In Costa Residence-who's in, who's ou... - Asthma Community ...

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In Costa Residence-who's in, who's out and who's about!!!!!

162 Replies

A thread to post and let us know who's in, who's out and who's about!!!!!Keep us informed!!!!!!!!!!!!So we can send best wishes to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

162 Replies

Good plan ! Always nice to know where people are...

I'm home! Escaped Thursday night after a couple of weeks in costa (and fluttering my eyelids, begging to be let home!) my longest stay yet... still not doing too good though. Cons desperate to get pred down hence leaving me very tight and nebbing a lot, not too happy cos I've got to be able to keep working... Hoping I can stay out this time tho!

Am in just now but hopeing to get out by the end of the week. not been in that long but already bored. infection clearing up which is good. getting off iv soon think in 2 days the con said today so fingers crossed- i ahte having iv lines in- should be used to them by now. iam so glad that this hossie has interent. i would be on the ceiling if it didnt i think.

take care to everyone

hugs to all


I am in Costa Del NHS


AKa Wheezydoh

I will be in tomorrow and the next day and they next day and the next and the next but that I cos I got a job there now. At leadt I am in the right place hehe.!!


Have just been in for a short but sweet visit to A&E yesterday afternoon, after GP decided pondlife might not be in chest. had x ray found patch on lung which is infection but not in lung but on lung. so breathing feels like someone trying to grate lungs with a very large cheese grater. They added more anti B's and sent me home as pain was not too bad, by midnight was in total agony so returned to a&e to see very nice SHO who was clear out of pain killing ideas (i am allergic to morphine and opiate sensitive and also no NSAID's ) so the decided to sedate me for a bit to give me rest, so a large dose of sleepy stuff and i was away with the fairys. Back home this afternoon with more sedatives arriving with local nurse later so i can get some rest tonight. fingers crossed will be back in the world or sensible people soon.

Hope all are feeling well enough to escape soon and HUGS to those Still in Costa

HI there

hope you are all on the mend, how's it going Bex?

Really pleased you got out Fi

I got out of RBH on fri yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

so good to be home, just a bit weird aswell. so far so good and pred reduction continuing.

best wishes to you all.

Sarah aka Parys

look who I found at the RBH

There I was minding my own business when (the very lovely) tksmybreathaway plus her mum wanderered in:) She just arrived from Manchester where she has been in costa with a infection and just transfered down here today. Anyway she said it was OK to let you know she is here and says Hi.


aka wheezydoh

1Smiler1 profile image

scampy not well pf low when she woke up then had an attack at work some one sprayed cleaner on comps and so she had nebs and steorids at costa. Now scamp is with her family. she asked me to let u all know


smiler, can u pass on hugs to scamps and say i sedning a trucik load of cremem eggs to her


Bowmei, good idea for a thread!

Sorry to hear there are so many people in/not well.

I am happy to say that I am out AND about, and feeling good for past couple of days!! hugs everyone xxxxxxxxxxx Brynne


mmaybe i shuold set up camp hhere?

forr those who don;t know i'm in AussieCosta with asthmma and otthr probss. have bbeen ffor a while nnow, but am busy pllottng escape rroutes. thnk i mmight dig a tunnnel to england.

love tto all fellow inmates. hope yyou get out ssoon.



Scampy is now in costa after taking a turn for the worse at her mums. Will be in for at least 2 days as she has a viral infection with a temp of 38+. Hope you soon feel better scamps, cyber hugs to you.

get well sooon scampy - creme eggs on way

Sending cyber hugs scampy! Take care and get well soon.

Emily x

Aw poor Scamps, sending her huge hugs and tray of the half decent food you get here in the RBH.


Lis, don't forget you will need the crack break out team from the UK to come and aid your escape I am sure we could sneak you out so long as baba does her oragami ninja distraction dance!


scammpy so sorry to hhear yo;ure in. pneumonnia and high tempss not fun at all - bbig get welll vibes hheadng your wayy fform aus!

bex, escaep pllan suounds ggood. thnk it migght be hardd not to get distracctd by baba;s performannce though! LOL

love tto all fellow inmaets todayy. .. hoep the dday brngs you a step clloser to escapee ttoo.





Bex, now you are in RBH, have you tried requesting a banana for fresh fruit on your daily menu sheet!

It is hilarious what you may end up with!

Most original was a foil tray of 3 apples when I asked for a banana.

