DLA: just a quick question ive been... - Asthma Community ...

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just a quick question ive been awarded full rate mobility and now full rate of care. Does anyone else get this and if so do you get any help from social services for your health needs? as somtimes it take me half hr to get out of bed due to pain im in and mam does alot of my cleanin i do it somthimes but not when i feel like i feel now ive phoned social services and they said should hear from someone within the next week any advice please hugs KA xxxx

21 Replies
KateMoss profile image

Not asked for help until now, though I have to wait 4-5 weeks for an initial assessment! You may hear within a week but it could be a good few weeks until you get an assessment.

Took me an hour to get up, washed and dressed this morning...............

You can only get help with cleaning if it directly affects your health e.g. dust mites & asthma so you may be able to get help with that.

I am new to all of this at the moment too!

Please let me know how you get on.

Oh, and you can spend your DLA on what you like apparently - they don't ask for proof of what you use it for. I use mine ( care bit) for nebs , servicing accessories etc at the mo, petrol, etc but will be using it to pay for help now!


thanks Kate i will let you know how things are going ive done the 1st step admitting i need help xx

hi guys

I applied for help as i was struggling and was given priority one status so they sorted me out with a social worker in a week and i have my assessment on thursday :-)

Should be good as i need help with quite a lot of things at the moment cant do cleaning as it directly affects my asthma but also cant do it due to pain and being too short of breath/wheezy! Hope you guys get sorted soon too keep us posted on how you get on.

Lotsa lv kat Xx

Hey depending what other benefits you get as well as DLA, you may find you do not need to pay for the help you get from social services i certainly dont pay.

You can also apply for something called direct payments which means the government pays for the care you need. I wasnt accepted for this though.

Social services do there best to make you as independant as possible though. Where i am if i get ill there is a team called rapid response who i can ring and they will come and help me till i am ok to do it again myself. Once you get on social serivces books they are great peope it just takes some getting on.


Thankyou for your replies i have to wait now for a reply to my request xx

What kind of charges do you pay social services and what help can they offer to me i mainly need help cleaning as i get out of puff even when mam does the claening i hide in my bedroom incase anything sets me off and i need help on a morning to get my meds before i get out of bed as it is aginy some days ive seen me crawl with pain to get my pills and oramorph and dyhdrocodine then sit on my kitchen floor till they start to work then i potter about the flat mum is my carer i dont know what i would do without her we had a heart to heart last nite and we both got very emotional is i had to tell her some thing bout my mental health also but its jus waiting now for a letter to come from social services to see if i can get some help is it very expensive??????

if your entitled to help the help is free-they can even give you money for help through direct payments schemes if your local council do them.

Good luck hon speak soon lv kat Xx

If you are entitled to help the help is not free it is means tested. Howeverif you get income support there is nothing to worry about.

I dont i get incapacity and dla i dont mind paying

yaf_user681_25820 profile image

You can apply for income support if you get both components of dla,it bumps up your premiums.

Hi kerry-ann

Bex is right about having to be means tested however direct payments I was told if you qualify for direct payments from your council they cover the cost of help you need!

HTH Lv Kat Xx

Just looked at my blurb from the local council that includes my care and it costs 7.95 for 30 minutes I don't pay as I am on income support but it does give you some idea of price.

Each council does vary slightly with costing for care needs. If fairer charging is used within your county then like Bex said they will look at your personal finances on an individual basis and work out your contribution, they will often undertake a benefits check to ensure that you are receiving all the benefits that you are entitled to. Often if people are having to pay large amounts of money for care or are considered a full cost payer, it is cheaper to approach the same care agencies that social services use and they will offer an cheaper hourly rate. Direct payments are still used but will be replaced by personalised budgets which give you a little more freedom ( in theory anyway).


Cory x

KateMoss profile image

I am going to be paying £12:75 and hr to a private care provider ( one approved & suggested by county Soc Serv)

If I do get propper support i.e. direct payments it will transfer over and I can stay with them if needed or apropriate.

