yes or no game: the aim of the game is... - Asthma Community ...

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yes or no game

70 Replies

the aim of the game is to ask a quetion and for someone to answer without saying yes or no.then they ask the next question,and so on.its a kids game but lets see who gets caught out first being as theres plenty of big kids playing these games.

Does anyone know if there really is such a thing as fairies?(the sort with wings)

70 Replies
andyk1 profile image


Is andy a wally?

andyk1 profile image

Definitely - for getting the game wrong.

Is there hope for world peace?

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Only when Israel stops committing crimes against humanity

r u guys all so past it that u dont no how to play this game properly?

absolutely! ;oP Do you want to make a thing of it? ;oP

Of course not Becky!-did you know the word Gullible is not in any dictionary??

I didn't know that Bluejam! Should I take your word for it? :-)

Edit (28/09) - sorry about that Bluejam, I poked you a bit in a good humoured manner last night without meaning to be offensive (gullible is in the dictionary!).

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Ladies, ladies, stop being sooooo B itchy.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Ladies, ladies, stop being sooooo female dogy.

may i polietly remind you guys and gals this is a game.

gf id keep out of it if i were u!

can we try again ,can somebody please come up with a good question?

andyk1 profile image

Will the pollen count drop in the winter


do u believe in santa?

...there ain't no Sanity Clause. Everybody knows this.

But are rules made to be broken??


(Sticky subject!)

rules shouldn't be broken, but it's nice to bend them sometimes!

Do they still make blue smarties?

blue is back.

have u ever seen the end of a rainbow?

yaf_user681_28534 profile image

Twizzle u said ""no"" :P

Never, but did see the middle of one yesterday.

Will this rain ever stop?

Yes. The rain will stop when the credit crunch is over.

Btw Blue Smarties were discontinued due to the pigment colouring tongues. They were later reinvented for 'adults only' as Viagra, but missing the chocolate content, sadly. Recently there has been a move to use a blue pigment derived from seaweed to bring back the old Blue Smarties, and no doubt this will be welcomed by all allergy and asthma sufferers although it is unlikely that this alternative source of treatment will be sponsored by the NHS.


Is honey 'really sticky', honey?



yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Who has sympathy for Bankers who have a collective noun of 'wonch'.

What ever happened to Spangles? I loved Acid Drops.

Spangles were briefly reintroduced in 1995 for a short time. They were such a popular sweet that even the Kinks mentioned them in their song Art Lover 1977. Acid Drops are still available, and to GoneFishing I recommend Orange and Lemon Fizz Bombs if you like Acid Drops mmmmm yummy!!!!

And I don't have a mind full of useless facts like what ever happened to Spangles, thats why we have the internet, just googled Spangles!

Did you know that carrots aren't only orange they can come in the colour purple too!

KateMoss profile image

Afirmative to the carrots and very tasty too!

Has anyone tried marmite & Peanut butter sandwiches?

Yuck yuck ! I love marmite but hate peanut butter so together = never!

Have you ever seen a ghost (or do you believe in ghosts)?


Does anyone know the name of the progressive rock band that Jon Anderson was in?

never heard of him.

i belive in u believe we r all reborn?

Confess Jon Anderson question was a trick question, look up Rick Wakeman, long blond haired key board player.

Not sure, about to read ""Is there life after death"" by Anthony Peake. He thinks we come back as the same person each time, with no memorys of our previous time on earth. Maybe thats why sometimes we experience deja vue.

Have you experience deja vue?

andyk1 profile image

Wasn't Jon Anderson in Yes? I remember him doing a duet with Vangelis.

I've seen a question about deja vu before so yes.

Are we going to have higher rainfall this winter than we did during the last one?

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Long distance forecast suggests a dryer winter months than the average so water restrictions next summer.

Rick Wakeman use to play keyboards in the house band at a Top Rank in Watford in the late 60's and later became a Director at Brentford FC.

How much methane is produced to make a pint of milk?

Don't know, did try to google for the answer!

I first heard of the word ""Google"" when reading an Enid Blyton book as a child, but does anyone know the original reason why the word ""Google"" came about?

andyk1 profile image

According to the wisdom of the crowds (wiki):

The OED lists an older verb 'google' (without initial capital), meaning to bowl a googly in the game of cricket.

What is the probability of Everton winning the Premier League this season?

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

When snow falls on the moon

A googly, or a ""wrong'un"", is a delivery which looks like a normal leg spinner but actually turns towards the batsmen, like an off break, rather than away from the bat.

Unlike a normal leg break, a googly is delivered out of the back of the hand, with your wrist 180 degrees to the ground.

It's a very difficult skill to learn so most spin bowlers never get it right till later in their career.

It was invented by Bernard James Tindal Bosanquet. father of the former newsreader Reginald Bosanquet.

