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Football football football

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Now that the footie season has crept up on us like a creeping thing and I have my tickets for Everton v Wigan can I wish everyone who is a footie fan all the best for the season ahead-unless you are playing us ,when you must allow Everton to win!!!

247 Replies

Coo typical premeirship club arrogance :) There are other teams other than those who get give a fortune just for appearing on TV every week. Not that I am at all bitter and twisted :)

I have my season ticket, can't wait until next week although it is Hull away so I won't be going, will be tuning in online. Got to wait until Tuesday to see the mighty greens kick a ball in anger (cup match) and then until the following saturday to see them kick off the league challenge properly.

Good luck all


sad chelsea fan :( lost against man u 2day. on penalties though so not 2 sad! lol!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Got my Season Ticket for The Mighty Golden Boys of Watford.

Glad we are out of the PremierBore as it is a league driven by greed, excessive money, high admission charges.

Obviously, for the Club, it is the league to be in but for the paying spectator, it is a poor value rip off. The Championship is a much better league for good value entertainment without the prima dona Premier prattish players 'rattle out of the pram' antics.

Look forward to seeing Watford back at Home Park this season. Revenge is a dish best served cold and beleive me there are a lot of Argyle fans who mightly hacked off we lost to far worse team in the FA cup:) I am still suffering truama from that defeat and feel the need on occoasion to chant a rather rude anti Warford chant :)

Come on you Greens


andyk1 profile image

Plainmoor sees Premiership football for the first time in its history. More games on telly this season under the new Setanta deal so we'll se how the crowds hold up. Will try to stay optimistic over the next 9 months.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image


May see you there. Got friends living not far from Plymouth who still make a fairly regular pilgrimage to The Temple of Life and Eternal Happiness, aka Vicarage Road.


At least we will be listening to Z-cars together!!!

Gornfishing, if you do make a pilgrimage to the shrine of football also known as Home Park let me know, I can show you were to get a decent pasty.


AndyK, I am truely very sorry for Torquay, Exeter City can rot in the conference as far as I am concerned but I never wanted Torquay to go down. Best of luck bouncing back up again next season!


andyk1 profile image

Thank you for your support Bex. It's going to be an interesting season at Plainmoor and I am hoping that the pre-season form can be carried on for the rest of the term.

Woohoo its here. Lovely sunny day and I am sitting outside under the sunshade. Guiness in the fridge, pasty waiting to warmed in oven. I am wearing my Argyle shirt which I choose not to wear all summer. I am like a little kiddie waiting to go a party at my place (I am told I did legendary ""must go to "" parties when my lot where small) so excited, have brought radio down and checked DAB signal is working ok and that if all else fails my online subscription for listening in is up-to-date.

3 Months of misery with no Argyle are over yippppeeeee.


yaf_user681_33231 profile image

What's this, a West Country alliance.

Cam on you GOLDEN BOYS. Back to the PremierBore for the money, if only it had as much entertainment as The Championship.

Hull 2 vs 3 Argyle wooohoooo happy happy me :)


Rams – Derby County - vs.Pompey –Portsmouth; two all draw thanks to Andy Todd’s ( ex Blackburn Rovers player – not a bad team! And also Colin Todd’s- former Derby County player - son) excellent header six minutes from the end of play.

Not bad for a club who were trying to avoid relegation to league one ten months ago.

Derby County still need some new additions, preferably strikers, to strengthen their climb up the Premier league. But they can do it.

Go Rams go!

andyk1 profile image

Torquay got a 0-0 draw against the mighty Grays Athletic but Everton won.

It will no doubt be fleeting,but can I say how nice it felt to be top of the premiership!!!!

-I am already putting it into the past tense1

Season really starts tomorrow for me. Tuesday match was a cup game for me the real excitement is the 1st game of the league campaign I see (we were away to Hull last week). Am so looking forward to it, and I have been behaving and resting ready for it!


yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Having disposed of Wolves last week and then Gillingham in the League Cup, it is now a battle of two sides relegated from the PremierBore, Watford v Sheff U. A 3 win start to the season for THE GOLDEN BOYS is my forecast.

andyk1 profile image

Ah well, Everton lost but Torquay have made a traditionally superb start top the season with a 3-1 away victory at Northwich. Come on you yellows! See all you Argyle fans got a draw but your manager wasn't in a good way today. He's going to be OK though they were saying on Radio Devon.

Ollie had kidney stone. Dire performance today we were well below par and made Ipswich look good


As predicted,the visit to the top was fleeting!! - incidentally,are certain people suggesting that every match in the other divisions is a riot of care-free wacky attacking football???

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

We are Top of the League,

Said we are Top of the League.

Come on you Hornets, 3 points at Leicester next saturday

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Oh piffle, got stuffed at Leicester. Only 43 more wins to get.