Just in case you may not recognise them, they tend to come wrapped in cling film and labelled, banana!!!

Hope they sort you out. They are a great Team, such friendly docs, reg's and nurses. The only nasty SHO has left now!

If you're still in, I'm back there in 2 weeks!

Good luck xx

Sus, I will give it a try tomorrow! Torbay once sent 3 pine apple rings in a little pot labeled banana :)

Yes they are great here and the SHO is lovey a real cutie too. They are trying to get my theo levels right using IV amino going up by .5 of a gram a day currently on 1.5 and levels are still 5!

Lis, Baba is distracting anyway never mind when she does her stuff! I will work on finer detials do you have enough roller skates for all of us or shall we bring our own!


Hey Bex! A cute SHO, gee, who've you got then?

A level of 5 on 1.5g, blimey!

on 1.4 mine were 20 and I was throwing up everywhere with the room spinning. I have got mine at 15.7 now on 350mg bd, and this is kind of toxic for me now. Obviously I absorb this drug better than most, but I think because I am so skinny I have heightened reactions to the side effects.

They left my drip at 1g for nearly 3 weeks as level was 11.3 or something and I got better on it, eventually!

I wish you all the luck, and keep those bananas coming! xxxx

Shades profile image

am in 4 wekend stillgetting emps hoep everyoneellse ok hugs

I'm out!

A brief costa trip 4 me. Have just escaped (with strict instructions)....went in yest. Will update on camping soon. Hugs to every1 else in. Em x

maryh is in

just to let you know, i got a message from mary's other half... she went back into costa on friday night.. as of last night she was in ITU and sedated to give her lungs a rest. she just wanted me to let everyone know.

KateMoss profile image

Thanks Justy,

Please send hugggggs!




Shades profile image


hope everyoneelse doing ok clight at endtunnel hugs

Tksmybreathaway and I are still in RBH no bloomin sign of escape tunnel of either of us, any chance rusty, when you have finished the Auz one you could do one for us please.


Becky and Rach

Shades profile image

still in hi bex andtkshopeu ispartyin hardon o2! how u goin lis? and everyone else holidayin on costa del nhs! notmuch sunmind hugs

hji all,

soirry m nmt beenn arund muych.

given up- just had to pay my bro in choclate to type (they are so yummy- think i mite steal more when olive is asleep!)

am feeling a bit better. chest took a turn for the worst and had to go to icu and be sedated for a couple of days so not been able to post. feeling a bit better but not myself quite yet.

have had lots of different meds (would type them in if i could spell them) and things starting to pick up. not sure what happened but got an infection that got into my heart so have got anti biotics and everything- they think that is why i collapsed in the first place.

anyway there is a tele in my room- i can watch the commonwealth games!!- i got put in a side room- not been in that before, it is quite good means my mum and brother (thats me!) can stay overnight coz there is a camp bed thing.

hope evryone else who is in costa is planning an escape route and escape is forthcoming.

better go

love and hugs to everyone

love olive and her assistant

p.s. special thanx to pad for typing for me- those chocs were so good- def goign to take more!!!!

My escape tunnel appear to be open for business. Home tomorrow and not back for 4 weeks until I come in what I think is a terabutaline trial (it was a classic drs talking terms over my head) frankly I was so chuffed to be going home I was in a bit of pink haze too.

IV amino came down this morning and we have moved to tablets I am not sure how one extra 225 tablet a day is supposed to keep levels at thereputic when they 2.5 when I arrived however so long as this does not stop me going home tomorrow I don't care!


Shades profile image

escape wanted pleasehelp

congrats bex have a g8 wendhome alas iis still in seen one con hopin to c chest con today! wont hold breath thoug

hope allin costa r nearly home hugs

Shades profile image

still in

surprise surprise i is still in am hopin to see chest con tomorrow who will then hopefully release me fingers crossed. have been let out on good behaviour today and yesterday so feelin lots chirpier and ready to do battle.

everyone in keep there peckers up you'll be out soon i'm sure


I am out

Whoops forgot to sign the escpaed book. In case you have been living on mars for the last couple of days I am out and not expected to go back in for 4 weeks for a planned admission :)


Hi all,

am back online now- had computer probs but it is all fixed now- touch wood.

am still in costa but on a resp ward now and feeling much better. my chest is settling down and the infection from my heart has gone now- zapped with antibiotics!!!!

not sure when i'll get out but am going to have a chat with my chest and tell it to start behaving or else i will not be pleased with it.

bex- glad your out

scampy- hope you get out soon

lis- hope your on the upward road now and getting there

anyone else who is in fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.

take care



Shades profile image

I;m out

v tired but escaped hopefully for a while

hope everyone else is edging closer to the escape tunner

well done scampy

great news to hear you've escaped

hope you get some good sleep in your OWN bed, yipeeeeeeee

take care

Sarah aka Parys


Ooop's forgot to sign the escape board !!!

