Hello all
I am having a rotten time of it with oral thrush. I have had it for about 18 months, and have had course after course of nystatin, amphotericin, and fluconazole. It just won't go away, no matter what. I have always used a spacer when I take my steroid inhaler, always swill my mouth with water, and use Corsodyl mouthwash three times a day - so I am fairly convinced that it is not my seretide use that is causing it. My immune system is functioning normally..
I have this off-white, creamy gunk on my tongue, but mostly in the back of my throat all the time. My tongue is red and sore, and it is hard to swallow food at times - I feel as if I have a lump in my throat all the time, and I am constantly hoarse. My GP took a swab of my tongue, and it came back as positive for yeast.
I asked my respiratory consultant if he would refer me to the ENT dept., but he seemed convinced that the thrush was related to my inhaler use, but he said that he didn't think that ENT could do anything for me, and just told me to cut down my seretide from 4 puffs to 2 puffs. This hasn't made any difference so far.
Has anyone else had this? What did you do? It's one of those minor symptoms which can make life a bit miserable - I hate it that I can't eat without feeling a lump at the back of my throat, or drink a cup of tea without it hurting my tongue....
All suggestions will be very gratefully welcomed!
Cheers in advance,