Lost today I am still moody. Best not talk football until tomorrow.


andyk1 profile image

We held on.

Looks like only Andy and Lois had a productive weekend !

No defeats for the ""regulars"" today-lets hope Lois,s Hull dont let us down on Monday !!

-as Liverpool graciously allowed Rhys family to attend their Euro game and played Z-cars for them,I will tolerate them being top tonight-never thought I would ever say that!!!!!

Thanx Bluejam, come on u Hull, our match is on Monday cos its on Sky, which is a tad worrying as when we are on TV it seems to 'jinx' us. Can't believe we won against Wigan!!!! We are actually through to the third round, yipeee! and we've drawn Chelsea for the next round!!!!!! Can't wait for the match tommorow against Blackpool, send me some special winning Bluejam vibes please Bluejam, thanks Lois

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

YOU MIGHTY HORNETS but Ipswich were carp. Watford did not need to get out of second gear. Watford Women are also second in the Ladies Premier League.

Terriers rule!!!!

Terriers rule!!!!

Ipswich were carp????

-sounds fishy to me GF !!

Anyone REALLY bothered about internationals these days-I still want all our national sides to win but I,m not too bothered if they dont and if push comes to shove I,ll be rooting for the Irish (North and South)-mums side of the family ,and praying no-one from Everton picks up a bad injury!

KateMoss profile image

Bring on the RUGBY!! Wooooo Hoooooo!

.... the muddier the better ! LOL

Football only -or Rugby League if you must Kate!!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Rugby League, rugby for wimps who are not capable of facing the physical challenge of Rugby Union.

andyk1 profile image

Well done England today. 3-0 winners and AJ and Phil Neville didn't ge injured. IMHO rugby league is a fine game in which my home town are doing very well at the moment.

yay a fellow Rugby union supporter!

Rugby Union- The real type of rugby!

Well said Andy!!

13 good

15 bad!

-which is your local team by the way?

andyk1 profile image

Didn't England do well last night? 3-0 again against Russia and up to second in the qualifying group. St Helens going well in Rugby League. Only fly in the ointment is Torquay's 1-3 defeat on Monday away at Burton Albion. Should be a wake-up call hopefully.

Good luck to Andy,Bex,Lois and Gorn in your respective ""battles"" tomorrow-we have an ""early"" tomorrow against Man U-I will still be in bed,working nights this weekend-typical when you cant get to a game everyone is suddenly wanting to give me tickets to go!

andyk1 profile image

Thanks Blue. Torquay played tonight and beat Halifax 3-1. Hopefuly Everton will beat the reds tomorrow. England not so good in rugby world cup tonight.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

What a superb game against Southampton, quality, pace, goals, including 92nd minute winner,. Cardiff away wed and QPR away Sat. I'll be happy with 4 points from these two.

Also Saracens won their opening game of the season beating Wasps.

Congrats to England ladies who are currently beating Argentina 6-1 in the ladies World Cup!!

Chelsea didnt wiiiiiin chelsea didnt wiiiiin :D:D:D:D:D:D YAY! Im obviously a Rosenborg fan! :) I am so happy! I was at the game, and it was pretty fun. Everyone expected Chelsea to win like 4-0! Anyway, sorry all chelsea fans (if this seems offencive, its not meant to be im just overly happy) If it helps, chelsea played way better than rosenborg and deserved to win, it was just pretty unlucky i guess.


Dont worry Haagendaaz-we dont appear to have any Chelsea fans in our little ""box""-I,m looking forward to Evertons UEFA match on Thursday against ""crack"" Ukrainian team Metalist Kharkiv-once again ,good result Rosenberg!!!

hey im a chelsea fan!! do admit we r not doin to great at the mo but drogba is injured well thats my excuse anyway! :(

It is true though, chelsea does have a lot of injuries!

wat with drogba,lampard and carvalho all injured it dosnt look good for us against man u on saturday! we have never won a game when drogba and lampard have both not played!!! so i dont have high hopes for this game! oh well lets hope they all recover soon! dont suppose the other premiership teams r complaning though lol!!

Apologies for ""missing"" you out Claire-what about Mourinho,s dismissal/walk out though??

i am in mourning!! it was a big shock!! how could he do that!! well hes never really got on wiv abromavich anyway so it would of happened sometime but to desert us when we are struggling grrrr!! lets hope this new guy avram grant will sort out our up and down start to the season. ive got my fingers crossed but im not hopeful as he apparently hasnt managed many clubs! oh well jose was a good manager but to be honest football aside i thought he was soooooo fit lol!! ive gone off him abit now!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Let the glory hunters keep whinging about how hard it is for Chelski with all their multi millions on players AND their astronomical wages. What about real teams like Wrexham, Stockport etc and their REAL problems.