Well am out lol i found the light at the end of the tunnel :)

so long as a rest and my blood level continue up i don't have to go back till 30th march to see the con,

so give me a day or 2 and i wil continue digging to help all tthem still in costa to escape,

all us ex -costa people will form a team and hopefully we shoud be able to dig a little faster to rescue u all.

off to my OWN bed now very tired !

hope all have a good night

hugs to all

mary xxxx


Ooop's forgot to sign the escape board !!!

Well am out lol i found the light at the end of the tunnel :)

so long as a rest and my blood level continue up i don't have to go back till 30th march to see the con,

so give me a day or 2 and i wil continue digging to help all tthem still in costa to escape,

all us ex -costa people will form a team and hopefully we shoud be able to dig a little faster to rescue u all.

off to my OWN bed now very tired !

hope all have a good night

hugs to all

mary xxxx

mary xxx

I am signing in on an ESCAPE plan for me today lol

I didnt get to say I was going in as hossie asthma nurse was seriously concerned for my safety with the smoke and ended up in on usual IV's through YET another central line !

Have gotta get reffered for a Hickman line apparently NOT a portacath as our nurses locally are not trained to flush portacaths !

Got any tips for bruising and swelling ans sore throat from where central line was :-(

I'm Home!

Trust me to end up in the only costa with no internet in the country so noone even knew i wasn't here.

Am much improved now but sooo hungry on increased pred but i have warm feet!

lol Marmite lol

I goto a hossie that uses a wireless netwrok but dont have anyway of accessing it as dont have a laptop lol

So opposite of your problem left me in and no-one knowing ;)

Welcome back Wheezer, osrry you have been in, glad you were able to make such a swift escape.


I'm Out!

Hey Everyone,

I can join the escapee crowd!

I have been in costa for 3 days since saturday, escaped yeaterday, then got home and have slept ever since lol! Spent half the time on MAU, my not so favourite place! Had one con, who was a cardiologist, see me at one point and he refused to speak to me, would only speak to my mum, out of my earshot! Turned out he thought I was 15 (i'm actually 18) he soon learnt otherwise when a very sleep deprived me got very annoyed with him for not speaking to me the patient!

Happy to be out and hope everyone else has remained out and as healthy as possible!



Shades profile image


well done libby on your escape cons can be soo annoying can't they, don't think they realise we have a brain sometimes lol....

make sure u don't over do it now your out

keep diggin all u still stuck in costa

KateMoss profile image


glad you have escaped!

I have had A&E staff try to get me onto a kids ward - I was 21 at the time!


Yay! I'm home at last! I've lost count of how long its been but its been bloody ages! I'm not back in Brompton now until May 2nd.

tks xxxxxx

Yay! I'm home at last! I've lost count of how long its been but its been bloody ages! I'm not back in Brompton now until May 2nd.

tks xxxxxx

Yay! I'm home at last! I've lost count of how long its been but its been bloody ages! I'm not back in Brompton now until May 2nd.

tks xxxxxx

Hey TKS !


Good to know you're out! ""Free at last!"" eh? Hehe

Hey TKS !


Good to know you're out! ""Free at last!"" eh? Hehe

Good news TKS!!!

XX Brynne

I'M IN!!!







i was in, and now i'm out.

i was only in overnight; when they stopped my nebs this morning i figured there was no reason not to be at home.

justy xxxxx

i was in today (2nd time in 3 weeks...argh!) but luckily I made my escape sharpish after some persuasion. i was really tired and knew i wouldn't get any sleep if i stayed in costa. i'm still really pale tho' which is concerning as i look like a ghost!

(((hug to all))) Please can i get a hug?

Take care,

Twistergirl x

i was in today (2nd time in 3 weeks...argh!) but luckily I made my escape sharpish after some persuasion. i was really tired and knew i wouldn't get any sleep if i stayed in costa. i'm still really pale tho' which is concerning as i look like a ghost!

