Peak flow !: Whats the highest you've... - Asthma Community ...

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Peak flow !

21 Replies

Whats the highest you've ever blown on peak floe ??? mine is 100

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It all depends on how old you are,how your asthma is and weight etc .

You will find your personal best when having a good days and then when

your asthma plays up you can do your pf to see how far its dropped.

You can get a free pf chart to plot your pf to show the doc etc.

eg Im 44 and my pf usually is around 450 but at the moment its 250-300 and finding it

hard and on max meds and steroid tabs.

Good luck monitoring yours .

love glynis xxx

edit-sometimes your pf can be ok but you still have problems so best go also by how you feel xxx

Peak flows are such a personal thing that cant compare, its effected by the simplist thing such as strength. My best is 550, to most people that be good but it varies so much that isnt the good thing!

yaf_user681_15083 profile image


when my asthma was mild and under control 300 was my most that was long time ago fast foreward 15yrs my peakflow is between 60 and 100

jxut strugglin g to breethe all time now

What is important is knowing your best peak flow so you can be aware of how much you are deviating from this when unwell (usually calculated as percentages). For individuals whose peak flows give a good indication of how their asthma is (and this doesn't apply to everyone, I know), these percentages can be used on an action plan as a way of knowing when to step up treatment or get help.

Something I don't understand (and this isn't having a go at anyone here, andefinitelyly not about the OP who as a child would be expected to have lower peak flows) but there have been a few posts of individuals saying their usual peak flows are between 50 - 100. Can these be correct and using a correct technique? Looking at the predicted peak flow charts, a short 85 year old woman (where expected peak flows for adults are lowest) would be expected to get 300. If someone's regularly getting 60, that's 20% and would indicate a life-threatening attack - constantly - and that the individual should be in hospital - or have I understood this incorrectly?

I agree with you there ratty, when in costa i see so mant people incorecctly taking peak flow can mean on steriods when dont need to, steriods are evil! and even short courses eventually will do damage.

I think sometimes people think they know technique but I know do forget every now and again get the asthma nurses to check it. I also great beleiver in peoples perceptions of breathlessness and blaiming it on asthma when there are toher factors espically if new or stepping up ladder!

My best peak flow is 350 which is lower than for my age, height etc which I am a bit miffed about as I used to be a competitive swimmer so best peak flow should be better than this. Have to say with the pollen season my peak flow has taken a dive to 160-220 mark and does not want to improve even with additional steroids on top of daily maintence dose so definately not looking forward to the mould/fungal season this year, as this is normally worse than the pollen season...

My best peak flow is 640, it's been a little while since I last blew that though!

Mine is 660! I call that my best though my consultant doesn't because she pointed out I hadn't managed to repeat it. Mine are usually higher than predicted because of all the singing and oboe playing I've done, but have been hovering around 540 recently which is not brilliant for me though not the worse. Sometimes it goes up and down and sometimes gets stuck, but my asthma is doubtful/weird so who knows what it means!

I do find my technique isn't the best and I don't know if this affects readings. My blows tend to be variable so the readings often go up in each set of 3 that I take to get a reading. I also found this in lung function tests - apparently it's very hard to get an accurate reading off me and I recently had to go back to repeat the whole lot because the first ones made no sense! Bit embarrassing as I feel I should know how to control my breathing, but perhaps singing technique is different and that's why I find it hard to do breathing tests, don't know.

my highest i think is prob 350ish when ive been in hospital on constant nebs. normally its between 250 and 300. 250 i apparently need steroids and 200 i need a n e lol. it depends upon how tall you are, what gender, what weight etc as to what peak flow you can get. ive never had a very good lung capacity so i wouldnt really measure mine against anyone elses although i was impressed when i got 350 lol.

Peak flow

Mine is 350.

My most recent best is 400.

highest ever best is 550, current is 400 x

my best is 450 and that is what it is meant to be but havent got that for years, mine is around 250, can drop to 200 when really bad, the best i have got is 300 but only managed that once, my average at the moment is 250

yaf_user681_6778 profile image

Peak Flow

My personal best peak flow is 450 but my peak flow does tend to go up and down quite a lot. I have been told to start steroids if my peak flow is 300 or below. My lowest peak flow is 200.

Highest 330 and lowest 60, I hate doing this test if its low.


Asthma-girl profile image

My personal best should be 350 but I have not managed that for quite a while my highest is 200 and my lowest is 40

My highest is 570, currently back up to 400/450 woohoo!

highest ive done is 500 (only done it the once), average around 290, has dropped down to 210.

My highest is 560, but most of the time my pf bears no relation to how my asthma is.

At the moment it's hovering at,, 400 to 430, but I've had the right chest, can't breathe, and losing voice if doing too much. Also humidity not helping me at all.

Take care everyone.

my best is 758 but currently 493 and yet I don;t feel too bad despite a cough.

Cupcake not sure how old you are as your profile says 0 but predicted peak flow can be found here from the people who do the peak flow meters used in the NHS

My highest is 500 haven't seen that for a while. Average has been 300 - 350 max but fingers crossed now ~400 on max Seretide & hope it doesn't go down when reducing back to usual dose. I also find it doesn't always relate to how I feel. The newest action plan leaflet from Asthma UK doesn't have the same percentage ranges stated as my old one. so they may have changed to be more individual.

Ratty and Bizkid, some peoples peakflows have been very low. Think I would feel very rough at 200 never mind 100.

Philomena, singing is in the latest AUK magazine, feature on Kate Nash and others.

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