This may be a daft and ...: I may I've... - Asthma Community ...

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This may be a daft and ...

4 Replies

I may I've posted similar before in which case apologies. Being my first winter with asthma is hard sometimes eg what gets blamed as asthma and what means its something else.

I'm keeping having to blow my nose and there's seems to be a super amount of phlegm and gunk down the back of the throat. I certainly don't feel as if I have a cold or the flu, as I'm perfectly able to do every day things without feeling I should take to my bed. Appetite is good. As I said in another post, some things like tea and coffee have lost their taste.

Voice is hoarse and I'm coughing a lot more. To the point where DH is suggesting i don't go out for my usual Friday night with friends as in his words 'well, if you're not feeling well..'. Grr. That's the annoying thing I feel very well - apart from the symptoms of ? what.

Feel its got worse since weather got colder and I'd to up my Symbicort's use as reliever during the day to roughly 5 puffs. I'd go back to my GP but Asthma isn't his strong point. Should I bother my asthma nurse who was perfectly happy with me at the year's turn and I only had a wee cold. But that was an ordinary and recognisable cold with the reddened runny nose and sore throat.

Any suggestions, tellings off and cuddles gratefully received.


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Big cuddle!!

Just a thought and probably a stupid one but could the hoarse/sore throat be down to the amount of Symbicort? I've not used it but presume it's a steroid you can use as preventer so some symptoms could be down to that?

Other than that I'm stumped but can join in on the throat clearing and hoarseness......I don't know.....maybe it's just asthma?

Anyway, as I said huge hugs!


Hi Grannymo

It might be worth considering that you have seasonal rhinitis (hayfever during the pollen season), some people suffer through out the year with seasonal rhinitis, I do. Get your GP to refer you to an allergy specialist, sometimes (if you do have seasonal rhinitis) if this is treated successfully, Asthma control can improve.

Good luck Katina

The rhinitis does seem to be possible reason. I always had blocked snuffy nose and productive cough Even when well. I got a antihistamine nasal spray and antihistamine tablets this help a lot.tho allergen testing always low readings. Nose clear now for many years. When taking symbicort try a drink rinse or gargle see if this helps the throat. Hope things settle with xtra symbicort if not see your asthma nurse......


Having attended the allergy specialist at local hospital several times in the last few years, firstly when GP thought I'd eczema and wanted to know what was causing it - as turned out I didn't have eczema after all but I did have lymph transport problem after breaking my leg the year before.

In the event they have only ever found I'm allergic to grass pollen. Not allergic to moulds, cats, mice, and what ever else they tested for - about 20 items from what I can remember. Each time the Docs have said - you'll be surprised by the results this time. And each time they, instead, have been surprised - only grass comes up as a problem. My GP put me on an anti-histamine year round anyway.

PF has if anything fallen since upping the Symbicort dose. PF hovering around 2/3 best. Guess making appt with asthma nurse is on the cards for this week. Not the GP.

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