I went to see my asthma nurse this morning, i dont know why i was no nervous. I forgot how nice she is and how helpful compared to the doctors who wont do anything about my asthma, but she listens and understand, only the second time i have seen this asthma nurse.
I am still struggling with my asthma and she said peak flow is still low for me, but because i am moving to a flat on the 23rd may, which the flat is so much better and has no trigger like my current shared house which has people smoking, no ventilation,mould and damp everywhere, and new place has none of these, so she said to stay on current meds for now, and that once i move it is very likely that my asthma will improve and will step down on most of medications, i might have to stay on montelukast, but i am hoping i will be able to stop with two of my relievers and that my peak flow will go up, as it is only 250. I know that i wont see any difference straight away after living so long in this conditions, but it will be nice to have at least on my conditions controlled. so will be seeing her next after have been in the flat for 2 weeks and see what she says.
I have found that the moment my chest is tight, but then my bladder is also playing up because of the stress of all my appointments ahead and moving.
cant believe am moving into own flat, i really helps it improves my stress levels and my conditions. as i know moving it will make me more relaxed, and i will be able to get back into a routine and feel more settled