xmas countdown: 12days 5hrs and 23mins... - Asthma Community ...

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xmas countdown

12 Replies

12days 5hrs and 23mins until the big day at time of print

12 Replies
KateMoss profile image

Or 12 chocolates til Christmas!

now its only 11days 11 hrs and 22mins to go i can't wait.

Even closer for me as we will be celebrating Yule on the 21st Dec. However if I have forgotten the brussel sprouts the shops will be open.


I always think the build up to Christmas is much nicer than the actual day!

-Is it nearly Christmas??

-nobody tells me anything!!

KateMoss profile image

Bluejam - it IS nearly Christmas!

Well only 10 chocolates to christmas!


Normally this time of the year I get dragged out to numerous Xmas do's with workmates and have to endure the smoke. Its been such a relief this year not having to face that due to the ban on compulsory smoking - I think it's even had a positive impact on my health as so far I've had my best Autumn for several years - normally I'm much more wheezy this time of year.

yaf_user681_28534 profile image

smoke... i thought i was going to be safe from smoke at an xmas party in a pub... but no they had a smoke machine instead which is worse than cigarette smoke for me. Smokings banned so they have a stupid great machine making smoke instead.

Ohh crikey its getting closer, Due to one childs work commitments we have rescheduled the feast for Saturday. I have list upon list of things I need to get for the feast. Mammoth shop on Thursday I think! All the kid have offered to help with the prepartions. Good thing too as it seem to be meat and 15 veg in this family!

Ah well need to go and write another list as I on wrapping all the presents I found 3 people I had forgotten!



Smoke machines are a real pain - because it's not ""real"" smoke (it's not created by burning something) it isn't covered by the smoking ban. I can get a little twitchy in a heavily smoke-machined environment, and I don't have asthma!

3 days and counting and not one pressie wrapped must get started tomorrow

Merry Yuletide

Shortest day today, from now on the days get lighter. Holly King has relinquished his throne to the Oak, light reigns once more over dark

Right must go got 160 stocking type presents to wrap!
