Don't Want to be asthmatic anymore! - Asthma Community ...

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Don't Want to be asthmatic anymore!

6 Replies

Ok I am realy fed up. I have been having Shortness or breath, cough and tight chest for about 2 years now. First it was idopathic anaphylaxis then VCD with mild asthma. But I am now offically Brittle type 2 now after a bronch and other tests. Anyway on lots of meds still going into costa! Next stage is Sub-cut.

The thing that I have been fighting to get better is I was offered a place to study Nursing in september anyway today went to occupational health question why I felt nursing was suitable for 'someone like me' and as I havent managed to work full time has stopped me from starting my course. I am fed up of asthma controlling my life. Cant do half the things I wanted and already left a nursing course at the begining of my illness....

More of a rant realy... dont know what to do withmyself health is the only thing i am good at

6 Replies


Firstly, don't fear sub-cut. If it works it can be life changing! If it doesn't at least you know you have tried!

Secondly, I would complain about that comment- You should have equal access to your course and saying ""someone like you"" is clear discrimination. I was ill throughout my degree but had special arrangements and was able to take exams as and when I felt well enough to do it. Sometimes it meant I was doing an exam by myself but that was fine. It took longer but I got there.

Good luck Bizkid, PM me if you want to chat :) I have been there!!!!


I dont fear sub-cut want to start on it now as I dont think being on higher pred will work and I know heading for a intubuation...

I can understand his point of view if I start but fall behind and then makes me worse its no good for me.. I only have so many years to complete the course once started due to nmc regulations and then theres the fitness to practice (that why I left my last uni course!)

Bizzkid unfortunately attitudes hasn't changed. I was asked that same question 21 years ago. At my nurse interview. Ive been told that due to my illness I had better understanding of exactly what patients feel re illness and anxieties. Im sure u will also. As nursing isn't just physical but psychological care You will make an excellent nurse. My asthma want a problem during my training. Hope the subcut helps. I was told to consider it as one of my options but haven't pursued it any further as trying long term antibiotics to reduce inflammation in my lungs.....

HI bizkid

Just want to let you know, i know how you feel!

I cannot do anything i want to do any more because of my health (not just asthma).

It is really frustrating! I wanted to be a music teacher but i failed the fitness test and then i tried other work and each attempt had me in hospital fighting for my life!

I have now learnt the hard way that it is better to find hobbies you enjoy and focus your time and energy on them. Ie volunteering with admin for 3 organisations that interested me and putting my limited physical energy in to attending church reguarly.

feel free to pm and moan when ever i understand how hard and demoralising it can be!


Hi Bizkid,

sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time with your asthma. I know how it is but from a mother's point of view. My daughter was medically retired at the age of 20 due to her asthma and the amount of hospital admissions. Her work were excellent - reducing her hours etc. to see if that helped but sadly she had to leave. I agree with both the comments to a certain extent- I think you should be allowed to start your course especially with your new treatment regime. Who knows it may work really well for you. The only drawback I can see is that in your course you have to do ""placements"" in a hospital setting and there could be problem with that but I think you could argue for the right to be treated like everyone else and for your tutors to see beyond the illness. I wish you good luck.

The other point I agree with is that if you do start your course and have to drop out then maybe you have to accept ( how I used to hate that word )your limitations and concentrate on what you can do, How about volunteering as a speaker or some other position with AUK and help to educate people about asthma.

My daughter had to re-think her whole outlook on life and find out what she could do instead of what she couldn't.

I wish you loads of luck in your course. Please keep us up to date with what happens with you. Take care. LIZ x x

Ok today got over they I cant believe they can stop me stage still little depressed as asthma has changed everything and still not used to it. I do understand the views and I dont want to start and then been forced to leave.

I am planning on finding a new job and slowely increase my hourse and if needed have sub-cut and medications sorted out. Plus will give me a chance to come to terms with everything better. I am still planning on going next september I am a very determined person and wont let asthma win.

My current work are understanding but it does annoy them when I am off sick and been in the meetings to discuss what they can do. They do stop me from working outside and generally not by myself!

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