(((hug to all))) Please can i get a hug?

Take care,

Twistergirl x

i was in today (2nd time in 3 weeks...argh!) but luckily I made my escape sharpish after some persuasion. i was really tired and knew i wouldn't get any sleep if i stayed in costa. i'm still really pale tho' which is concerning as i look like a ghost!

(((hug to all))) Please can i get a hug?

Take care,

Twistergirl x

lots of hugs to you twistergirl... gentle ones that don't involve moving too much!! you can also have some of my red face if you want... that'll meke you less ghosty.


lots of hugs to you twistergirl... gentle ones that don't involve moving too much!! you can also have some of my red face if you want... that'll meke you less ghosty.


lots of hugs to you twistergirl... gentle ones that don't involve moving too much!! you can also have some of my red face if you want... that'll meke you less ghosty.


lots of hugs to you twistergirl... gentle ones that don't involve moving too much!! you can also have some of my red face if you want... that'll meke you less ghosty.


lots of hugs to you twistergirl.. gentle ones that don't upset our delicate lungs! also you can have some of my red face to get rid of the ghosty ness


I am in but it is a planned one for Sub Cut trial at RBH. If you happen to up my way pop in an say hello.


I am in but it is a planned one for Sub Cut trial at RBH. If you happen to up my way pop in an say hello.


I am due to go in a lunchtime, its a planned one for bricanyl break so not as bad, at least this way im well enough to go out my room n walk about. TKS should be coming to see me if shes up to it so that will be a good gosssip time.

Take care all

Andrea xxx

bex and andrea hope your stays incosta go quickly and evrythng goes well. thnking of you both. say hi to tks from me andrea. wish someonecuold visit me -had no vistors at all yestrday so very loenly :(.

jen/blackfrg are yuo out yet? i hope so and hopeyou are feelng much bettr.




hey all, noticed this thread and thought id add to it after my first ever time being treated at hospital for an asthma attack, luckily they let me out after 2 and a half hours, but kept me on oxygen and nebs for the entire time.

i know its a bad idea, but came back to collage today and man do i feel out of it... any suggestions?

im out

Hi all,

i am now out. got moved to the eastern general in edin and couldnt use my computer but was released last week. feeling much better and even happier because i ahve got out.

i hope everyone who is getting better

hugs to all



Hey Guys

I not posted for a while so thought I would post here just to say I am on costa all the time now well near enough everyday, but that only cos I am working there ad on respiratory ward very interesting and I am learning heaps loads, sorry I know u guys really cant help being in costa and to all those who are I wish you a speedy recoverry.

Loads of love heidi

I'm home!

Have been to two out of the three local hospitals this week for an overnight stop(depends which ambulance crew pick you up as am 20 minutes from them all) and really don't want to make it 3 for 3 in a week so am on my best behaviour!

Temporary out

Allowed home on weekend leave back in for 2nd half of sub cut trial next week. All going well so far.


I've been in again. Managed to escape after them wanting me in for the whole of the bank hol wkend which i wasn't happy about so convinced them i could continue nebbing at home.

Em x

been back, this time to primary care and they just gave me pred ,and considering i was coughing constantly, gasping for air with my reliever not working AT all was sent home in just as bad state as i went in. gonna see how things go, been in zone 3 for three days and its been 10 days since i was at zone 1 which is scary as i'm supposed to seek help after 3 days of zone 2. lets just hope things look up as this is getting a bit frustrating as i feel so bad but cant get better.

i hope all you other costa peeps get better soon and have good luck with your treatments

Den, Bex and TKS checking in!

Just doing the roll call from the RBH!


Behave you 3 lol

After 5 and a half weeks I AM OUT

I have made it, I am out!!!!!!!!!!

Now hove no energy or muscle tone after sitting in a bed for 5 weeks, but lungs are behaving themselves at last.

Thanks to all who have supported me and kept me sane during my stay.

Love Jen

Well done on your successfull escape !!!!

RBH Roll call

Den - not present

TKS - Not present

Bex - Present and lonely looking forward to Foxy arriving next week if I recall correctly


I'm out again but still not stable this is getting really tedious!

escaped just off to GP's cos when I called to explain about needing to add terbutline to my repeat it all got very confusing so she suggested I called in.


I have just escaped! Went in on Wednesday and got home about 15 minutes ago. Whooooo I am shattered catch up soon.


