Terrified of holiday: Im sorry to moan... - Asthma Community ...

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Terrified of holiday

8 Replies

Im sorry to moan but i need some advice.

My chest has been really bad since last wed/thur. I have been wheezing and coughing a lot and also breathless.

I went to see an asthma nurse(not mine as she is on holiday but still one i know reasonably well) on tuesday this week and she said she could hear my chest as i was walking down the corridor. I asked if i could see the other con as mine is away too (and i posted last week that i get a bit insecure when she is away anyway)and if he could admit me into costa for the rest of the week as i am going on holiday on monday with my kids and i thought a few days on iv amino and mag usually does the trick. She said she would talk to him and ask if he could see me.

He basically told me to go home and see how it goes(not that i even got to see him). He said the ward was full and because sometimes i react badly to iv amino if it goes in too quickly they didnt want to risk me getting sicker.

So nurse said i had to put my feet up for 24 hours and do nothing and see if the symptoms got any better. Putting my feet up is not an option when you are a parent of young children as most of you will know! She then said she would call me in the morning which was yesterday. When she called i told her that there was no improvement and she said to keep nebbing every 2 hours and use my ventolin as an extra in between nebs and she would call me again this morning. There is still no improvement and i am now totally worried about going away on my own with my kids as im frightened i will have an attack in a strange place and get taken to a hospital who dont know me or my situation and then who will look after my kids if the worst should happen. (It would take my mum over 2 hours to get to me if that should happen).

Im just worried that if my chest is still be bad i wont be able to enjoy the holiday or take the kids swimming as the humidity makes it worse not to mention that i cant walk too far amyway. I just dont want to spoil it for my kids as they deserve a break as we have had a really hard year with me being so poorly most of it.

I know im probably going to make myself worse if i dont relax about it but if my con had been here she would have had me in there and then, hooked me up to iv and i would feel so much better by now.

I am looking forward to going away but just worried about possible probs.

I have got extra meds and also con gave me some anti bi's just incase of green gunk! So i have got every aspect covered and i am going to speek to the resort this morning (butlins at skegness) and tell them of the situation and see what their procedure is in the case of emergency and i have also been told thay have a creche by the special needs advisor so my children would be cared for during the day but a lot of my attacks happen at night.

Sorry to write an essay but i just needed to get this out and off my chest.

I just dont want anything to spoil this for my kids.


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8 Replies
KateMoss profile image

Hi Kymmi,

Regards going to a different hospital...

Do you have a treatment protocol written out? this is very usefull and helpfull for the hospital just in case you get taken in elsewhere. Mine works wonders.

As regards looking after children, I can't really advise as I have none of my own!

Try to take it easy... I understand it can be difficult with little ones around.

Holiday camps are quite good I think about caring for special needs etc so have agood chat with Butlins again.

Take care


Not that I would wish it on you or anyone but maybe a trip to a diff hosp may give them something to think about. Not that you want to be there and miss your hols and leave your kids but sometimes someone diff can see things in a better light. Hopefully that is obviously cons you spoke to isn't prepared to see that you prob know what works for you better than he does as you have to live with it every day.

All you can do is your best and keep everything crossed.

Good luck

Katharine x


Enjoy your holiday with your kids, you sure sound like you need to spend some quality time together. Just be careful.

We have had many great holidays at Haven type resorts when the kids were small. The kids soooo love taking part in all the activities.

Now, as you probably know I suffer from infrequent mild asthma, and I would say that I haven’t suffered any real problems (apart from a bit of occasional wheezing) during my stay at any of these resorts.

However, I feel that I must point out the following which could present more serious issues to those who suffer from more severe asthma. I am only drawing your attention to these concerns so that you can make your own informed decisions about the things you do at the resort and where possible avoid costa.

Passive smoke in the entertainment lounge during the day and particularly in the evening can be pretty bad at peak holiday times. I am not saying don’t go there, just be careful.

The indoor and outdoor pools can be heavily chlorinated which can present problems for those who suffer from asthma/allergies. Again, I am not saying don’t go there, just be careful.

If I were in your shoes I would try and stick to the simple outdoor activities like going for plenty of little walks, going to the beach and playing outdoor games and activities. I know you said that you cant walk very far, etc, but you don’t have to do very much as the kids will play and enjoy the fresh air, and if the kids are happy and content then so will you. In the evening I would be tempted to stay in with the kids and play board games like monopoly, cludo, scrabble, card games, etc., …the kids will enjoy these games too.

Just some food for thought.

And what ever you do, please relax and try and enjoy your well earned holiday.



I don't have any amazing advice to give you but just wanted to send good wishes and say that I am thinking of you.

Don't worry about not being able to do things with your kids - I'm sure they will be very happy just to be away on holiday and spend some quality time with their mum. Gentle activities such as board games, arts and crafts, charades etc can be just as fun as more boisterous stuff and I'm sure they will get their fill of physical activities with the organised stuff that Butlins put on.

If it came to it the hospital or Social Services would make arrangements for your kids while your mum was getting to you (it happens quite a lot that people get ill when they are the only carer for kids or dependent adults) so don't worry, no-one is going to leave them stranded.

Please try to enjoy your holiday - it sounds like it is a well-deserved break!

Take care,

Em H


I don't have any amazing advice to give you but just wanted to send good wishes and say that I am thinking of you.

Don't worry about not being able to do things with your kids - I'm sure they will be very happy just to be away on holiday and spend some quality time with their mum. Gentle activities such as board games, arts and crafts, charades etc can be just as fun as more boisterous stuff and I'm sure they will get their fill of physical activities with the organised stuff that Butlins put on.

If it came to it the hospital or Social Services would make arrangements for your kids while your mum was getting to you (it happens quite a lot that people get ill when they are the only carer for kids or dependent adults) so don't worry, no-one is going to leave them stranded.

Please try to enjoy your holiday - it sounds like it is a well-deserved break!

Take care,

Em H

Hi Kymiii,

Would just like to say good luck for your holiday and I hope your asthma improves. Like everyone has already said there will be lots of support when you get there.

Staying near or by the coast can often help with breathing probs, especially if you normally live in a land locked city, town or suburb.

Getting onto the beach plus kids should help with your breathing too and might make a positive difference re night symptoms.

Lots of love



Thanks so much for the support guys.

I have spoken to the resort and they have made the security and emergency team know of my situation.

Derek - I will def stay away from the clubs as smoking is a trigger for me and although i do plan to take the kids swimming i will neb first and have my ventolin at frequent times in the pool area as advised by my asthma nurse.

My chest is still protesting and i am trying to do the packing little by little so i dont do too much in one go.

Im a bit worried about not being able to neb on the journey as i have a big hospital nebuliser but i will have one immediatly before i get in the car and have my ventolin next to me so i can puff on it on the way if needed.

Im really looking forward to it as are the kids as they get to meet bob the builder(not that my 7yr old daughter is impressed now!) but aparantly there is a 7 ft robot walking around the resort!!

Anyway got to get the kids fed before they fade away to nothing(my daughters words!!)

Hope everyone keeps well


Kymii, I have no suggestions, just some empathy. I'm booked to go to a conference for work on Tuesday, in Switzerland, and really worrying about it. Last couple of weeks lungs have been not knowing which way they were going, and I am really scared of them going in a not good direction while I'm away. They've been really grungy today, and I'm dithering whether to go at all - one minute telling myself not to risk it, another telling myself not to let the asthma win!

Do hope you get away, and stay ok, and manage to enjoy it!

Ali xx

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