Hi everyone, please could someone give me some advice. I was diagnosed with asthma in November and since then was put on a preventer which gave a slight improvement but as it wasn't enough the doctor doubled the dose. Still not much of an improvement so was still using reliever more than I like too. I also suffer from ectopic beats which are made worse by using the reliever. To make matters worse I have also had two chest infections since November, one just recently. For these I was given antibiotics and prednisolone. My peak flow improved with the pred but not as much as the doctor expected especially as I don't smoke and never have done.
I started a four day course of prednisolone (25mg) on Sunday but my peak flow has not improved and during the night I felt very wheezy.
My predicted peakflow for my age (50)is 450 but it is just hitting 300 in the morning and 320 by the afternoon. When I do feel reasonably well it only reaches 350. Yet another symptom I've been getting is some nights my heartrate willl shoot up to 200 beats per minute but I can usually get it back down by taking deep breaths. My doctor seems to think this is the medication that I'm on. I am at my wits end as I would have thought the asthma would have been under control by now. I don't know what triggers my symptoms as I don't have the kind where you come into contact with a trigger and immediately get symptoms. My appointment with the respiratory clinic is not until March which is very frustrating as this is getting me very down. I've taken this week off sick from work and can't remember the last time we went out on a weekend as I am becoming more and more unsociable because of how I'm feeling. My husband is sympathetic and concerned but I can see he is getting frustrated as it is affecting our quality of life. Has anyone else been diagnosed with adult onset asthma and had these problems. I make the mistake of reading to much information on the internet and because I've not been able to get my asthma under control I 'm thinking that maybe mine is going to be severe. I've also noticed that my chest feels worse on the right side, that's where I always get a tickly irritation, by the way my chest xray was clear. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Julie x