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Bah humbug!

12 Replies

Oh my word, have seen two houses now with their Christmas trees and lights up and on, and the festive adverts have started on the tele too. Am at risk of turning into a grumpy old women! Its too soon...

12 Replies

No you are not alone, the 25th of December is too soon for me, and adore Jan 2nd when it is all over, but on the other hand looking forward to Christmas a little bit this year, with husband now being back in work, life looks so much brighter :)

angievere profile image

Bit early for Christmas trees surely...

Was asked by a checkout assistant the other day 'Are you ready for Christmas?' Gave me a bit of a shock!!

yaf_user681_30355 profile image

Can I be a true bah humbug?

I really don't like christmas!! I would feel differently if I had children and think it is lovely for children. But for a single person it is just bah humbug :-)

Roll on New Year's eve, I love that, the freshness of seeing in the New Year and I like to give out presents on 1st March - Happy Spring presents...

I'm going the opposite way to bah humbug (but more out of necessity than desire)

I'm a music teacher (woodwind) and used to say no christmas music till december but i've discovered in recent years that doing that doesn't give us enough time to learn the pieces so that they sound vaguely correct by the end of term ready for performances (whether formal or informal).

I started christmas music in 1 school 2 weeks ago and another school last week - mainly becuase the heads of music in those 2 schools are organising christmas concerts and want them to play in ensembles and preparing for ensemble playing is harder than solo.

All of my pupils who are of the appropriate standard are starting christmas carols / tunes this week :-)

My piano teacher also started me on christmas music last week :-)

I absolutely love Christmas, but part of that is the enjoyment of a short season. Just three short weeks of carols, decorations, Christmas music, festive food, mulled wine and presents. I don't want to feel jaded by the start of January!

I think the Americans have the right idea with Thanksgiving - keep Christmas to December only.

This year I am going to prioritise my health (so much easier said than done - do you find that you run on adrenaline and then crash?) and try to get things done a little at a time: wrapping, cooking, shopping, planning. But definitely no lights, decorations or music until after Thanksgiving!

Christmas is at the the the wrong time of the year anyway. Yeshua (Jesus) was born around Pesach (Easter).

I'm not a Jew but even I know that 25th December is the incorrect time to celebrate his birth.

I used to enjoy it when my kids were young but now they are all grown and have left home I really don't bother too much.

yaf_user681_3150 profile image

Louis, I am like you, except I am a grumpy old man! Each year I say we will not send cards, yet we do; because of she who must be obeyed (sometimes!).

David, I think it was - can't see his entry while typing this, said it is not Jesus's birthday, to which I agree. In addition to that, so much of Christmas is pagan. Also, Jesus did not ask that we should celebrate his birth.

But because of family I am forced to take part. So I regard it as an excuse to get the family together under our roof while they are all off work and have time to relax.

I'll just amend myself from grumpy old man to grumpy grandad!

...and don't wish me ""Happy Christmas"" or I shall growl.

(Actually, I am a cheerful, contented and positive little twit.)

I think they went for December because it was around the same time as pagan festivals; a midwinter festival is not uncommon as you need something cheerful at that time of year. I think they may have figured people would be more likely to accept a Christian festival if it served that purpose, and Christmas is a festival of light, or Light if you prefer.

My choir has just started rehearsing for our Christmas concerts but we need to, we have three in mid December and we are not just doing carols but various pieces of more difficult Christmas music.

Asthma-girl profile image

I thoroughly look forward to the build up to Christmas and all the Christmas festivities, to me it is one of my favourite times of the year.

Annista profile image

Keep Christmas in December where it belongs. Starting in November just gives everyone time to get bad tempered and fed up with the shopping and money grabbing commercialism.

Bah Humbug

Three things to say without any malice.

1.Christmas is the ""Christianisation"" of the shortest day 21st Dec, Yule, when we celebrate the return of the sun and once again light the giver of life overcomes darkness the taker of life.

2.Yule shoudl be a time of joy/celebration for all, not just the young ones - keep money out of it.

3. I love humbugs as they are lactose free - especially Everton Mimts.

KateMoss profile image

Christmas truly begins on Christmas Eve!

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