Anyway, enough of a gripe. MIGHTY HORNETS 3points clear at the top and QPR (a) on Sat followed by Blackpool (h) and Shef Wed (h). Could be another 9 points. Things are looking good.

i am not whinging i am also not a glory hunter!! we were once a struggling team like wrexham and stockport! i cannot help it if the team ive supported all my life have money!!! grrr i always get so much stick for bein a chelsea fan lol!! not fair!!

andyk1 profile image

Bring on the Ukranians tonight. Come on the Toffees!

Hats off to Everton-ordered my tickets last Friday never arrived-I am being forced to watch Everton with ""red"" commentators-Murray /Barnes !!!

andyk1 profile image

What a frustrating game! The retaken penalty should have been retaken. AJ missed the next one and the Ukranians were down to 9 men by the end. Fingers crossed for the second leg in two weeks time.

Can anyone guess my reaction to Johnsons second penalty miss?

-was it

A-oh crikey!

B-""thats unfortunate!"" or,

C-a Tourette like outburst involving words beginning with f,s,b and (not proud of this in any way)c of such fury that my kindly next door neighbour knocked on the door to see if I was ""okay""

-bah,who,d be an Evertonian ???????

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Everton blowing out. Justice for Andy Gray fouling Watford keeper Sherwood for his goal in 1984 Cup Final. Never liked the Caledonian individual after that.

Mr Grays head made contact with the ball 2-0!- end of !

yaf_user681_33231 profile image


andyk1 profile image

As a lifelong Evertonian, I have only one opinion on this one :)

Everton were complete guff again,but apart from Torquay it seems as if none of us had a great weekend results wise!

manchester united had a good weekend :)

grrrrrrr man u :( !!!

glory glory man united! :p sorry

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

I think Man U looks far better with RE added after the U.

andyk1 profile image

Another Gulls victory last night coming from behind twice to win 3-2. On top of BSP. Let's keep it going. Everton taking on the Ukrainians away next Thursday. Come on you Blues!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Andyk, the first season of the introduction of relegation to/promo from Conference, Stevenage won the Conference and were refused promotion because their ground was not upto standard by 31st July, despite it was ready by start of season. They even went to court and lost there.

I hope they do go up this season for that reason.

Cracking result Andy, the might gulls are soaring this season. Hull are playing Chelski tonight!!!!!!!! Carling Cup, Chelsea are fielding full strength team, hmmmm.

wooo chelsea won 4-0 sorry hull fans. needed to win something after jose left! maybe theres hope for us yet! x

I think the Chelsea-Hull game is the ""featured"" game in the ITV highlights at 1105-but that might change in the light of the ManU -Coventry game!!

andyk1 profile image

Commiserations to Lois for the defeat. Chelsea out next next round hopefully.

Well done Hull and Torquay -wonder if Portsmouth-Reading will be first on MOTD tonight?-cant see how the Beeb cant put it on first.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

After two draws, The Mighty Golden Boys of Watford are on the winning trail again.

2 points clear of Charlton and 4 ahead of WBA. PremierBore beckons again.

Pity about Roma loosing to Manure. Anyone but Manure.

andyk1 profile image

Everton play Metalist in the second leg tonight. Come on you Blues!

Everton putting us blues fans through the ""wringer"" again but finally coming good!!-its never boring being a bluenose!!!

-Andy,how much was your lifespan shortened by last night??

-several years in my case!!

Thanks Andy, we were well and truely beaten by Chelsea, we did better in the first half, but the 2nd half , hmmm. Never mind we did real good against Ipswich , not so good against Charlton. But the ref was sooo bad, i was in Costa so just got the radio commentry (very frustrating - could see the lights of the stadium from my ward - was on the 10th floor) There was an 18 man brawl on da pitch! Never mind, tommorow is another day... Torquay are doing real good, might have been an oxygen deprived moment but i thought i saw you near the top of your league. Hope i didn't dream it!.

Hey Bluejam, Everton are doing good too, hope you win this weekend, take good care, love Lois xxxx

Much thanks to ""boyhood Evertonian"" Michael Owen for tipping the game against us today when we were starting to take control-if ever that can be said about Everton these days!!!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Mighty Golden Boys of Watford four points clear at the top, and still not playing nearly as well as they can.

My next door neighbour is a Spurs fan and, every year we have a six bottles of wine bet, based on six bets.

1 League position

2 Ave points per game

3 Ave goals for per game

4 Ave goals against per game

5 Furtherest in FA Cup

6 Furtherest in League Cup

Got to do it on Ave due to different No. of games in Championship and PremierBore.

He is one up for League Cup.

andyk1 profile image

Toffees and Gulls lost this weekend. Aaah.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

I remember when they tried to export RL to the south and a RL club was formed which played at Craven Cottage - it failed, just like American Football did.