Steph xx

RBH Rolll call

Russty and Foxxy botth in RBH

I is caussing chaoos alreaddy!!!! wot new

Met loveely bex todday - am pluggdfe intosomething!

Checking out of camp costa. Brief overnight trip with poss RBH referral in pipelines!

Checking out of camp costa. Nearly made it 2 wks since last trip. Brief overnight trip with poss RBH referral in pipelines!

Have escaped too having spent the last 2 weeks (including my birthday!!!) in costa Couldnt even email as the stupid patient telly thingys wernt working properly!

Keep well all!


just a quicky, just heard from TKS and she is one her way in to our local coata. Shea been struggling for a bit but it finally got too much and she had to go in, will be seeing her soon so keep you all updated, i know how many off you think of her shes one in a million.

Andrea xxx

I was in on Tuesday... escaped!!!

Yay! I'm home nice short, sharp admission. I'm not that happy though, I'm now spending anything upto 16 hours a day attached to a 16Ib NIPPV, I hate being tied down so whethere its helping or not I am not a happy bunny. Thanks for all your well wishes. My blood cultures were clear which is great news they are still waiting on sputum cultures but as I now feel better aren't to bothered about them. Wheezyab has been very bad, she was very nearly vented on Saturday had it not been for the fact there was no ICU beds she would of been. We were directly opposite each other but too ill to walk to 6meters to see each other! Mad, anyway I saw her yesterday she is still struggling but they've taken off her s/c and said shes having a 5 day bricanyl holiday whilst shes in as shes already on IV aminoph

I'm off to catch up

tks xxxxxxx

Well I finally escaped after 3 weeks and a day in RBH! Met Bex and Rusty which was lovely, briefly met Baba too as she was visiting Rusty the other day. Understand that Nutbug is still in too but just did not have the energy to get down and see her. There was a threat about renaming RBH the Royal Asthma Hospital the other day - and that came from the doctors!!

Is great to be home but still feeling v weak and wobbly and shattered most of the time. Want to do more now am home but under strict instructions not too! Am due to go back again in 6 weeks so will make the most of my freedom.

Thank you to those that were texting, Den, Bex and Rusty and keeping me going, it really helped!

Take care all of you.

Big hugs - Foxy xx

Oh My Word I didnt know Nutty was in !!!

Glad ya escaped Foxy !!!

Olive has asked me to let you know she has escaped. She was kept in after her outpatients appointment on Wednesday as her spiro was less than 45%. Does anyone know what that means as neither of us do? She said she will catch up soon when she is less tired.


Steph xxx

Hi, Wheezer yep was in. Went in for some allergie tests the thurs before last and ended up in hdu. Escaped on Wed eve. Met rusty, sorry couldn't get up to see you foxy, am not overly mobile. Good to hear your out though.

Glad to hear you are out Nutbug - I know the feeling about going in for tests and ending up on HDU, did the same!!

I also am struggling with the whole mobility thing too so sorry didn't get down to see you.

Def makes you appreciate the little things in life being back at home!! Back in on 12 July for wk to 10 days but lets hope it is only that this time!!

Take care everyone

Foxy xx

I am home at last!


am out finaaly!! not too good but consultant on holiday and new team of docs that dont understand brittle asthma so better off at home!!

TKS coming to see me on sat for a good old moan cant wait.

love andrea xx

i,m in costa at moment had a bad do on sunday was given iv steriods etc then not put on nebs reg till yesterday cause peak flow was lowthen to top it all the dr wanted me home at 1 amrefused good job my asthmanursesaid i would hve been brought back in by men in greens . that dr made me feel that i did not need tobehere.hope i home later all depends on peak flow.

congratulations to all those who have finally escaped from costa whether your stay was long or short. To those still in keep working at it and don't get to fed up.

For those on border line good luck in staying out.

Katharine x

I have just been released from costa took a long time but feeling a lot better than i was. hope that everyone is keeping well


Looks like my routine overnight at RBH is going to take wee bit longer than one night.


hi, i no this is a really silly question but does costa mean hospital, or is it a special centre or is it something differant.

Sorry 4 been thick.


hi, i no this is a really silly question but does costa mean hospital, or is it a special centre or is it something differant.

Sorry 4 been thick.



I managed to escape the grips of costa yesterday and spending 15 days in, thats the longest time i've spent in and its knocked my confidence quite a bit. I'm also really upset because i missed the kick asthma voluteer training weekend which i had really been looking forward, trust me to get admitted the day i should be going to stratford upon avon!

