Singulair – urgent media request! - Asthma Community ...

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Singulair – urgent media request!

2 Replies

We’ve had a call from The Independent newspaper, who would like to speak to anyone who uses Singulair, but has gone to their pharmacist to pick up their prescription only to be turned away because it’s out of stock.

They’ve heard that patients are finding themselves unable to get hold of certain medicines because of low stock levels. If you’ve experienced this problem and would be willing to speak to The Independent, please call our Media & PR team on 020 7786 4949.

Oh, and we need someone to get back to us within the next 20 minutes! Unlikely I know but it’s worth a try.

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2 Replies

Managed to ring in time limit and my details taken by lovely AUK staff, hope it helps!! Promise to praise the work of AUK if The Independent get in touch.

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