Worse in Morning rather than late at ... - Asthma Community ...

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Worse in Morning rather than late at night

2 Replies

Hiya my Asthma seems worse in the morning, than later in the day the symptoms dont fade until later in the day, I rattle my brown beclomethasane helps when I take it through my spacer device but as soon as I go outside i start coughing until I am sick


2 Replies

It is not at all uncommon for asthma to worse in the morning. Its to do with your bodies natural steriod levels being low in the early hours of the morning. Also if you have allergies you are sleeping in house dust mite heaven (your bed) you get up and disturb all the little darlings who have been lieing dormant who are now merrily dancing around and ready to bombard the lungs. Also you will be leaving what is warm house and stepping into the cold outside. Asthmatic lungs don't like sudden temperature changes. I am sure the medically minded will be along shortly with the technical stuff, but as I understand it that is why you are often worse in the morning.


Hi there Peanut,

Just to say that the brown one is your preventer not a reliever so although you should be taking your brown twice every day & it should be through a spacer to prevent side effects but more importantly to ensure you get more the a very little amount if you take the puffer just into your mouth. It is the blue one you need to be taking particularly on days when you know there will be a problem i.e. cold windy days, when you are going to be doing some activity that will make you out of breath. It is not unuaual for the cold days to do that so take a couple of puffs about 30 mins before you go outside.Please make sure that you aslo take it through your spacer or you get a hand held device which is activated by you breathing in. Otherwise as I said before you will get very little of the small dose puffers deliver.

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