Hope all those stuck in at the moment make a speedy recovery



Duckie, Costa del NHS for some of us it is the closest we will get to a holiday :)


Roll Call Please

I am struggling to keep up with who is where so how about a roll call

for starters:

Me - RBH now into week 3 and I think I can see a pin prick of light that might be a tunnel or the night nurse with me hydro-cort

Hops (Kirsten) - Local costa somewhere awaiting transfer to RBH right behind her in the queue for RBHis:

Rusty - Also in local costa awaiting RBH transfer

EmilyH - splatted this evening currently in her local and propably giving em hell


Well I'm new to this forum but I'm far from new to Costa del NHS. I'm not there at the moment but am only home by 9 days and I think already building up to another break away.

Where is everyone???

There's so many in can we have a roll call please!

Am i right in thinking that Kate M is still in?

RBH gang how many are you up to? Is it still Bex hops den, who've i missed!

I'm not in but have lost track of who needs get well soons (pred brain or lack of!)


KateMoss profile image


Was in but just escaped! Feeling knackered though ...



RBH role call:

Den - escape tunnel dug and will be making a bid for freedom tonight

Hops - Working on escape tunnel hopefully out by the the end of week

Bex - about to make the move to oral amino from IV to see how my levels are (that will be fun) maybe next week

Foxy - Due in today may have arrived

TkS - in RBH and having fun with blood gases



I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I have escaped back home - a whole mile and a half from Costa FRH - oh what it is to have a local ;oP

So yes, I'm out and about and back in the world, though feeling rather feak and weeble and exhausted by the thought of having to immediately go and do some shopping as all my food has gone mouldy :o( The trouble is though that I'm not convinced I can get as far as the shops, never mind around them and back home, but seeing as I don't have much choice if I'm to eat tonight then I'd better give it a go .... in a bit.

:o) A happy to be home Becky.

RBH Update.

Den has escaped - bless her I hope she is doing extreme sofa

TKS - Still here and having trouble with the old blood gases lools like she will be here for the weekend

Hops - is busy planning her escape (she may be down finishing the tunnel as I type)

Rusty - did not mention her last time cos I thought she might post herself, she is ok and having fun crawling up the amino ladder, will remind her to come and do proper update.

I am off the IV Amino and slidding down the amino ladder resistence is not futile!

Huggles to all those out and all those in


Hiya all, well finally managed to escape this am!! after a miserable 4 and 1/2 weeks! nice doc said am not quite ready and will be back in very soon but for my sanity wants me too have a bit of time at home!! am loving me own space and the chance to catch up with u guys again!! but am petriefied as this weather is making my splats all the more significant and unpredictable!!

TKS still in but hopeing to come out of HDU 2day

Love to you all

Andrea xxx

KateMoss profile image

Hellooo Andrea!

Glad you have managed to escape a bit and maintain abit of sanity!

Please pass hugs to TKS & hope she escapes HDU too.

I hope you can manage OK at home.....

Lots of love & lollies



Kate passed your love onto TKS lasnite, shes out of HDU and maybe home next week x x Managed my first nite at home!!!

Love Andrea xxxxx


I'm free!

Just escaped after two weeks, a long admission by my standards. Feels very wierd to be home.

Thank you every one for the good wishes

Em H

I am freeeeeee! Its been fun and games at RBH. I found myself in HDU and had an arterial in my foot, I wasn't very impressed at all they hurt enough in your wrists! Bloody butchers. Doing walking tests with an art line in your foot? My nurse specialist was as unimpressed as I was. Anyway I will fill you all in properly on camping.

tks xxxxxxxx

KateMoss profile image

A quick in & out splat job today!

Well, there weren't any beds so cons happy for me to be at home as got o2, nebs & ice lollies!


Just a quickie to say TKS back in her local costa, she got a pnumothorax and is waiting for a bed and chest drain. Love Andrea

Do give TKS my love if you have contact with her. I've had several pneumothoraxes (is that the plural of pneumothorax?) before and they're horrible. Also found the chest drains *very* painful.

I have sent TKS all your best wishes and she sends you all her love. Shes had her chest drain inserted and as you can imagine is pretty sore and tired but good news she felt instant relief, she gonna be in for a bit but i will be seeing her and passing on all your mesages.