Both softies games compared to RU

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Watched the BSL Oxford U v Torquay U match on Setanta on Fri. What great entertainment. Ox 3 - 0 up and Torquay come back to 3 - 3. Didn't see Helen Chamberlain there.

Merseyside Derby day-in many ways one of my least favourite fixtures of the season-unbearably tense and with a feral undercurrent of nastiness at times -almost a relief to get the thing over with.

andyk1 profile image

Come on you Blues! Hope Cahill is back.

andyk1 profile image

We didn't do it. Why was Hibbert sent off? Howard pulled off a great save - almost as good as Neville! We didn't deserve to lose.

Even the Red fans at work last night had the decency to admit the luck went their way yesterday-a very emotional game!!!-we were robbed Andy!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

The Hornets now 6 points clear thanks to WBA and Charlton both loosing. Yabadabado.

What will happen when we start playing well as, currently, Watford are well below their best.

Oh dear Bluejam sorry about the derby result. But guess what Hull finally won when the game was on Sky! and we won comfortably, yippee!. Am making the most of this result as we will probably start losing again soon, come on u Hull!. Andyk you were unlucky on Sun pm, the gulls will soon be soaring again. Lois

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Four wins in a row. 9 points clear at the top of the Championship at the quarter of the season stage.

Mighty Golden Boys of Sir Elton's favourite team on their way back to the money box tedium of the PremierBore.

chelsea play schalke in champions league tomorrow ekkk! fingers crossed we win!

Woohoo cracking victory against Charlton tonight. I listened online wished I could have been there!


yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Crippled Alice 0 Watford 2

Watford still only firing on three out of six cylinders and 6 points clear at the top.

God knows what will happen to the opposition when they all fire at the same time.

andyk1 profile image

Everton play Luton tonight. Go Blues!

Is it not tomorrow night Andy?

I have just spent the weekend at the Chelsea Village hotel and,much as I hate to admit it,the place was quite nice in a ""modern soccer"" way and right next door to a Marco Pierre White restaurant-they dont do ""fry-ups"" or fish finger sandwiches though??!!-they were convinced that because of my Northern accent I was a City fan (6-0) so their attempts at gloating were in vain!

andyk1 profile image

Sorry blue it is tomorrow night. Read the days wrongly on text.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Got the Baggies at home Saturday who we see as our main challengers. A win will put us 12 points clear of them.

andyk1 profile image

We were a bit lucky last night against Luton.

chelsea nearly lost last nite ekkk and against leicester city! but thanks to lampard n schevchenko who saved us phewww! why do they always leave it to the last minute grrrrrrrr lol!

They didnt against Man City though !!!

oh yer 6-0 whoops nearly forgot bout that lol! wat a result!

As you may have noticed,I am not a Chelsea fan but as we were staying at the hotel by the ground we managed to get tickets for the City game and I admit I was expecting a City upset -little did I know!

That was a demolition job of the highest order. Is that an indication of how well Chelsea can play when freed from the shackles of Mourinho's ""get a goal and defend, defend, defend"" tactics?

Or was it a complete fluke? ;)

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Peaksteve, it's got to be the latter. Chelsea playing attractive football is as likely as the Royal family not murdering birds.

Celebrity footie supporters with smiles on their faces;Frank Skinner & Adrian Chiles!

woohoo! chelsea won 2-0 up to third now in the prem league table wonder how long that will last hmmmm!

andyk1 profile image

Everton 3-1 v Birmaingham at home and Gulls lost 1-2 at Plainmoor. Mixed weekend.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

After the Hornets debacle against the Baggies, time to get the show back on the road against the Canaries at Carrow Road tonight.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Oh dear, after a 3 - 1 win at Naaaaaaaarch, the Hornets are only 8 points clear.

0-0 against schalke to be honest they should have won we were all over the place they had some very good chances. oh well still top of group b. well done liverpool 8-0!!!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

FA Cup 1st round

I always find the start of the FA Cup very interesting when the real grass roots of football, not the overpaid, numbchumps of the PremierBore elite???? claim centre stage.

Everton pulling off another late Euro win,Im sure they must know what time I leave for night shift and score then to annoy me!

-good luck to Carlisle tomorrow in the FA 1st round!-who knows,they may get to meet the overpaid elite of the Championship later on .

Quite happy with our away draw at Chelsea yesterday ,helped by some good goalkeeping by Tim Howard and the ever-dependable Tim Cahill-memo to David Moyes-only sign players called Tim!

-were Watford playing this weekend?????????

Lois and Bex will be happy after this weekends scores no doubt!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Golden Boys only managed a draw but I know someone will be in Gull Heaven after the result against Yeovil, and it ain't Basil Fawlty.

