't last much longer!) we are hoping this Bank Holiday to venture out to a garden centre which has a coffee shop so that should be nice for her.

Take care everyone and have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend

Regards to you all

Mr City Girl

PS. city Girl has started to read through this blog, however she got very emotional and started crying so she stopped but she will continue when she is up to it and bored!!

Hey all!!

Thats great news that your all still doing well!!

Garden centre sounds like a lovely adventure!!

Im not suprised that reading this back is making you tearful, one step at a time and ull get there. Remember we are all here for you all, even if it is within the virtual world!!

Great hearing from u all!!



enjoy your trip to the garden center - still thinking of all of you xxx

Asthma-girl profile image

I'm thrilled that City Girl is continuing to make a good recovery. ?

Enjoy your visit to a garden centre it will be such a lovely change for you all.

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