Love andres xxx

bah! splat! i splat in the street last night on way from post box - about 10pm. i am still splatificated, residing in costa del splat with splatologist holidaying in spain. not toooo horrendous and for first splat in a vvv long time i haven't (so far) ended up on itu - yay. ivt has just come down but amino still running freely and o2 still on 10 l/m, but that's down from 15. dont think this is going to be a long splatificated time in costa but i might just have tempted fate. i am determined though and i WILL get on my hols.

right that's enough. im knacked and need to go back to sleep again while i can.


Home again after nasty pneumothorax and pseudomonas. Hopefully will be home for a while longer this time!

tks xxxxx

TKS - Take care and rest up !!

Glad ya home !!

I have escaped after 10 days and just in time for my birthday whooo


Steph xx

Welcome home disco dolly! I'm glad you're home and I'm hope you're now feeling much better.


Checked out today

checked out of costa del rbh this afternoon - currently lounging on sofa.


Hiya all, well i didnt manage to stay out!!!! am in my local costa been here 6 days with pnumonia and a deflated lung!!!! sounds better than it is, tons rubish going through me veins and stopping me from splatting!!! had a few scarey moments including a visit fron top itu bloke at 4am!!!

anyway hope on the mend and home sometime next week

Love Andrea xxxxxxxxxxxxx

hello hope you people that are inside are beging to get better. just thought i would let you know my aunty Jaycie is in shes not to reg on here but used to go by jellybean shes not to great and they cannot get medication right and she is neb so much and on ivis her subcut is off as she has no where to put it and wesnesday had a porta cath put in she has sleep apnea to and so stops breathing at night and with a differnt cpap than her home one it is stronger i think dont know much about that i want to send her all \my love as i cannot get there as i to have bad asthma and have had a bad week and i miss her and the her boys do to.

hope you all do not mind me doing this here spider x

Well im still in costa del warrington and getting more fed up by the day, still reg splats but at least stayed of iv aminoph.

Got in touch with TKS 2day shes very poorly in her local ICU.

Love and prayers to all

Andrea xxxx

1Smiler1 profile image


Just physio appointments at the mo until Nov got Addys on the 9 then back to local on the 24 unles they cancal again grrrrrrr having the normal ups and downs But doing butyko and being on aminophyillne is helping loads. As before i was a right ventolin ganky :) After my holiday next week. Physio want to try and see if i can get down to 1 tab a day of amino don't worry i have spoken with doc about this and she is ok to see what happens.

sorry to hear your still in andrea. get well soon.

I had a text from Den earlier. She went to her appointment today and they told her the results were inconclusive and they want to do an angiogram. They've admitted her til at least Friday and she thinks/hopes they'll do the angio on Wednesday. I know she's feeling pants about it all at the moment so any good wishes I'm sure would be very appreciated.



am awaiting a phone call to tell me there is a bed for me. Not happy!

Good luck katherine if you need it you need it kee us posted. Im still in and really struggling emotionally as well as with this darn infection, still on iv antibiotics gonna be a few days yet, also waiting for some councelling!!

Spoke to TKS today shes improving she on resp ward now, shes had her chest drain out and reduced o2 from high flow, once o2 levels stable she can escape!! passed on ur best wishes to her.

Love Andrea xxx


Wishing you well with the tests. Missing your cheery wee posts.


ive had a phone call of katharine to say that they have a bed for her and she goes in tonight,

lets hope they finally get her sorted

love mel xxxx.

katharine has settled in hospital and asked me to say hello to everyone for her,

mel xxxx

Brief costafication for me - thankfully things settled a bit with 24 hours of IV amino and I managed to persuade them that I would be better off at home! Bit sleep deprived now but doing some extreme napping!

Em H x

Well done Em, glad you escaped without too much tunnelling.

Forget allergy avoidance techniques, it's F.M. avoidance that you need LOL.

Take care,


Den - I hope all goes well with the angio tomorrow. i'll be thinking of you lots. (((((hugs)))))

Katherine - I really hope they get you sorted out while you're in but that your stay isn't too long either. Sending hugs your way.

EmH - Really glad that things settled down relatively quickly for you and you've managed to get home swiftly. Take it easy now you're home (unlike me of course!) and rest up.

Thinking of you all.


Well still here and not happy, snotty reg who everyday has asked when im going home today refused to let me go without signing myself out!!! so ws digger tunnel and it collapsed in my face!!! not happy, gonna give cons what for tom, mum cheered me up with a burger king, easy pleased but not good for the diet but at mo who cares!!

