anyway here the full story, 5 weeks ago i had a cold whic went to my chest and i had broncisis (sorry for spelling), but i been still getting coughing fits n tightness of chest, so decided enough is enough n went to docs on tues, and it seems that i have it (i know what its all about as my mum n my youngest bro have it!) so it seems its in the family. chest is clear which is good news!
anyway, i now have a appointment with asthma nurse on 29th march, am hoping to get proper medication as i have had a few attacks without anything and its frightening that i have had a few panic attacks as well, also been told to drink coke as caffine helps (dunno why wonders if someone could explain how?)
anyway i slightly need a bit of help at the minute, as tree pollen is causing my chest to be tight, and other usual symtoms as in nose,eyes and sore throat, i also been coughing badly in morning, mid afternoon and evening/night time, which causes my ribs on sides and back to really ache, apart from painkillers, is there another way to relieve the pain, or is it related to my chest?
Plus is there anyway to help me in regards to pollen on clothes ect?
i know you lot isnt doctors but some of you must have felt what i am at the min?
thanks xx