Does anyone know anything about this?
Was stung a few days ago, it came up quite red and swollen initially, put ice on it and the actual site of the sting was just like a spot, but I've had a blotchy red rash below where I was stung ever since. The rash is about 15cm long and half as wide, a long rectangle with the sting on one of the sides.
About half an hour after I was stung I started feeling dizzy, then had a nasty coughing fit which was sorted by ventolin. Needed it again a couple of times during the day. Also had two piriton tablets 4 hours apart. At the time wasn't convinced the asthma and the sting were linked as it didn't come on that quickly, and thought it might have been the weather.
However, I still have the rash which is itchy and if anything now getting worse. Have put sting cream on but doesn't have any effect. Is this an allergic reaction to the sting? What else can I try to get rid of the rash? And do I need to see doctor about wasp allergy possibly triggering asthma? If I was to get stung again could it be worse?