Cars and wheelchairs: I have at last... - Asthma Community ...

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Cars and wheelchairs

8 Replies

I have at last been given the high rate mobility for DLA, which means that I am now eligable for Motability, and therefore able to consider getting a car that I can actually get my wheelchair into. I have a powered chair (not a scooter) that doesn't collapse and know that I'll need some kind of hoist to get it into a car boot, but what I really need to know is if anyone has any experience of what cars are good for getting such wheelchairs into, without taking up the whole of the back of the car - i.e. still able to have back seats up. I know this will largely depend of the type of wheelchair people have, and it's dimensions, but any advice at all would be greatly appreciated as I'm getting myself in a bit of muddle trying to work it all out. I will, ultimately, make an appointment with a motability advisor, but I think it prudent to have some ideas of what might be suitable before I start.

Thanks in advance,


8 Replies

The Citroen berlingo is popular withthose who can not collapse their wheelchairs as a ramp can be easily fitted. One quick thing I think your award for DLA at higher rate has to be for over 3 years to get a car, its worth checking as someone told me the other day 1st time and new raised level claims were only being granted for 2 years initally. Whether you go for the expense of a hoist or a ramp will depend on how much you use the chair. Will you always need your powered wheelchair when you are out. I know the RBH are keen you do as much walking as you can, so I tend to use the scooter if I am going to out all day but for the normal trips to town I drive down park the car and walk as much as I can even if it is ultra slow and I need to keep stopping I refuse to lose my ability to toddle about! Be careful too as I am told (and I had to be quite displined with myself that once you don't have to walk it is easy to fall into the trap of not doing it). Anyway rambling back to the subject of ramp verses hoist, ramps are cheaper and easier to fit but if are going to need to be getting your chair in and our of the car everytime you go out it might be worth the extra expense.

The motorbilty website is fantastic go there and have a good look around at what is on offer.


Ps I am sorry things have got so bad you need a powered chair it must have been a year ago you were scambling around Becky Falls and bunging up your tent in your great round britain tour. Which gives me another thought maybe we should see if AUK can get an all terrain buggy or 2 that we can borrow for trips to places that are slightly less wheel chair friendly!

My mum has a Ford Galaxy she is in a powered wheelchair as she had a stroke at 39 and has multiple spinal probs.

She is able to get her chair up 2 ramps into the car herself despite the fact that she is only able to walk 2 steps without collapasing in agony.

She looked into hoists a few yrs ago but basically for the cost /etxra space they take up etc the ramps won hands down plus she uses them for getting into houses /places that have steps the chair cant do.

When her chair is in the car only the back is collapsable and she still has 3 full seats in the back.

Hope this helps feel free to pm me if you want to know more.

My mum has a Ford Galaxy she is in a powered wheelchair as she had a stroke at 39 and has multiple spinal probs.

She is able to get her chair up 2 ramps into the car herself despite the fact that she is only able to walk 2 steps without collapasing in agony.

She looked into hoists a few yrs ago but basically for the cost /etxra space they take up etc the ramps won hands down plus she uses them for getting into houses /places that have steps the chair cant do.

When her chair is in the car only the back is collapsable and she still has 3 full seats in the back.

Hope this helps feel free to pm me if you want to know more.

Thanks both for that (more advice always welcome from others too though :o) ). Ramp vs hoist is something I'm going to have to look into as well, and will probably end up going for the cheaper option, though if I decide on ramps I'll have to bear in mind puff needed to put them in place.

Bex, I don't need to use the wheelchair all the time, and, like you, am determined not to lose what mobility I have. There are times though when walking really isn't an option so my wheelchair is the only way to get around. I also find the trek around the big supermarkets too much these days, but seeing as I have to be so careful with allergens in foods etc I have to shop at the big supermarkets so that I get the choice, and online shopping rarely gives adequate allergy/ingredient info. So this all means that I also need to use the wheelchair at the supermarkets too, but at the moment I can't get it there, making life somewhat difficult. As for the DLA award, it's an indefinite award so there shouldn't be any problem with eligability for motability, and I've already been sent the motability info pack. It does look informative, and the website looks good too, but there's not much info on boot dimensions - it all seems to be door angles/heights etc - so I'm finding it tricky to get the info I need. I'll keep looking and ploughing through though.


BeckyG, I was about to say ignore my thing about the 2 years it is apparently nonsense! Now there is a thing on the motorbility website that should tell you dimensions, I have a feeling Rickability or some such comes into it. Basically it should say if a chair can be gotten in folded or unfolded. I know it did a year or more ago when I was trying to find one.

Best of luck it is such fun looking for cars and then finally driving away your new car I felt like I had been given the keys to whole new world!


Cars cant be changed for 3yrs so need to take into account how bad could get over next 3yrs?? we tried change as struggle getting in mine as steps up but cant tell 3yr lease up even if condition changes.

m looking to order now as up in nov and can order now bu for us with dad not working much with chemo and mum having drop hours to look after us now its a case of best with no down payment.

heelchair things Becky dosent your supermarket have scooters for public use while in store? ours do and help take shoppping to car and load car? Id feel freer in a scooter??

Happy picking

we settled om chevrolet tacuma very nice and big boot as m wheelchair very wide like me lol

Love Andrea xxxx

Not really what this topic is about but just curious (and please excuse my ignorance). How fast do wheelchairs and scooters go? Do you have a speedometer attached to them? Do you take notice of speed restriction signs? Do you have good / efficient brakes? The reason for asking is that I have just seen someone whizzing around the hospital pavements and car park at what looked like a far greater speed than car drivers would do - was tempted to run after the lady and have a word but I wouldnt have been able to catch up with her.

Cathy, I have one of the ""take it apart"" light weight scooters and it technically does 6mph however I am very aware that I am using it on a pavement and so try not to go bombing along hooting my horn at pedestrians who get in my way, as some people do. I think it is about time scooter users had a little more consideration for other pavement users. I think some of the bigger scooters can do upto 15 mph with there being ones inbetween. Mine does not have a brake I opperate but it won't move unless you have your hand on the throttle as soon as you let go the brake snaps on. The brake is extremely effective and can easily hold the scooter on a steep slope, however if you are doing 6mph and let go of the throttle you so stop sort of suddenly.


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