RE-tonights Engurland game; personally I will be more interested in the Northern Ireland V Spain game-I,m not saying I want England to lose but I will be more interested in Neville and Lescott staying injury free for Saturday-each to their own I suppose!

Predictably there has been a collective wailing and gnashing of teeth after last night-at least N.Ireland were beaten by a deflected shot-they,and Scotland,can at least be pleased with their efforts!!

Commiserations to Scott Carson-but only because he is a ""local"" .

I'm quite ashamed to say that I wanted England to lose; if we'd won then we'd have been totally humiliated at Euro 2008 under McClaren.

Both Sky and the BBC are now reporting that McClaren has officially been told that he has been sacked. And it pains me to say it (because I can't stand the bloke), but Jose Mourinho would be the right man to replace him.

Providing he lays off the ""omlettes""!!!

Northern Ireland Got beat by spain 1-0 last night and england got beat by croatia. how evil after me even buying a tape to tape it because I was going out and they lost!! GRR

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

England would have been better with the Overweight Dead Comedians Society of Les Dawson, Arthur Mullard and Bernard Manning rather than the over paid, bunch of waste of space, pathetic numpties

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

OXO have produced a red and white cube for EURO 2008.

It's called The Laughing Stock.

ooo! love it!

i hope jose mourhino takes over as england boss im missing him!! i still love him even after he deserted chelsea hehe!!

i hope jose mourhino takes over as england boss im missing him!! i still love him even after he deserted chelsea hehe!!

Much as I enjoyed yesterdays visit to Goodison can I say how stupid ""Mr Testicles"" was at half time, albeit in a good cause-Male Cancer Awareness !-some wag suggested that they should have put Carsley and Andy Johnson together at midfield for much the same appearance!!!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Bluejam1878, that would be an ideal job for the former England coach, I cant even bear to mention its name.

What's the difference between Lewis Hamilton and the English football team?

Lewis Hamilton still has a McLaren.

andyk1 profile image

Now all the home nations have gone out of Euro 2008, how should they fill the gap in the fixture list? Should England play in the proposed Celtic Cup?

No reason why we should not go for the Celtic cup were after all once a celtic nation, honestly we were it just gets lost in all the general invasion things that happened since.


yaf_user681_25830 profile image

Never mind all that...Good luck to Celtic tonight against AC Milan in the Champions' League - just need a draw to go through to the last 16. I am as nervous as hell.

My visit to Goodison was curtailed by illness,but well done Everton-bit ""lucky"" I admit,but its like 1985 again!!

With apologies to liverpoolreds ;""Get in there, Reading""!!!!!!

Arsenals shock defeat today is keeping things interesting in the ""Premierbore"".

andyk1 profile image

Liverpool are out of the Carling Cup. Everton have Chelsea in the semis - second game at home. Should be good.

Looking on the When Skies Are Grey website Andy,and it seems as if a large contingent are going to be in Holland tonight-sampling various Dutch ,ahem,""culture""-nod,nod,wink,wink!

The blues do it again!!!-I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!

andyk1 profile image

I second that emotion 12 points out of 12 - whoo hoo! We're in the last 32.

andyk1 profile image

We lost to Man U today but we've still got Bolton and Arsenal to go.

Back to the ""good old days"" at Goodison yesterday;much wailing and gnashing of teeth-put me in a great mood for night shift!! Que Sera!

andyk1 profile image

Didn't watch MOTD but disappointed wit result. Going to watch my first Torquay game of the season tomorrow against Exeter. We need to reverse the 4-3 on BD.

andyk1 profile image

We did it at Plainmoor and Everton beat Boro. Happy New Year.

Yes Andy,brightened up what has been a really miserable day up here!

chelsea 2-1 woohoo doin well despite the millions of injured players we have again grrrr!

Does anyone watch American Footbal ? and if so who is your money on for the Super Bowl ? and what do you think about the New England Patriots 16 - 0

My Fav team would have to be .. the Green Bay Packers.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

American Football, rugby for wimps, with all that padding.

Will this stir get a bite?

New England are a very good team if a little charmless,sort of like Man Utd or Watford -I would prefer to see the Colts and Green Bay in the Superbowl with Brett scoring a last minute TD and retiring as a ""legend""

-oh dear,did I ""bite""??

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Bluejam 1878, no more than than Oldham bit the Blue Noses. MEOOOIOW


Yes,good luck to Oldham-scored a good goal and held out well,no real complaints there!

andyk1 profile image

Everton lost last night against Chelsea. We can still go through in the second leg.

It was a good game last night albeit a disppointing ""finish""-I am now suffering from the long travel up and down through lack of sleep and a horrible head cold-I managed to get a place on the minibus at the last minute probably not a wise move just after night shift!!

