asthmagirl 15 Apr 12 11:07pm
I have got my first Royal Brompton Hospital appointment tomorrow morning and I although I have read the posts about RBH on this forum that some of you kindly bumped up for me thanks for those they have been very interesting.
I am now getting a little apprehensive about this appointment, I do hope they do not think that I will be wasting their time.
Edit.. I am due to see Professor F Chung's asthma clinic and wondered if any of you have been to that clinic and what were your experiences.
Replies to: Royal Brompton Hospital appointment tomorrow
Angelica 16 Apr 12 7:38pm
Glad it went well asthmagirl and that it was a positive experience!
Now to get your lungs sorted!!!!! X
tj 16 Apr 12 7:33pm
Thanks Asthmagirl,
A few people waiting to go too, understandable being apprehensive.
Good to hear it was a positive appointment, hope you do not have to wait too long for the week admission for tests.
Philomela 16 Apr 12 7:16pm
That sounds great asthmagirl, so glad it went well for you! Do you know when the admission will be - will you have to wait long?
asthmagirl 16 Apr 12 5:02pm
Thanks for all your replies.
My appointment went very well all the staff were very friendly and had ready smiles they really put me at my ease and I've come away feeling fairly positive. I'm going to be admitted for 7 days so that various tests can be done. Apparently my asthma is complicated but interesting and they seem confident that they can stabilise me which is great news.
islandmedic 16 Apr 12 2:25pm
hope all went ok this morning and you're not feeling too down about what they've said. fingers crossed they can get to helping you manage your asthma better. x
Angelica 16 Apr 12 10:37am
Good luck today!!! X
glynis 16 Apr 12 8:25am
Good luck asthmagirl,Hope a good outcome for you xxx
charlie_warlie 16 Apr 12 2:07am
Good luck today asthma girl!! Hope it gies the way you would like it to. But rememebr dont be disappointed with anything, they can only tell u what they find and suggest what they know, these are the tops dogs now and we cant beat them...hope it goes smoothly and remember keep and open mind!!! Xxxx
HamsterMan 15 Apr 12 11:25pm
Good luck with tomorrow, hopefully they can help you.
I'm under prof chungs and his team, and they are all really good. Just as an example I got a call from them on a Friday night, when I say night i mean at 8! Just to let me know that they had a meeting and wanted me to have some test and they are in the post! Which is pretty decent of them to call and tell me.
Anyway good luck and I wouldn't worry as its a first appointment they may not do to much, but get the ball rolling.
Philomela 15 Apr 12 11:25pm
As you know I'm waiting too so can't help with this but wish you the best of luck! I hope it goes very well for you and you manage to start getting things sorted out.
Let us know how you get on - not just for those of us going, I want to know how things work out for you!
Malawi2 15 Apr 12 11:16pm
Good luck for tommorrow, hope things go well at your appointment.