Has any one ever used oneof these devices and are they any good.
Thanks Wanda
Has any one ever used oneof these devices and are they any good.
Thanks Wanda
Yes-I was given one by my physio a year ago. I have a troublesome gunky asthma chest condition, but you must be shown how to use it properly else you can rupture yourself and pull muscles- and it does take quite a lot of puff to get going so you must learn the correct technique. They only work for people with gunk problems and so make sure you know it is good for you first, your physio/clinic may even give you one.
There is another sort on the market called an Acapella-
Good Luck xx
Hi Wanda,
Yes I have a flutter too, but then like Sus, I have bronchiectasis. I was given it by the physios at Heartlands and they spent about an hour showing me how to use it effectively. I think there is a danger of bursting blood vessels if you don't do it correctly, and also, less dramatically, I think you can start to feel sick if you don't do it right!
Might be worth asking if there is anyone at the hospital who could take you through its use. They can be prescribed as well, so don't spend your own money.
Hope that helps.