PremierBore""-it just keeps getting duller and duller doesnt it??

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

I'm just hoping Liverpool smash the UK No. 1 Crap Town tonight and put them out of their bankrupt misery.

Kevin Keegans return to Newcastle-am I the only one who couldnt be less interested???-nothing against the man,but if I was a barcode fan,I would want a bit more imagination shown by the club-we are talking of someone who admitted recently that he hadnt watched a live match in 3 years!!!

To use the old cliche; I was gutted-cant really say that we looked like we were going to score 2 against Chelsea and it took a cracking shot to beat us,and we are still 4th so things arent too bad on Moyeseside!!

andyk1 profile image

Roll on the UEFA Cup


-thanks to the ""special one"" it appears that Andy Johnson will NEVER EVER get a penalty !

I think the officials at the Everton game redefined the word ""pathetic"" - not only should there have been a penalty, Dunne should have been sent off before he cleared off the line, and Johnson was very much ONside for his disallowed goal.

andyk1 profile image

The ref in the Everton-Liverpool derby was inconsistent too.

Thats very diplomatic Andy-my words for Clattenburg are more evil!!!!

andyk1 profile image

SK Brann 0 Everton 2. What a great result and our super-sub Anichebe scored again.

Yes indeedy Andy,and my tickets for the home leg arrived this morning!!

fifth round of the FA cup today chelsea v huddersfield. chelsea to win of course lol! :)

Couldnt help but have a slight titter at the Liverpool/Barnsley result!!-arf !

3-1 wooohoo wonder who we will get in the quarter finals. poor liverpool hahahahahahahha

At the risk of being terribly parochial-get in there Everton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FYI Andy : very loud Norwegian contingent but their blind supportive chants became a bit tiresome -there is no dignity in your team shipping 6 goals is there??

andyk1 profile image

Cracking result Blue. What a last goal too by Andrew Johnson. I only wish I was close enough to get to games. Bring on Fiorentina.

I am going to dig out of the grave Man U beating Arsenal 4-0!


andyk1 profile image

That was a great result too. Lots of my family are Arsenal fans and they have been very quiet of late. Wonder why?

carling cup final today yay! was watching match of the day earlier that injury too eduardo de silva looked nasty! just watched a clip on you tube ekkkk not good!

Good to see that Taylor hasnt been crucified for THAT tackle;I have seen media darling Stevie G twice fly in much more viciously in past matches against Everton and didnt even get sent off-still,one rule for the big teams and one for the ""small clubs"" eh.

Feed the Yak and he will score

FORZA Everton !!

andyk1 profile image

Everton! Everton! Everton!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Good to see the cream of the North West had a good win at Notlob just prior to the away leg in the European Cup (aka Champions League)

Anyone else agree the the European Cup only becomes interesting when the knock out phase begins. I can't stand the initial League format and never watch any of the matches.

Come on GF, you,re going to have to put bigger bait out than that to get us to bite!!



Glory Glory Man Utd!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image


It seems a tiddler did have a nibble.

And it is anyone in Europe other than the reprobates from ManUre.

Such has been Evertons play this year that I was really disappointed at how we were outplayed against Fiorentina tonight,but in the spirit of optimism I am ordering tickets for the second leg-""what does not kill us makes us stronger"".

The Gers beat Werder Bremen, woohoo. Now they need to do it again in Germany next week. Here's hoping.


OK, what on earth happened with Man Utd?!


Ireland get beaten By Wales, and now Man Utd get beaten. Why wont the slaughter end?!!

Hats off to Barnsley and Portsmouth !!!

-and to Jen: hanks for offloading Arteta to us the other season, hes been a gem !

i luv it when the under dogs win! Well done Pompey and Barnsley!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

One of the most gratifying sights in football, the whinging ManUre manager, Ferguson complaining about everything other than the he didn't get his usual favours from the refs at Old Trafford.

Vicky - LOL! I should've realise that you'd be a ManU fan; you don't come from Manchester!

LOL, i am and have been since I was no age at all! Glory Glory Man Utd!

Gotta love it.

Todays Andy Johnson goal-proof that God/Allah/Buddah/The Void/whatever works in ""mysterious "" ways-cant wait for the L******* fans at work to say we were ""lucky"" ;the irony will cause me sleepless nights!!!!

-oh,and hats off to Cardiff !!

andyk1 profile image

We go into tonight's second leg against Fiorentina with a 0-2 deficit but it's at home. Come on you Blues!

andyk1 profile image

We pulled it back but lost on penalties. Never mind. What a cracking goal from Mikel Arteta, though.

Good luck to Rangers who are playing Werder Bremen tonight !!!

