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Hi, I'm new too

9 Replies

Hi, I’m also new to Asthma UK and know I’ve made the right choice in registering. I’m a 32 yr old female living in London. I’ve had the “JOY” of being asthmatic since I was about 4 years old and have been unable to shift it. During these past few days of hot weather I also have had trouble sleeping as I get hot, sweaty and tight chested during the night, will take 2 puffs of my salbutamol and the beclomatezone and try to go back to sleep. Last night was the worst I’ve ever been this year as I woke about 3 times and took my inhaler. It started raining very heavy around 5am, I eventually managed to go back to sleep. Its still humid outside so by the time I’d done my 15 min walk from the train station into work sweat was pouring from me, I could hardly talk for shortness of breath and my chest was extremely tight. Its now almost 11.30 and my chest is still tight and I’ve started coughing. I’m sat here at work feeling very sorry for myself and all I wanna do is go home and lie down.

Whoever invented Asthma should be shot!

I’m sorry I rambled on for so long, just had to get this off my wheezy chest - lol

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9 Replies

im sorry you had a bad night

but welcome to the boards !

hope you feel better now

hannah ###

Sorry to hear you feel so rough. I must admit that this is the worste I have felt too since my A&E stint over a year ago. What doesn't help is the arguements at work over whether the air conditioning should be put on or whether the windows should be opened. We have been having patchy heavy rain with thunder all afternoon and my head feels like it wants to explode. Never mind only an hour or so until I can pack up and make my weary way home. Pity that I'll probably also get drowned en route

Hello again, since my first post on Tuesday morning I left work around 2pm as I was still feeling rotten. To cut a long story short I spent most of yesterday at my local A&E as I had the usual symptoms of shortness of breath, high heart rate, cold sweats -you all know what I'm talking about. They put me on the nebuliser for about 30 mins and gave me a course of Prednisolone antibiotics, thankfully I'm now on the road to recovery and just resting up at home until I return to work until Monday.

Thanks for your replies, its good to know that I'm not the only out there suffering.

Asthma sucks!!

Hi thanks for your replies.

Does anyone know if nebulisers can be bought for home use as I cant take the panic and stress that comes with a tight chest

yes they can be brought for home use

i dont my self have one but know people that do and they can be invaluable but there is concerns about sats levels (i know knothing about this so please can someone explain)

but if you buy a home neb then you have to pester your docs to gove you the nebules



Welcome to the boards!

Hope ur getting better now that u've got sum time 2 rest b4 Monday.

Feel Better Soon!

Shadowcat xx

hi winelover,

its best to speak to your gp/consultant before you go and get a nebuliser. mine said he was happy for me to have one if it made me feel safer, but im only allowed to take one before i go to A&E. that said, i've used it 2/3 times over the last 4 months, but take it out with me most of the time - its a bit of a safety blanket! (i have just recently started leaving it at home). if the doctor agrees, get him to write you a note saying its for a chronic condition, and then you don't have to pay VAT. i chose a small portable battry powered one; they're normally about £200, but i got mine very cheaply on ebay! you can get portable ones cheaply - there's a whole thread on recommended makes, or you can PM me if you'd like.

hope you're feeling well,


Hi Winelover - welcome to the AUK - as others have said you need to talk to your gp/cons about having a neb at home. Although you can buy the nebulisers without going through them you will need them to prescibe the nebules.

hope you have a good weekend


Hiya Winelover,

Groovy name I like it!!

Welcome to the forum. I have been here a while and found this place is great for everything. We are a helpful & friendly bunch. Hope you find it a good laugh and somewhere to get the info to

I will look forward to getting into conversations on here with you soon

I hope you get well soon.

Giggles x

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