Prednisolone and driving: Last year... - Asthma Community ...

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Prednisolone and driving

2 Replies

Last year, diagnosed with asthma after bronchitis. Weeks worth of prednisolone made my eyesight a bit suss and I found driving in snow and fog really scary also at dusk, everything seemed a bit too grey if you know what I mean. Difficult to work out edge of kerbstones from road surface and driving down traffic managed streets with islands down the middle were a nightmare at the time.

Just last Thursday, put on Pred again for the extreme weather we've been having. By Monday, feeling a bit light-headed and out of it. Down in the dumps the next day. Feeling fine now and driving in daytime seems fine - been careful to do look all around at junctions, etc.

Dilemma is this - DH has first ever Burns Supper tonight other side of town - 15 miles as the crow flies. Will have to either go through Clyde Tunnel and drive through suburban streets or Down the M8 and over Erskine Bridge to get there. I've never been completely happy with either route but guilt is making me veer towards giving it a go tonight. Daughter was supposed to be giving him a lift but severe toothache meaning emergency treatment means she is still getting over its anaesthetic so that's out. Taxi there would be ok but waiting around in sub zero temperatures later on at night? I don't think so. No idea when this thing would be ending so no point in trying to book one beforehand.

Think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and just do it. Leave nerves behind. After all, some driving instructor, I'll make if I keep crying off driving at night.

Which is the other thing, should I still be pursuing this as a career if prednisolone is going to put the kybosh on it every so often? DH keeps bring up that one.

Its just that there's no-one else, family or off-forum friends has asthma and except for one neighbour who also had asthma following bronchitis and has so deteriorated such that they've had to put in a toilet downstairs to save her climbing the stairs, and every so often there's an ambulance at the door so maybe DH is over worrying - I've said to come along to asthma nurse next time as pre the extreme weather she'd been quite happy to go onto annual appointments, but he doesn't think that's necessary - so I've no history jobwise or general living-wise wise to compare with. Sometimes its like being dropped into a big muddy pond and told to doggy-paddle.

Sometimes think if I was referred to a consultant at least I'd know where I stand.

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2 Replies

Hi there,

if you are having trouble seeing when driving then you should not be driving full stop. Im sorry to sound harsh but if you are in an accident and they find out you have an issue with sight that you were aware of, whether you caused the accident or not you may find your insurance is invalid. What if you crashed and injured someone else because of your eyesight? You would be entirely liable for it.

Have you been to have your eyes tested? Steroids can soemtimes cause cataracts in your eyes- this may be why your having trouble with your vision. If you go and get your eyes tested then you will know what is going on. If the steroids have caused cataracts they should be able to fix it.

You need to be sensible here- if the steroids are affecting you in a way which makes you doubt your ability to drive then you shouldnt be driving. You need to get yourself back to your Dr and tell them whats going on, find out why you are having problems and do something about it, rather than putting your and other peoples lives at risk. There may well be a simple solution to what is going on- you wont know until you try and find out.

I also wonder whether being a driving instructor is the best plan for you if your are uncomfortable with driving certain routes- driving instructors need to be very confident with driving if they are going to be able to teach other people to drive confidently. Maybe there is something else you wold be better suited to doing? (that is if i havent misunderstood your comments about not being happy with certain routes- if i have, sorry, by all means be a driving isntructor!)

Maybe asking to be reffered on to a consultant, so you can get a better understanding of how to handle you asthma would be beneficial? If you had clear action plans and were very happy with the medication you were on then maybe your husband would be less anxious? You should point out to him that asthma is a very variable condition and what has happened to your nieghbour wont necissarily apply to you-many people are able to control their asthma well for long periods of time.

As for your dilema- i personally would suggest your DH gets a taxi home. There shouldnt be anything stopping him ringing a taxi close to the time when he wants to leave. He could phone up a taxi firm and give them advance warning that he will want a taxi later, but is still unsure of an exact time, that way they will be able to give him an idea of how much notice they will need to pick him up. He shouldnt have to wait outside in the cold at all :)

Didn't do collection. In the end, he drove over and I drove the car back with instructions to change into my jammies and have a sleep. Taxi home cost him £30. He's not best pleased but that's probably down to the half hour wait at one end and the ten minute walk (- minus 2 out there) at this end to save boundary charge.

Will have to have a talk about this very occasional pred stuff and the not driving till completely out of my system.



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