Andy,I could hardly talk this morning after last nights game-and about 4 hrs kip!!-but it was a great night at Goodison (""final result"" notwithstanding of course!!)-2 minor points; 1-AJ not getting a penalty AGAIN, 2 .why did the guy with the headband not get sent off for his clattering into Carsley in the 90th min??

Ne,er mind !!

The Gers did it again. Next round here they come.


Good old Everton on Sunday-just when things were looking good,we reverted back to a pile of steaming ordure to give the RS a 3pt freebie!!-BAH !

andyk1 profile image

We'll be back. Come on you Blues!

Everton both lucky and unlucky yesterday but at least the Mancs did us a favour today so its still all to play for re the ""4th"" spot

COYB !!!

and well done to Lois and Hull-now staring down the table at W*****d !!

France V England friendly tonight-anyone in the slightest bit interested?????

Merseyside Derby Day-an event that is still as gut churningly nervous as when I was a lad, its nothing less than Rome vs the Barbarians-I,ll leave you to guess which is Everton.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Come on the 'Pool.

Still 1 - 0 but should be 3, 78 min.

As a famous soothsayer said.. ""Woe,Woe and thrice Woe ""...or was that Watford on Saturday?????


On the subject of ""abusing"" Gerrard,not something I would condone personally,but who was dishing out abuse about Carsleys Downs Syndrome child-they werent wearing blue shirts thats for sure and it wasnt blues who were giving Stevie G stick when he all but signed for Chelsea until his sense of loyalty (ie a big pay rise) saw him change his mind.

-but ,of course, we are just ""bitter"" .

Well, i think my team's season is offically over.

Poor Mansfield town and htey want to change the name, grrrrr, men in suits.

At least my other team l'pool has slightly more street cred !

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................we at Goodison might just disagree with that !!

Englands best football team in the last 40 years""....surely you arent so disappointed in your own teams recent efforts that you are hanging onto another teams success ?

For shame!

It was pointed out to me at the weekend that ,according to the Sunday Sport (yes, I know!),an Everton player was carried away by an Eagle from the training ground in 1926 and has never been seen again-part of me would love that story to be true !!!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Why would Crystal Palace want an Everton player?

Well, you've got their Andrew Johnson!

ooooo chelsea were lucky tonite thanks liverpool lol ;o) !!

One thing I learned from last nights match was that the Liverpool fans at work arent very good at handling disappointment-they were all very tetchy and prone to flare up at the slightest ribbing-I mean they didnt even lose,what were they getting so worked up about?????????

After a ,relatively good, season,Everton now have a nervy 3 game sequence to try and hold on to a UEFA spot so I,m a bit twitchy about the Villa game tomorrow-they have been scoring goals for fun recently and we have been struggling -it,ll be like a cup-tie tomorrow....I,m all excited Tommy !!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Good to see a Southern side do Manure.

Come on Barcelona as well.

As Brucie would say,""Good Game,Good Game"" as regards yesterdays Villa match-someone told me that Amanda Holden was there ,but she didnt say hello -but Derek Hatton did.

And Good luck to all your teams in their promotion/relegation/playoff/UEFA spot/league title/Champions League type battles in the next couple of weeks (except the ""L"" team)

have got fingers crossed that man u lose there nxt two games and chelsea win hmmm wonder what the chances are of that happening! bring on wednesday so we can beat liverpool haha! thrid time lucky i hope! (i can dream cant i :D) .

Sorry to all those non Man U fans but the boys did us proud last night and made sure it was going to be an all Brit final.

Not sure who I want to win tonight - Liverpool because I think wed perhaps have a better chance in the final or Chelaea to make up for last weekend and prove we can beat them. Either way will be a good game.

im happy chelsea beat liverpool wohoo! cant wait for the final!!! :O)

Sad to see Liverpool lose last night (barely suppressed titter!!!!!!)

Congratulations to Rangers They are in the UEFA cup final Wey Hey

The first time in 36 years!!!!!

A lack of aggressive determination against the Gooners yesterday means Everton have a ""banana skin"" game against the Barcodes next week to retain our UEFA spot-should make for a good afternoon next Sunday!!


Not only did my true love liverpool not make it through, my homedown club (masfield) are down to blue square !!!!

Not a good week !!

woohooo! chelsea won 2-0 still in with a chance of winning the league! bring on the last games of the season!!

Twinklepointe:sorry about Mansfield but dont get too down,a spell out of the league did Carlisle no harm,so good luck in the Blue Square-as for L*******l,cross over Stanley Park and join us Bluenoses,its much more ,ahem,""fun"".

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

According to the Independent today Liverpool (703 cards) have the least bookings of all teams that have been in the Prem since it was founded. Dirtiest are Chelsea (931) followed by Everton (902) and Arsenal (870).

I'm sure if Leeds were still in it they would be top.

