Shopping blues - Apologies in advance... - Asthma Community ...

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Shopping blues - Apologies in advance for long post.

8 Replies

Yesterday, anniversary. Nice morning. Nice lunch. Friend in cafe had taken a flower from their display and placed in a vase on our table. Aww..

DH back to work, I headed for shopping centre to buy some birthday cards. Passing Sainsbury's had a thought - why go all the way to the centre when I could pop in there and be back home early. Turned out Sainsbury's is getting extended. Building work in full swing though shop is still open for business. Parked the car and hopped out. Immediately I started to walk towards the shop, I started coughing. Stopped and thought about it. Only a wee cough, so keep walking. Two car lengths further, I'm coughing fit to burst, eyes streaming and can't get my breath. Like I'm trying to swallow and throw up at the same time. Nip back to car pronto. Inhaler out and sit and see if it passes. Two puffs and its about the same. What am I doing sitting here? Start the car and move it about half a mile up the road. Better. Sit and go through some more inhaler puffs till feel ok.

Start up the car and head for shopping centre. Park outside M&S. Head into store and oh! no! heavily scented fragrance. Whether from the flowers or synthetically through the air conditioning, I don't know. I'd picked up a few items on my way through the store to the pay desk. Cough, cough, choking again. Oh not again. Thought if I can only hold it together, there's only a wee queue in front of me after all. But no. I'd to put down my messages and head for the door. One of the staff asked if I was ok. I spluttered Asthma. The other girl with her said Best go out in the fresh air. have you got your inhaler? I nodded yes and said its the fragrance in here! To which they both nodded and as I rushed from the store, heard them behind me agreeing the perfumed air was a bit strong.

Shot outside and sat on one of the brick benches to try catch my breath back with inhaler. No sooner had I taken first puff than a couple of young lads came out for a smoking break. Oh please no! They caught sight of me, blue inhaler in hand and moved over and away from me. Got my breath back after about ten minutes. Took my way slowly along to the other door as no way was I going anywhere near M&S, got the few things I was out for, had a further seat in the car before driving home.

Felt like a ragdoll by the time I got home and all I wanted to do was sleep for the rest of the day. But of course can't do that on one's anniversary when DH has been working all day plus its not the time for worry by reciting one's shopping 'experiences'. Asked where we should go for dinner, suggested as we'd had a bigger lunch than usual, that we go to favourite Starbucks and have a coffee and a bun and a seat with our books to read or just have a chat.. Turned out DH had a busy day too and wasn't really looking to go out to dinner either. So back we went to shopping centre plus suggested the multi story carpark for nearness to Starbucks (and, whisper it, well away from M&S).

So that's two shops I'd best avoid - not that I'm in them much anyway. S'burys I can probably go back to after the alterations etc have been finished for a few months or so. Maybe I should be writing to M&S? That was the nearest I've come to needing any assistance when I've been out and about.

Of course today, I'm about as useful as a wet dishcloth. Managed to hide it by doing not very much plus, fortunately, the rain came on very heavily, so our planned walk around the town was cancelled. :)

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8 Replies

Another shopping related moan..... been on steriods for a while and ended up putting on allot of weight manly on my tummy! First a woman asked me when the baby is due... then I started looking for some new clothes.... nothing fitted/looked ok apart from a pair of maternity tousers that at 22 I dont want to buy elescated waist trousers... not even in evens were they right... so left with a pair of joggers that fit and one pair of jeans...

wow Nanna,what a bad day for you gettin g all that stuff in your lungs on your Anniversary xxx

Shopping wasnt fun for you at all .

Hope you have a better day today and when out shoping a gain .

Sending you big hugs love Glynis xxxx

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

When my Son was 2, I went shopping on my Birthday to spend my money.It was snowing heavily. Thought I'd get a nice bottle of wine in M+S.My Son had a huge asthma attack in there a projectile vomited on one of the stands, spectacular, didn't know puke could go that high. Never got to the wine.The assistant had a right go at me while I tried to get inhaler down my Son.I shouted at her and said ""I'm trying to save my Sons life,so s*d off"" to which she did. I cried and cried, went into mothercare to clear him up. Took my poorly baby to docs.It's the first year he's not been ill on my Birthday but I was!Celebrate another day, I did, getting used to celebrating after events, it's the norm in our house.

Hope you feel better. I'm having yucky time of it too

Take care


I just wish i had the strength to go shopping :( I want to go but today the house is too much let alone trying to get to the car, so chips from chippy for tea went down the drain, had a sandwich instead.

plumie :(

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

Yep, was suposed to ironing tonight and attend a meeting but after cooking the kids a homemade lasagne, I feel washed out. Got work tomorrow and at the mo just can't face the idea. My workmates on holiday so feel I have to cover for him, he does it all the time when my lad is ill and covers for me every time (last 8 years).Gonna bed soon and try and sleep if the yucky,unhappy red steroid pills will let me ggrrrrr.

Oh my what a day you had yesterday an don your anniversary as well huge hugs. Hope you feel better soon. Like Rattle I am also on the red pills and I hate them bu tif they help get the asthma back to normal then so be it. I had a lovely relaxing morning on a college course at my children's school this morning and this afternoon I have spent the day having fun with my baby boy or at least a whole hour concoling him because daddy had to go to work for the afternoon. He's just starting getting Seperation issue but they are only with his daddy, boo hoo not far I spend all my time with him and I just get a ""bye mummy c later"" but daddy gets ""No work daddy stay me"" and then because daddy says ""soryr baby boo got to go work see you very soon"" that's it he cries. But then it has taken him almost 3 years to get to this point which is very late but with all his issues it's not late for him and I guess it shows that he really enjoys his daddy time anyway. I have to do shopping tomorrow but I don't have the energy but if it's not doen then the kids will have to go with out yoghurts, cheese and fresh fruit juice with there breakfast on Saturday. We only have enough int he firdge for tomorrow

Thanks all for your kind wishes. Better now, thank goodness. Another day of keeping indoors as the builders over the fence are in full swing on the exterior. Its becoming like a real building now with windows in and everything. No dust to be seen when the men are working but micro-particles are winging their way over here. I up the preventer puffs when I see someone working with their cordless saw re asthma plan but sometimes its not enough and of course that dratted fragrance in M&S still got me that day.

Know what you mean with the projectile vomiting, rattles. Younger daughter did that one day when I was helping at playgroup. The Playleaders knew she couldn't have even a tea biscuit - dairy & wheat - and were very strict about it. I'd left her sitting in the pram while I helped tidy up the hall. Some wee lady from the church felt sorry for this wee soul and gave her a tea biscuit when we were all busy. Whooosh!! They never did that again.

Take care, all of you.


I too have had the shopping blues this week.

Feeling well and energetic, decide it's time to brighten spring garden, headed to B&Q, 5 mins into the well stocked garden section my throat feels itchy and swollen, chest tight, time to go! Bye bye energy, hello inhalers and then a piriton, spent the next day confused and sleepy, glued to sofa observing junk tv.

Glad you feeling better, I've managed a bit of a swim this morning, trying to decide if it will look just too weird to visit garden centres and do my garden wearing a mask?!

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