Sodium Hypochloride.....bleach etc - Asthma Community ...

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Sodium Hypochloride.....bleach etc

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New to this forum but long time sufferer from Asthma, 'stage 5, brittle, poorly controlled and on maximum therapy and I'm only 30! I'm sure there are worse suffereres than me but I have yet to meet one and I am on my hospitals 'critical asthma patient' list. Just a bit of background for you. I take many inhalers at unliscenced doses, multiple tablets, long term high dose steroids and a sub-cutaneous pump of terbutaline/salbutamol.

To go back to my post title my question is this;

Does anyone else have a massive problem with any sodium hypochloride based product? To name a few: bleach, Milton, Haz-Tab, Actichlor etc basically anything that smells of bleach. I can't be around any of them. I cant go to an indoor swimming pool! If i come into contact with any of these I become very short of breath and my lips go blue! It's definately life threatening, my excellent team of chest physicians and asthma specialist nurse are great but this is not something they have come across before. I have tried anti IgE injections but took an anaphylactic reaction to the 5th dose so thats stopped, bronchothermoplasty was discussed but due to a recent ventilation in ITU I am no longer suitable for that.

Has anyone heard of this before or suffer with it and have any advice?

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