I too am on Inc Supp etc but have to pay my way while waiting for an assessment.

Ask other people for recomendations if you know anyone who has help. My friend recomended the agency I have chosen so happy to use them.

I have gone for cleaning and clothes, towels bedding washing, changing bed etc for starters 2.5 hrs twice a week and see how I go. I haven't gone for personal care as, though it takes me ages etc I feel that is something I want to keep personal at the mo..... until I speak to Soc Serv.


Kate don't be afraid of personal care, my lot are wonderful and I was over my embarressment really quickly. The make the odd joke and keep it light for me. Its wierd yes but worth it to be clean and have clean hair.

social services has phoned me they said I have to wait now for an assesment the only reason I want there help is to get my meds on morning before i get out of bed because im in so much pain yes i could take my meds to bed ready for the morning and im a sleep walkert so id be to scared to leave them were i can just take them and im on oramorph so i wouldnt be able to sleep knowing i take a bottle of water to bed and what if i ended up drinking that instead once pain under cotrol i can potter about a little but mum does my house work ect hope that makes sense xxxx

got letter from social services said cannot do an assesment for at least 8 weeks is this nor,al time scale???????

Kerry-Anne I think you only get repid response if they need to put care in place for you to leave hospital or if your home circumstances have changed or your condition has altered radically and are not safe at home and usually that will happen via referal from another source A&E, GP, Community matron etc. As you are muddling along at the moment they will rightly assume you can carry on muddling along for a bit longer. It does not mean you won't get help but it just means SS are prioritising harsh but sadly a fact of life these days.

Thanks for your reply I understand what you are saying I think I posted thurther down why I need help and it is not exactly life threating i can get to my meds i just somtimes takr along time to get to my kitche and somtimes crawl i darnt take morphine to bed with me cause ive seen me do stupid things when i sleep walk i woke up one day and my pj top was in my dinning room and i had it on before i went to bed and didnt when I woke up lmao again thanks bex take care hun xxx

Kerry-Ann it is harsh and I am sure your need is valid but these things all take time. I am now in limbo waiting for Old Sparky (indoor eletric wheelchair) to arrive and the alterations to be done to my home to make it possible to get around, then hte alterations to make my kitchen accessible and the outdoor alterations to allow me to get up to my car and finally an outdoor wheel chair to happen. All the forms and evidence have gone in, all approved by the OT just waiting for rubber stamping of the need and then it sort of goes out to tender, its frustrating I understand the need to follow the rules and I understand the council need to show value for money but I just wish they would get on with it!


hi all

I had my social worker assessment today. It was fab the social worker spent an hour at my house discussing my care needs and things i needed to be adapted. Its all free for the care aspects no cost to me and doesnt use my dla either. Really impressed with the system here in yorks!

It was decided i would get an hour and a half every morning to help me get up showered and dressed etc. I will also get an extra 3 hours a week for general cleaning washing and domestic duties. Ie bedding changed etc.

I am also getting an alarm from the city wide alarms which is a system usually used by the elderly in that i will carry an alarm on a pendent around my neck-if i get into difficulties then i press the button and someone calls my landline and asks if i am ok etc-if i need help they come to my house and let themselves in as they're fitting a keypad locked safe on the outside of my house with a key inside it for my house-the key is protected by a code which will be known to city wide alarms and my carers! This can be passed on to paramedics as necessary which will take the need for me to unlock the door when im really unwell etc. I was so impressed by the help they have offered me. They are also providing me with an electric bath seat and extra handrails inside my bathroom on my stairs and outside my house and giving me a perch stool for my kitchen. All in all i couldnt ask for a better service from them. It only took 2 week for my assessment and everything care wise will be in place by end of next week the handrails etc will be 10-14days! Excellent i think!

Kerry ann get on to them again they can increase your priority status if your in crisis so its worth giving them another call and saying your struggling. Hope that you escape hospital soon. Get well soon. Sending hugs to you- ((((hugs)))) Hope that you get things sorted. Lotsa lv Xx

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