Finally.....: I have now seen a... - Asthma Community ...

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I have now seen a specialist from a specialist centre he came to my local hospital to see me with my local consultant. I finally have an offical diagnosis following lots of tests. I have Type 1 Brittle Asthma.

It is just a relief to have an offical diagnosis from a real specialist. I also have the offical diagnosis that i have premature ovarian failure (premature menopause). So my body thinks it is over 60 basically.

It is such a relief to know but it will take some accepting. I am now working on building up my low muscle tone. Off to see a private physio for help and guidance. Also have new meds.

Relieved Plumie

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7 Replies

I'm so glad you have official diagnosis of both conditions, whilst it is hard to learn you have a condition, at least you can work on learning more about it, and know that you're taking the right medication etc for the right medical condition.

angievere profile image

Pleased to hear you have some answers. Hope the new meds help.

Good to know you have answers at last. Feel free to come on and rant about either.


GM xox

Edit: Read one your earlier posts. Wish the Daisy network had been around when I went through my own early menopause. Would've saved a lot of worry.

Not glad that you have those conditions, but hope it does help that you know what's going on now.

Hope the physio helps - I've found physio has done wonders for me (on something completely different, but also something I had almost given up on and thought I would just have to live with).

Im glad you finally found a diagnosis, it helps you to know where your going. Hope you find the physio helpful, cant you see one via gp referral?.


Annista profile image

Plumie I'm so pleased that you've finally got some answers. I hope your new meds and physio help. Look after yourself.

Glad you getting somewhere plumie.

g x

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