Andrea xxx

Well I'm home. Been a rough few weeks and I don't remember much of the first few days in ITU but I'm doing better.


Tks xxxxxx

glad your home and feeling a bit better tks.

katharine is doing ok and missing everyone and hopes to be home on monday.

love mel xxxx

mel, pass my love on to Katherine :o) Tell her I'm thinking about her lots and hoping she's doing okay.


hi becky,

ive passed the message on,

thank you,i know it means alot to her

love mel xxx

katharine is escaping tonight!!!

Have escaped after 8 days too many. took a bit of persuation as they have not reached a dianosis yet but sat levels dropped during walking test I think so they really wanted to do another test biut I said I wanted to come home.

Thanks for all messages have def missed support. hopefully will not be trying that agian.

katharine x

Welcome home Katherine. Great to have you back witih us - I've missed you. Take care now you're home though won't you.

Oh my gosh thought this day would never come but am finally escaping, not after much talking round!!! i have meansof making docs comeround to may way of thinking!!! Gonna take it slow though with this broken rib n all, but am bridemaid in2 weeks so lots of sofa surfing andnothing else til then.

Thanks for all your support

Love and prayers to all

Andrea xxx

Great news Andrea!!! This must be the day for releasing all long-captured AUK bods as Den is coming home tonight too. We should have a home-coming party for you all :o)

Yep Becky good idea need a good party, just trying to decide what to have for me tea, got pred munchies, pmt munchies and general excitement at real food munchies but cant go mad as got bridesmaid dress fittingon sat!!!

Wheezyab, Den, louise and Katharine CONGRATULATIONS on your escapes

i echo congratulations to all recent escapees and would like to welcome you all back!

i would also like to congratulate those who have escaped,

bex please send my love to emh


Bex is poorly in her local ITU. She was trying to hold out for her planned admission to brompton on 9th oct but hasn't quite made it.

Tks xxx

sorry to hear about bex please send my love and hugs.

mel xxxxx

Gosh its been a while since this was up front and so many of us in!!!

Im HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or at the halfway house as mum calls it!!

So glad to be back in my own bed, still not good but for my sanity and mums needed home. Mum not well, and dad just been diagnosed with bowel cancer on friday and has lots of tests this week before big op next monday so i needed to get home? its one of them am i ready or not so took the chance for my mums benefit. So lots of lounging in order and not much else!! just hope can.

Anyway will post later really tired

love andrea xxx


Congrats on escape. Sorry to hear baout your dad. Take it easy now you're out. thinking of you lots

love calx

yaf_user681_26410 profile image


Sorry to hear your parents aren't so good. Hope your lungs stand up to the stress of the next few days and weeks.

Ange xx

yaf_user681_26410 profile image

Rachel C has gone in today and is on ITU at the mo. Normal chest ward has diarrhoea bug so doesn't know where she will go after ITU.

Best thing about being home


This is the first time I have contributed to this thread. Appart from a 4 day stay a year ago I have been fortunate that I usually only have to stay in for 1 or 2 nights. Last week I was struggling so went to hosp and ended up in for 6 nights.I didn't expect that. However got home yesterday morning and seem to be doing OK.

What do others find best about being home? There are the usual ones like your own bed but I did like having nice soft loo paper again :)

Sean is home from Rbh. He is still coughing,very pale and tired and pf about 70 % but he much better. Unfortunatly his sleep apneoa has reared its head during this splat so now he is stuck back on his cpap again. He was on cpap for 7 yrs until may this year when tests showed his floppy airways were stronger. I just feel like every time we take one step forward its followed by several steps back. The ciclosporin he takes as a steriod sparing agent obviously hasnt done its job either as he now on max dexmethsone again. The doc at Rbh said he needs flu jab asap so having that tomo but the last few years he has had jab and then had splat so keeping everything crossed this years batch agrees with him cos I dont think he strong enough to fight any reaction off without yet another trip to costa.

Anyway thats enough of me whinging

julie x

Just a quick message to let you know I'm home, knackered but home.

tks xxxxx


hi all

am going onto lind ward on mondays 27 nov until friday if anybody is passing through and has time come and look me up.

luv lisa xx


Just had text from TKS she is in her local, has been brewing chest infection and tried all means but has took hold so off shes gone. Will keep you updated

oh n yep im still in!!!!

love andrea xxxx

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