Subcut and nursing: I've applied to go... - Asthma Community ...

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Subcut and nursing

7 Replies

I've applied to go to uni in september to do nursing, I'm just wondering are there any people out there who are on subcut and nurse? How will the uni react to it? I'm worried that it may cause problems in some way?


Clare :)

7 Replies
KateMoss profile image

Hello Clare,

I am not a nurse but I have used s/c since 1994 in varying situations.

Field work!

St John Ambulance - first aid duties - I have a small pouch for my Graseby pump and either manage to stuff it inside my trousers ( skirt for posh stuff) on an elasticated belt. I ensure that my site isn't on the waist line to reduce rubbing. 15 yrs ago I was using butterflies - nightmare when they leaked or bruised & bled on white shirt! My colleagues are always aware of my asthma, nebs , s/c etc.

Sometimes it is on a belt on the outside, easier if wearing jacket & jumper to hide.

With nursing uniform, I am sure you can keep it underneath the dress around your hip. Just ensure it doesn't catch when doing patient handling etc.

Rock climbing & abseiling! .......... I used to stuff it down front out way of ropes ! Don;'t climb these days!

Please be fully honnest with Uni and occupational health about your asthma and the s/c. They should do a medical before you start training anyway, i think? As long as you can show that you are fit to do the course and can manage your asthma, including knowing when it is causing problems, asking for time out, extra time etc. then they should support you.

Hope this helps!



Things have changed now. If u can ahow to uni that although u have asthma u will still be able to complete the course with minimum sick episodes.

As upon completion of training u must have completed so many hours practical / theory within a

time frame.

ur asthma is well controlled.

The university will have to assess the risk for patients whilst under your care.

Risk of injury or contamination from the pump.

To register as a nurse upon completion of training u must declare a health statement saying u are

medically fit for registration.

The uni and occy health will assess if with asthma u are still able to

Meet these criteria. I hope it helps. Even with bad asthma I declared it all. I was able to do training and works as a nurse till recently !!!!

KateMoss profile image

................ sadly I was turned down by Occy health for nursing despite being offered places at The Royal London, Barts and my local hosp back in 1989. I wasn't even on s/c then.

Good luck with your nursing! Things have changed since then! Go for it! x


I'm 6 months from qualifying as a nurse, and although I don't use s/c, I do have brittle asthma and am on nebs etc, and I must say that I have found it very tough. In my 3 years of training, I have only had one placement where I did not have at least one hospital admission, and in fact am off sick now after a HDU admission last week. The job is physically demanding and the hours are long, and occupational health can sometimes be more of a hindrance then a help.

Having said that, my university have been very helpful and understanding with regards to my health, even if some ward staff I have worked with have been less than sympathetic. You just have to be honest and upfront from the beginning, and ""all reasonable adjustments"" have to be made to accomodate disabled students. Nursing is a very rewarding career and you shouldn't let your asthma put you off. However, do be realistic about what you can physically manage: the NMC stipulates that you have to complete a minimum number of hours over the 3 years, something that I am personally struggling to do.

Feel free to PM me, I hope this helps,

Emz x

Thanks for all the advice, I know getting past occupational health is gonna be a hard one!

Its what I've always wanted to do but asthma has got in the way a lot, I feel now is the right time to just go for it!

Hey Clare,

Well you know me and am managing nursing despite everything. But i did have a nurse who best mate was also a nurse and on sub cut bricanyl and practising in the ward. it was jsut in her touser pocket and all tubing tucked in properly. I think most of the staff didnt even know she had subcut.

I think if your chest is stable enough to manage it then the subcut wont be too much of an issue as long as you tell uni etc and show them that you are not hindered by your asthma.

If you check out the NMC website they have jsut released new good health guidlines and what you should meet to consider yourself in good health!

Ol x

Hi clare

good luck with applying and getting in to uni.

Although im not a nurse i am a teacher and on a pump and have been for the last 7 yrs and i still manage to do my job. When i wear trousers i wear it on my leg in an over turned tubi grip which holds it well and i even forget im wearing it. Occ health where a litte daunted by it saying i couldnt work with it but i insisted i could and to speak to my cons with any concerns.

Anyway good luck with the application and i hope you get to start your course ok x

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