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POWERbreathe? (i will do anything to get my asthma controlled)

21 Replies


I was just curiously looking on amazon for anything asthma related and i stumbled across this within the search results:


has anyone used this? or heard of this? I was looking for the Piko 1 and saw that!

21 Replies

I have a powerbreathe, bought the sport version before I had asthma. The science is quite good, but would question the use with asthma. They've turned up over the years in topics, so do a search, and some don't get on with them and in a few cases they're not recommended. Talk to your GP first. In theory they should work in strengthening the lungs and the inspiratory muscles as they get worked like during exercise or wind musical instruments.


how does it work? looks like a crazy spacer type device?


angievere profile image


I brought one (from chemist) about 18 months ago - expensive at £40 but I thought it was worth a try - son used it for a while and it was ok whilst he was well. His peak flow increased a bit. I'm afraid he stopped using it when he went through a bad patch and hasn't taken it up since.

I asked Consultant about it and he said his usual 'won't do any good, won't do any harm'.

official website - powerbreathe.com/

and a video on how it works, powerbreathe.com/how-it-works/

see they how have changed the site and list respiratory conditions and benefits.


only caused me to start wheezing

Tried the powerbreathe, it did nothing for me.

In fact, at times when i had no symptoms it brought them on (tried it on/off over about 4 months).

It may have something to do with expanding the volume of breath brought in (which in asthmatics is already 4-6 times enough) which doesnt really help with hyperventilation (which almost all asthmatics do varying extents).

Breath re-training to become slowly accustomed to lower volumes (NB through your nose) over time is far more sensible...

Confused have you seen a physio. Ask dr for a referral if not. They will go over excercises to improve the lungs gave me something similar that created inspiratory and expiratory resistance when breathing. Plus go over loads of helpful stuff. This was to improve my breathing. Saves money plus better intructions and your questions get answered better than a DVD

referral..that would be a miracle...if i hat a hat on i'd eat it!

hi gussypoo,

i dont think that would ever happen my GP's appear to be very anti refferal, i see a nhs hospital doctor on a quarterly basis but dont think she is a consultant though for the asthma. If i got to see a physio that would be a miracle!

ive started pranayama yoga so hopefully that will work.

Ask the asthma dr at the hospital for the referral. If they see you for medical review then can do a referral honest. Even fone the physio department at the hospital. Tell them u attend for asthma and looking for advice.

something I never knew, but the powerbreathe is available on NHS Prescription. wonder how many get prescribed though?

Had the powerbreathe years ago - did nothing for me.

Spoke to my GP about it and he was not impressed.

At the time I knew little about how asthma affects the airways but, now that I am educated 'Professor Higgins' about how asthma affects the airways, I would not consider buying one if I was coming new to them now.

I do not see what good one would do for:

1. The inflammation of the airways.

2. The constriction of smooth muscle around the airways.

As I have posted on here elsewhere, I have become a huge fan of Vitamin D link/research into asthma and, scientifically, the research not only appears to make sense but various studies have shown considerable improvement in asthmatics who have been given high doses of Vitamin D - perhaps you should investigate this also?

Skee-skee profile image

A chest physio told me that Powerbreathes don't really help asthma. They can increase your peak flow without improving your asthma control- so don't be falsely reassured by higher peak flows. He thought you would be much better spending the time exercising (if you can)!

I agree with the others who suggested asking to see a chest physio, I personally found it really useful.

Got one too, not made any difference at all. got more help with improving breathing when I used to sing! lol

To be honest, I found books on breathing from these specialists to be of more help - bought the books from Amazon and Waterstones IIRC.


One of the books has very good advice about asthma and breathing, about people becoming chest breathers without realising it and how to move back to being a 'stomach' breather. Also excellent info on hyperventilation.

To be honest, I found books on breathing from these specialists to be of more help - bought the books from Amazon and Waterstones IIRC.


One of the books has very good advice about asthma and breathing, about people becoming chest breathers without realising it and how to move back to being a 'stomach' breather. Also excellent info on hyperventilation.

I have never used a powerbreather, but do play Alto and Tenor saxes. The techniques I use when playing, stomach breathing etc have helped me control my breathing for so long that it has only just become apparent that I am an Asthmatic. We found out as I totally ran out of energy, and began to have chest pain and some breathlessness, heart tested fine, and asthma was diagnosed. Now just trying to control it, I can sometimes avoid having to use the blue inhaler if I adopt the same breathing I do when playing sax, long gentle steady breaths out and steady breaths in.

Which I assume is what this powerbreather aims at, it does not control asthma thats what Meds are for surely.


These devices for inspiratory muscle training seem to be the best treatment for asthma. Traditional medical treament just leads to more of the disease as statistcs show and a doc's opinion should be worthwhile. On success with Powerbreathe I reckon the following from a specialist is good guidance

“When you are comfortable with that full five minute session, then increase your work load by about 5 cm H2O, and start again to build up to a comfortable five minute exercise time. Note, if initially your muscles are very weak, you may lower your inspiratory load about 10 to 20 cm H2O, as well as reducing your work time to only a minute or so. In this case, also gradually increase your work load as well as your exercise time as your strength and exercise fatigue improves.

When should you stop your IMT (aka Powerbreathe) program? Ideally, you should again have your Maximum Inspiratory Pressure measured. If you are able to achieve a MIP of 80 to 90 cm H2O pressure you have probably achieved your therapeutic goal and will no longer benefit from further IMT. Otherwise, if you can exercise for about ten minutes with an inspiratory work load of 40 cm H2O you will probably have reached your training goal.” (see sierrabiotech.com/bt_copd_i... )

To monitor suction pressure with Powerbreathe and to find your maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), simply make a 2mm hole in the side of the PVC mouthpieceof the Powerbreathe or some other similar device to receive the top end of a suitable length of 2mm tubing as used in infusion sets to be bought very cheaply at a pharmacist/chemist. Then see how far you can draw up colored water from a bottle. Monitoring Powerbreathe in this way gave me a much better incentive. I personally think that pressure monitoring is the key to success. With a bit of tinkering about you can do IMT without a professional gadget as follows:

To make the choke or resistor to inhale through, roll up a 6cm x 2cm piece of PE blister foil as used in aroFOL padded envelopes. After popping some of the blisters to get the right degree of resistance, breathe through the roll in the 2cm length direction and you will find you can vary the amount of resistance by squeezing radially. This roll of strip is secured on the one end of the monitoring tube so that IMT training is quite possible with some practice. RF.

Personal experience with Powerbreathe

The first two weeks meant extremely hard work and almost intuitive doubts about what I was doing. But, low behold, after four weeks I had made astonishing progress and increased the setting from 1 to 5. RF.

Hello Richard,

I see you're bumping old posts about Powerbreathe.

Are you commercially interested in this product?

Fair questions queerpup,

I did get a reply re commercial interest, apparently not but it is ""Personal and humanitarian. Reducing health system costs. What is your interest? Preventing aternative medicine?"" with what appears to be a german phone number at the end?!

Agree with your other post reply esp unhelpful presence as there is a lot of very similar posts.


Fair question, indeed, but as I said before on the other thread - having looked into this, I don't think Richard has any commercial connection to PowerBreathe.

However, I don't think we need to bump up old threads to re-state the same points as have been made on the other thread, so why don't we just keep the debate to that one, OK Richard?



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