Hayfever...already: Hey, I have quite... - Asthma Community ...

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I have quite bad hayfever, i have itchy eyes and throat and i'm streaming...it's not nice. Is there anything from the chemists that you would recommend that takes the edge of it???

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20 Replies
yaf_user681_26410 profile image

Try claratyn or benedryl tablets. Both can be bought over the counter. Neither should make you drowsy. Optrex drops are supposed to be good for your eyes as long as you don't mind preservatives.


What about Piriton might help.

I am taking it the moment and it does seem to be working. you could talk to the pharmisist though they might be able to help as well


I use Piriton for my symptoms.........

but I do recommend the non-drowsy one - cos I kept falling asleep on the other type LOL!

Good Luck!

Shadowcat xxx

I've started antihistamines already, though no sign of pollen LOL.

Benadryl works well for me.


I used to take piriton 6 times a day!

But after taking it constantly for years it wore off!

Am yet again trying a new antihistamine Atarax (script only) but it seems to be working!

(She says with everything crossed she can find!)

But I found today when I had to go out regardless of chest misbehaving that I got bad symptons from men chopping down tree's!

Dont know if its to do with hayfever or just a trigger in me!

For eye symptons I use Opticrom eye drops that can be bought over counter but I get em free on script!

Sorry not much help!

Wheezer aka Donna


i know the feeling. i use desloratidine. it takes the edge off and doesn't make me too drowsy. i do find i have to swap tablets every couple of years as i seem to build up a resistance to them. a menthol air purifer might help but make sure it is one not known to trigger astma. one which you add a few drops to water is best in my experience and wash your hair at night it gets the pollen out before bed.

Yesterday as it was very sunny here for once I spent 30mins in our back garden talking to my mum and watching the dog go nuts!

But my chest felt horrendously tight when I eventually gave up and came in!

Never had such a reaction in our back garden and all thats in bud is a corkscrew hazel tree and a weeping willow tree so I am wondering if I react to tree pollens!

Not strictly diagnosed with hayfever but do react to flowers, grass pollens etc etc and when they cut hedges I hibernate as it makes me react violently!

Just hoping they can increase my atarax dose when I can GET a gp appt with my gp (miracle waiting to happen)!

I am only on 10mg tds and I believe it can go upto 25mg tds/qds so will have to wait and see!

its not like I get outside alot with my chest but I would like to be able to sit in my own garden for over 30mins at a time!

KateMoss profile image

Hi Wheezer,

The Huge willow tree at the end of my road had gone bonkers this year with pollen! It is noticeable more this year.

You may have become sensitive to tree pollen !



Darn it lol

Will have to blame my willow tree lol

Only small variety but it went mad a week or so ago along with the corkscrew hazel thats just done its catkin phase and is now budding everywhere lol

Had both of them several years at least (willow aint grown over 5ft) but corkscrew hazel is still spreading out every yr lol

Best of it is they are at the end of the garden the dogs runs like a looney round so I wanna directly anywhere near them but i am suspiscous of it being them responsible yesterday!

Cause other than a mexican mock orange bush (quite large and budding) theres nought else in bud and I sit near to mock orange anyway without probs as such lol

Sorry confuddling my little brains today lol

Thanks Kate


Not sure if can get links to work here but will try :(



Now to get links to work COPY and paste them to address bar BUT before pressing enter or go remove any spaces that there may be!

KateMoss profile image

Nice small treees!!!

Probably surrounding trees as well contributing to your hay fever.

The Willow in my road is at least 40ft!



Hmmmmm I wonder if the mexican mock orange bush (highly scented leaves and is budding) is partly to blame then too!

Can honestly say never has before but anything is possible I guess

Took dog a walk round block at 8pm and even though it was damp outside I felt like my lungs had been invaded by every pollen spore there coulda been in a 5 min walk lol

I'm suffering aswell all ready, What is the new antihistimine that you can get from the dr?? Last yr I went & got neo-claritin (deslaortdine) and after taking it for a couple of week i got panic attacks. not very nice.

Im sneezing, itchy eyes, itchy throat & wheezing alot aswell. At the moment im taking Benadryl but it doesnt seem to be working that well. & Claritin doesnt work for me either. Has any1 tried Bowen Technique for hayfever & asthma???


KateMoss profile image

Escaped some of the pollen and went to the coastal salt marshes area of Essex today for a couple of small wombles!

Wheezer - the damp can make the pollen worse - holds it in the air!

Orange blossom tree - may be insect pollinated if it smells nice and has nice flowers - watch it for bees! Insect pollinated plants produce less pollen.


When its in flower Kate the mexican mock orange is a major attraction to bees and wasps so normally keep outta its way me and stings dont live together well lol

Weird today was pooring with rain when dragged me and mum to food shop but walking through a public gardens in rain still felt like pollen was invading my lungs and the tree's in there are really budding with a venegence lol

Ok not a good idea but it was piddling down and it was short cut lol

Hayfever Problems

For Hayfever I take Piriton... this helps with my excema too as it stops itching.Piriton does make you extremely tired though so i advice you to take it on a weekend only!


When buying hayfever medication it is worth looking at the active ingredients ie Clarytin is Loratidine and Zirtek is Cerizine hydrochloride Many supermarkets have these under their own brand name much cheaper than the Branded alternative. Prices for supermarket own brands tend to be about 98p for 7 tabs. for anyone on free or pre-paid prescriptions, it is still worth getting them on prescription. also different tablets will suit different people, sometines it is trial and error until you find one that helps

Good luck



hayfever is bad already this yr .i have had to get medication of my doctor its playing haverk with my asthm angel311

Wen I took Zirtek once upon a time, it made my eyes swollen and sore.

The pharmasist said that it shouldn't do that...not sure she believed me.

Shadowcat lol

If I can actually have an anaphylactic reaction to the best (according to cons) antihistamine there it then I am well sure an antihistamine could cause the reaction you had lol

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