Hello, I have just started with the sinus rinse to try and get on top of chronic non allergic rhinitis. Has anyone any idea of how long it might take before I see any difference? Any experiences, tips or ideas would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
Experience with NeilMed for rhinitis? - Asthma Community ...
Experience with NeilMed for rhinitis?

I don't know how long it takes as such but, having used it for years, if I feel particularly congested it definitely helps things feel clearer. I also notice if I don't use it. I think it's always been similar since I started using it (after the first time when you feel like you're drowning....) although I suppose it depends on your symptoms, eg if you're very congested now it might take a few days maybe to begin to feel like it's helping.
My consultant recommended it for allergies as it cleans the nasal passages regularly, in theory then preventing more allergens getting further into the body. In the same way it's also good for helping to prevent infections as germs get in through the nose too.
My tip (which you may already have discovered anyway!) is to use water (with the sachet) as warm as is comfortable. Too hot and it's ouchy but not warm enough and oh my the face ache!
Thanks for your speedy reply, it gives me hope! May I ask, do you use once or twice a day? And any tips for speeding up the process (or maybe it was just me being slow and not yet very practised in the art of doing it!)? Hope you remain well yourself. Thanks again.
This time of year and through the summer I mostly use it twice a day. Autumn and winter tends to be just once because I'm lazy 😬. Occasionally, eg if I have a cold or something I'll also do it an extra time as it seems to give some relief doing that.
It doesn't take me long to use it (although I'm still annoyed that my consultant was right about it helping because it does feel faffy!) I'm not sure even what the "official" way is bit I run the tap so it's warm, fill the bottle, add sachet and do one side then the other, a third to half a bottle each. I have a feeling it was meant to be boiled water left to cool enough etc? But it's about 8 years since I've been using it - and may have done that once. I figured that the sachet plus tap water is fine....though as I say that may not be the advised route!
This was posted the other day re magnesium, including the product used. healthunlocked.com/asthmauk... if you want the medical view, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/114...
I know that since I've been taking magnesium (I started because of hypertension) my sinuses have been super clear. I usually take Beconase but don't need to use it now and had to stop my repeat prescription.
I’ve used the Neilmed for years on and off for my rhinitis. My consultant said it was the best thing to use.
I find it’s good for generally keeping my nasal passages clear. I wouldn’t say it cures the rhinitis, but it definitely helps and I notice if I don’t use it for a while. From what I remember, I don’t think it’s long before you start to notice a difference 🤔, maybe a week.
I use it twice a day. If you use it too close to bedtime though, you’ll probably notice the rinse still dripping a bit down the back of your throat when you lie down, so you need to use an hour or so before bed to allow it to drain.
I think the instructions say to use pre boiled water, so I just pour the water in out of the kettle whenever I remember and leave it with the top on. Then when I’m ready to use it I loosen the top off and heat the bottle in the microwave for about 15 to 20 seconds then add the sachet of salt and it’s just about the right temperature.
I’ve just recently started using an anti histamine which helps to stop my nose dripping (not sure if you have that problem too) although then it sometimes feels a bit too dry. 🤦🏻♀️😆
Hope it helps you.
Thank you very much for your input. I have been trying to follow the NeilMed instructions to the letter and it seems quite a faff, but as I get more confident I think I can see how the regime will be a bit more relaxed. I do get the dreaded dripping nose! Have yet to find an antihistamine that helps. Can I ask which you use? Thanks again.
I know what you mean, I was always forgetting to fill the bottle up with cool boiled water, before switching it back on for a cuppa 🤦🏻♀️. Now if I do that, I cool it down in a jug of cold water, like you do with a baby’s bottle.
It’s just finding a routine really. I use half the solution in the morning, you’ll see the bottle is marked into quarters and then I warm the rest up in the microwave for evening dose. Not sure if you’re supposed to do that 😬🤔,but that’s just the way I do it.
I started taking cetirizine but found it gave me a really dry mouth, so tried loratadine and that seems to suit better. Good luck
I’ve been using Neilmed for 10 years at least. I have non allergic asthma that is worsened by sinus issues. I use a capsule of steroids (mixed especially for nasal irrigation by the pharmacy) once a day. I also have a premixed antibiotic that I can add if the secretions change colors. It is a life saver for me. I’d like to suggest that you use distilled water. Very inexpensive and it is not necessary to boil. Using tap water can be dangerous if you are not boiling. Best wishes...
Hello and thank you for your interesting information. I am currently using cheap bottled still water for the solution but then washing the NeilMed bottle in soapy tap water afterwards before microwaving it to sterilise. Not sure where to get distilled water, perhaps the Chemist? I am glad you have found a way of successfully managing your condition. Thanks again for your advice.
I’m in the states. I buy it at Walmart and the super market. It is 80 cents a gallon. I wash my bottles in hot soapy water and let them sit in vinegar water for 30 minutes when I deep clean. I use the steaming process too.
Be sure to hold your chin as tightly as possible to your chest when irrigating. I know this sounds weird but research as shown that the irrigation fluid gets to more parts of the nasal canal this way.