Apologies for this post, I am struggling at the moment and need a space to let off steam before my breathing goes splat in a big way.
I was thinking last night about my grandfather and was remembering how he was a remarkable person. He had lived a full life, living everyday as if it was his last. In view of a recent post I thought that I would just tell people something that my grandpa said to me earlier this year.
I was getting very down over the state of my health and my grandpa phoned me up and reminded me that life is too short and that we have no second chances with it. He said that everything i did was an achievement especially with my lungs and that I should be proud of myself for getting up each day and fighting.
""Life is for living, there is no point just coasting along and expecting things to come to you. You must go out there and fight for them."" He went on to say that it was up to me to make the decision but that from his point of view you must live everyday and that you must go to bed each night thanking god that you were alive.
I am sorry if people think that this inappropriate or if i have offended anyone. I think that the past few days has brought it home to me just how precious life is.