what will a average person blow on a peak flow meter whats good whats bad i dont know whats low whats high help as im new thanks guys paul
peak flow meter: what will a average... - Asthma Community ...
peak flow meter

its impossible to give out avarage values for everyone as everyone comes in all shapes sizes and lung abilities.
peakflow.com should point you in some direction
I'm usually between 400 and 550.
'peak flow meter'
as an adult it is based on height, age and gender as you will see on the following website peakflow.com . Your nurse/dr whould then be able to give you some guidelines for when to seek help based on this.
Looking at Peakflow.com is probably the best way of getting some idea of the normal variances.
I'm 32 now, anything from mildly to the higher end of moderatly asthmatic and my peakflow can (on the very best day) be 600 - when I'm going downhill its about 540 and when I'm really feeling bad around 400.
The only problem I find is that because my ranges are way above those of the average women my GP doesn't tend to take me seriously when I drop into the 300's- 400's. Once it took a frantic dash to A&E and a chest xray that revelaed the state of my lungs for him to prescribe me the adult dose of pred, seretide at the maximum dose and a nebuliser.
I think the main thing to remember is everybody is different and not to worry too much. A good chat with your asthma nurse should also be a good starting point.
I'm also 32 and can tell you exactly how varied the peak flow measures are - assuming we're of similar height - but tbh doesn't matter that greatly for the point of this reply lol - my good day is 450, my bad 180.
My own experience is that I find my peakflow can drop slightly, this often being the start of a problem but will not be seen as a great issue - so similiar to you I sometimes I find that because my ranges are not signicantly lower some people don't always take me seriously when I drop slightly and then bam I am at 180/200.
I agree that the main thing to remember is everybody is different and though their peak flows are higher or lower, it is not necessarily indicative of how well your asthma is controlled.