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Eurovison clear your diaries

12 Replies

Ok folks clear the diary, order extra inhalers/nebs, check you have enough pred and up you medication to high risk protocols, and for goodness sake don't forget the inco pads the Eurovision is on next Saturday and no doubt there will be sing along too :)


12 Replies
KateMoss profile image


So that means that casualy will be bumped off for a week!

Though it was funny last year the bits I did see!

Kate, nothing beats the comedy value of Eurovision. Last year it was hysterical from start to finish the voting is wonderful you can predict exactly who is going to get what, and Terry Wogan is always his most caustic and brillient.


yaf_user681_26410 profile image

Hope you all enjoyed the entertainment Saturday night. Uk didn't come last a whole two countries voted for us. And to think we as a country voted for Scooch to sing.

Worse than the lack of Casualty was the lack of Doctor Who! This despite the fact that Eurovision didn't start until 8pm, a full 15 minutes after Doctor Who normally finishes! This means that certain other moderators I could mention will have to wait another 7 days before they get to see John Barrowman in his 40s army uniform.

Hey steve theres nothing wrong with John barrowman (he has a nice voice :o))!

me x

I think I might waste away, pining for one D Tenant and one J Barrowman.

Of course, I only appreciate them both for their fine acting skills.

Oh, and before anyone points it out, yes, I am very well away that John Barrowman is gay. Thanks. One can still appreciate aesthetics!


My dreams are shattered rofl!

Me x

Did anyone see him in Torchwood when He was supposedly dead? He is so Hot dead! I love John Barrowman! He would Make such a better doctor than David Tennent!

I think I am ever so slightly disturbed by your love of a ""dead"" Captain

Well Technically He was not dead. He was the male equivelent(sp) Of Sleeping Beauty. Who fed him the poison apple???!!!!

Did anyone See the Disaster That Was the Irish band Dervish? Last Place!

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