elephant: who's got an elephant sat on... - Asthma Community ...

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17 Replies

who's got an elephant sat on their chests because of the weather or is it me xxxx

17 Replies

yep same here jillywilly

the change of weather is unsettling things, hopefully the elephant won't get too comfortable and will ease off soon!

take care

me also.but feel like a cold on the way and rough as the days got on and chest tight now.

Was brill at dinner but not to good now.

Hope a normal cold and fingers cross lungs dont suffer xxx

Nelly been there for a few weeks now. Unfortunately can't increase my prednisolone and now have a wee chest infection. So hopefully the antibiotics will get nelly moving ....

nelly is sat on my chest! Has been just over a week! Not a clue why it went down hill but it so has! I am top steriods again! Glad i not only one who has nelly sat on me!

Elly almost had a wee sit down a couple of times this week but 3 puffs of blue inhaler each time, stopped in its tracks.

Anyone else get a strange breathing pattern where in-breath is almost a gasp - like a mini breath? Its happened twice today. I just sit with blue inhaler and go through puffs as for attack and generally stops after 3 - 5 puffs. Can still carry on a conversation so reckon can't be that bad. Maybe its just me.

Asthma-girl profile image


Yes, me too.

I think that I must have had Nelly sat down on my chest for several weeks, despite increasing my preventer and having 3 lots of steroids tablets it is still not better.

forget the elephant, I thought for a minute there that your profile name was jellywilly!! nearly spat lemonade all over my monitor!!

Know the feeling all too well- havent been elly free since my last admission in March and i think elly maybe planning a party as neb use is up and voice is going(usual warning sign for me) cant up any meds as on max so just have to sit and wait for either some elly leaving or a whole herd arriving and sending me into my local hossie!!!

I totally agree-I have been feeling awful last few days. Been to my doc yest and have been given oral steriods now to try and calm the constant coughing, the chest tightness and the breathlessness from just walking upstairs.She says my asthma is getting worse-great. Asthma is SO annoying!

Yes, me too. I always say that it feels like I've been beaten up. What to do? I don't know, sometimes I feel so useless, well, all the time because I can't do anything and am so tired but feel as if people think I'm just lazy. hope you all feel better soon xxxxxx

Tonight I felt like the elephant was taking up so much room, it was sitting on my stomach too. Feel a bit ugh.

Drove home an hour ago and checked barometer. its rising again. More elephants on the way, folks.

I think elephant herds are definately on there way, i think they are sat in my bowels as well as my lungs! Will it go away or will there be an explosion? I am hoping they go away as i dont fancy my lungs escaping out of my rib cage.

I love the term nelly the elephant!


really not happy my elly has invited more friends in last 24 hrs which in turn has aggravated heart problems so feel really grotty. really dont want to go in as have a manic 10 days so am using all my strength to keep out - fingers crossed that it works.

Nelly is sitting on my chest,head cold gone, realt chesty with rubish and

chest tight.Nelly had better get lost xxx

Went to the theme park with the kids. Got rid of nelly by going on the rides. Unfortunately nelly and more of the herd came back when the fun stopped. Scared to cough now !!!!!

Yes Nelly is currently residing on my chest also. It is likely that it is related to the weather changes and complicated by a chest infection. Incidentally, has anyone else had the most ridiculous amounts of chest infections over the last 8 months???

Chest infections

I seem to have had one continuous chest infection, I get maybe a week when I feel better and then I'm back on the antibiotics. I'm not sure whether it is different infections or if I'm ever clearing the previous infection.

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