Ok,I am biased here,but when certain players write in their biographies about ""buttering up"" referees (Gerrard on Clattenberg for instance) while my own team hasnt been awarded one premiership penalty at all this season and an independent referees panel stated that Andy Johnson SHOULD have been awarded between 8 and 11 penalties last year (after the ""Special"" one whinged about him diving)then I dont have too much faith in refereeing ""decisions""-besides which,most of our infringements were Big Duncs way of showing ""wind-up"" merchants the error of their ways and Slaven Bilics 4 dismisals before his time with us ended in mysterious circumstances (various pharmaceuticals allegedly involved).

Todays big two games-not THOSE two!!;but Everton against the Barcodes and Watford against Hull; my nightmare scenario is for Everton to lose to a last minute penalty (it will probably be Michael Owen!) after an uneventful 89 minutes!!

As for the championshp playoff,surely Watford should let Hull win,after all the Premiership is a ""bore"" is it not GF?

nah,just joshing ,hope we all get something out of today (apart from Sunburn!)

hate to say it but well done man u! grrrr oh well still got the champions league final to look forward to.

Comiserations Clare and any other Blues fans. The reds rightly won the premiership again this season and hopefully will get the double in Moscow.

Good to see Terrys injury was not as bad as it appeared to be - hopefully he will be able to play so that he cant take the blame if you get beat in Moscow.

Come on Man Utddd!


Well,I was right about the Michael Owen penalty but luckily Everton discovered some of our mid season form to qualify for the UEFA again-nice of MOTD to show virtually none of the heaps of goal scoring chances we created!!-dont know what it was like at your games yesterday,but Goodison was like a sauna and my wheezy throat was starting to struggle,fortunately (?) it then poured down to clear the air a bit-but we then all got soaked-happy day nonetheless-congrats to Hull and to Man Utd-I will be ""supporting"" ManU in the final-I believe we are still getting money from the Rooney deal for these achievements so I would be daft not to want them to get the double.

NOOOOOOOOO grrr whys everyone want man u to win!!! come on chelsea you can do it! bring on the 21st!!!

I only want ManU to win because Everton will get money from the Wayne Rooney deal if they do win!

Clare - for the same reason you want Chelsea to win. I've been a Man U fan for the last 50 years or so.

Don't worry, Clare - I'll be supporting Chelsea in the CL final.

You would...

Of course! I've *been* to Manchester, hence I can't be a Manchester United supporter.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Chelsea for the European Cup.

Champions League is so naff and uninspiring as a name. No class, no history.

woohoo! sum support at last lol! thanks steve :) hehe vicky yer have you actually been to manchester? :oP as u kindly reminded me on msn im a loooooooser hope you will be on the 21st! bring it on!!

Good luck to Rangers fans tonight-be nice for Davie Weir to win, he was usually pretty solid for Everton and you wouldnt want to hear Walter Smith use the phrase ""Disappointing"" ever again,something that was almost a weekly occurrence during his time at Goodison!

It is actually a fallacy that Man U supporters don't come from Manchester. I spent all my formative years in that neck of the woods and many years attending every home game and many away games too.

Unfortunately I haven't been to a game for sometime now as OH isn't in to football so have become an armchair supporter. I do still travel up there regularly to see family but it is not that easy to get tickets even though the ground capacity is 75000+ - it is nigh on full every game.

well done to portsmouth on winning the FA cup!

OK-crunch time;nail your Champions league preferences to the mast-I will be rooting for Man U a)because of the Rooney money situation and b) I have a ""Northern "" bias-either way,I hope its an ""attacking"" final-somehow,I think not!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Got to be Chelsea, can't stand anything to do with Manure. Rather anyone in Europe to win the European Cup than them, even an French side.

andyk1 profile image

Don't know who's going to win this one and the fence is too nice to get off. Let's hope it's going to be a good game and the fans behave.

CUM ON CHELSEAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! i have a bet on my chelsea to win 2-1. fingers crossed eeeeek!


woohoo 45 mins till kick off! COME ON CHELSEA ill either come back later crying or woohooing lol!

BOOOOHOOOO! well done man u was a tense game really thought we had won when ronaldo missed his penalty! will now go cry! couldnt handle the penalties nearly had a stress induced spalt lol! :'( oh well drogba is an idiot wat a ***** all went a bit wrong in second half of extra time what was that about! anyway well done man u i suppose, still love me chelsea!

Hard luck Clare - could have gone either way - but we did the double on you - whey hey!!. I felt really sorry for Ronaldo & Terry but not Anelka (that goes back along way) What was Drogba on tonight?

Thanks cathy got to say im feeling rather dejected now was on a high after the game even though we had lost! oh well well done to you! dunno wat was up with drogba he let something small wind him up! silly ******!!! congrats on doing the double shame it wasnt the triple :OP hehe!!

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