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Prevent Asthma and Allergy Symptoms Naturally

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Saw this today and wondered what others thought of it. Seems to be some sort of logic to it as we're between 70 and 90% water. (remove space between allergies .html)


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mouth breathing leads to dehydration at far higher levels- Tip: DRINK FIZZY WATER!

Good article.

Makes alot of sense, i believe i was chronically dehydrated for most of my life. I now drink alot of water (mostly carbonated in the last 15 months or so- find it beneficial).I would also sense that most people are dehydrated - our bodies compensate in varying ways. Two telltales in assessing hydration are urine colour (it should be a pale colour) and dryness of nasal mucus (hard or dry snot - Your nose should be a moist place).

Most importantly, i now knowi should breathe through my nose.

Without addressing an asthmatic's hyperventilation and mouth breathing habit then there will only be so much improvement with your symptoms with increased hydration may still have susceptability to colds and flus etc but more water may go along way to making life that bit more tolerable.....drink fizzy does make a difference. I went from a strong dislike for fizzy water to preferring it in a short space of time. It helps the blood gas levels to increase O2 absorption in the blood stream. These things are ALL interlinked.

A good way to see mouth breathing and how it dehydrates is to breathe onto a glass or mirror. Compare that with an equivalent breath out through the nose....major difference.

I have become a convert to the idea of a lack of Vitamin D being the cause of many ills including asthma. The top lung hospital in the US, in Denver, has just completed a very interesting study into how Vitamin D supplements affect asthma treatment.

The basic theory is this:

T-Cells in the body which fight infection and inflammation each have a Vitamin D receptor. When the T-Cells are activated the first thing they do is look around for Vitamin D but if there is little or no Vitamin D in the body the T-Cells either do not function properly or simply do not bother functioning at all. The lungs and airways are full of these T-Cells and Vitamin D receptors apparently.

Asthma rates have soared at the same time that we have all been told to stay out of the sun and/or to cover ourselves in sun-block - sunblock cuts out 99% of Vitamin D creation and, in places like the UK, you can walk around all day naked from October until April and not make any Vitamin D at all.

Many Docs are now linking numerous diseases that you get away from the equator, away from the Sun, as being linked to a lack of Vitamin D the further you get away from the equator and why, in Northern Europe and North America, you find rates of cancers, autism, MS and several cancers the further North you go. The UK has amongst the lowest levels of Vitamin D in the World and amongst the highest levels of the above the diseases.

If you go out in the Sun in the Summer in the UK you make 10,000 units of Vitamin D within half an hour if sunbathe without any sun-cream - obviously, do not burn - yet most people get less than the UK RDA of 200 units a day. It does not make sense that we evolved to get thousands of units of Vitamin D per day but now are advised to get just 200.

Anyhow, the work of the Vitamin D Council (Dr. John Cannell) and Professor Michael Hollick of Boston University School of Medicine are the people to google.

I actually agree with the Vitamin D link, and find I benefit when the sun shines. A few weeks back when we had that nice sunny spell I had some of the best peakflows (ever) and now the weather has turned colder and cloudier down they have gone.

The other vitamins A, C and E were also brought into question a while back and there is some argument that the current RDA is way to low and needs to be double or even more. Diets, food quality and life styles have changed since the levels were set. A good quality multi-vitamin may be worth a try.

Vitamin D - Sunshine Vitamin Helps With Ailments & Diseases

Vitamin D, the ""sunshine vitamin,"" has recently become a hot topic. It was once thought to be a fairly well understood vitamin without too many surprises. Most experts felt that it was important for bones and growth and not much else. Recent research, however, suggests that it might play a role in preventing or treating a long list of ailments. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, cancer and chronic muscular and skeletal pain are just some of the conditions that are being studied to find out if they can be cured or improved by vitamin D. But even more surprising than this long list of diseases which may be helped by vitamin D, is the fact that many of us seem to be deficient in this vitamin.

mouth breathing still would be a health issue even with optimal Vit D

I would probably reckon there is something in the Vit D link too. However, without addressing the mouthbreathing habit the person would still suffer from health issues related to hyperventilation and mouth breathing (catching colds and flus, recurring colds/flus, sinusitis, poor circulation etc) even if the Vit D cleared up alot of the main issues (wheezing/asthma etc).

Maybe the person would revert to nasal breathing at the correct volume by accident rather than design. Better to be taught how to breathe correctly and not take that chance.

Would also feel the excessive moisture loss and heat loss through hyperventilation (whatever about the CO2 imbalance) would have side-effects longterm and result in a return of symptoms.

Going to try a Vit D course and see how i get on.

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