Is Psycho or The Birds Hitchcocks most scary film?

Where did the word google come from? The young nephew of mathematician Edward Kasner was asked what he would call a huge number consisting of the number one followed by one hundred zeros. He suggested a word that in a way resembles the number, since it contains several zeros. The word was google.

Wrong answer, not on about googlys, GOOGLE, anyway the answer is above.

Have seen Alfred Hitchcock's the Birds, didn't think it was scary, but haven't seen the other film.

Leonardo da vinci was an amazing man not just an artist, but did you know he was Dyslexic?

does anyone still believe in santy clause?and red nosed reindeers!

Well I don't, but am I Bonkers? Read some of my todays postings in Off Topic, you decide!

yaf_user681_30003 profile image

There's a very short answer to that, which reminds me of another question - Why is abbreviation such a long word?


it just is.... Which makes me think as im watchin it now who thinks that daniel or rachel shud b booted off x factor. Diana to win....

Can't answer don't watch it! But did any one see Outnumbered last night, it was hilarous!

andyk1 profile image

No because I had to go out but want to want the next episode.

Did anyone see Spooks last night?

andy you said n o are the weakest link!


Given up watching Spooks, story lines same every week, plus there are no sexy hunky men in it any more.

Did you know that Brian May guitarist of Queen is also an Astro Physicist?

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Some tasty women in Spooks though.

You haven't answered my question!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

And he finished his degree 40 years after starting it.

Did you know that the first heart transplant was carried out by Christian Barnard at Groot Schuur Hospital in Cape Town in Dec 1967. The patient, Louis Washkanski lived 18 days after surgery.

I didn't know that!

I have just finished reading a book called MY SISTERS KEEPER by JOUDI PICOULT. Its about a thirteen year old girl who was created (a designer baby) to act as a living donor for her older sister who had an acute form of Leukemia. The book threw up alot of interesting dilemmas about creating designer babies, and transplants. My question is do you feel it is ethical to create a human to provide living tissue so that another may survive, taking on board that the created human is going to suffer alot of discomfort and pain, emotionally and physically. Plus will not have the comprehension to understand why this is happening to them for many years. Finally the person will have no legal right to say no to donation until they come of age that they understand, therefore parents make all decisions. I had never thought about this, until I read Joudi Picoult's book, it has left me with alot of questions and dilemmas. Will be interesting to read your thoughts anyone.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Never heard of that author.

Do Sturgeons have to take the Hippocratic Oath to eel the sick?

Very funny Gorn Fishing!

Did you know that ""Sturgeon"" is the common name for 26 spieces of fish in the family ""Acipenseridae.

oooo really thats interesting!

So it snowed today do you like the snow????

No snow here. I love the snow so long as I have about 8 layers on. Otherwise it's evil!

Do u like Meatloaf? The band :P

vickkkkkky you said NO hahahaha!!!

I do indeed like meatloaf.

its christmas soon, is anyone looking forward to it???

Of Course,its Xmungus!!!!- but does anyone (in the world) look forward to ""BlackEye Friday"" or whatever it may be called in your own area ?????????

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Getting stocious in a pub is very silly.

Why is the 26th Dec called Boxing Day in the UK but St Stephens Day in most other countries?


The reason that the December 26th was known as 'Boxing Day' was the fact that many centuries ago, the Lord and Lady of the manor/castle/estate gathered together at the manor house, castle etc., the workers including those from the outlying fields, forests and streams, the day after Christmas Day and organised the distribution of the annual necessities, done according to the status of the worker and the size of the family.

Into boxes and barrels would go supplies of cloth spun by the spinsters, the cobblers leather goods, new tools and supplies of salt and spices. Also dried goods such as meat, fish, vegetables and some fruit and cereals grown on the estate for bread making. This the giving out of such boxes became ""Boxing Day"".

St Stephens Day is celebrated in Ireland, but has little to do with the saint to which it is named after. St Stephens Day is celebrated on the 26th December by the Western Christian Church and the 27th by the Eastern Christian Church.

America doesn't celebrate the 26th December as boxing day but Canada does.

Did anyone know that originally Father Christmas aka Santa Claus did not originally have a Red Suit. This was invented by the Coke Cola Giant in 1931.

Did anyone know that originally Father Christmas aka Santa Claus did not originally have a Red Suit. This was invented by the Coke Cola Giant in 1931.""

Urban Legend alert!

Coke nicked the ""red suit"" idea from a Christmas card illustrated in 1885 - before Coke was invented - because it matched their corporate colour scheme. By the 1920s the idea that Father Christmas wore a red and white suit was pretty much standardised, although earlier illustrations show that he was just as likely to have a green or white outfit.

Thank you QI!

Need a question Peaksteve!

Going with the Coke theme: Is there a worse soft drink than DR PEPPER????

or with the Santa Clause theme: Is there a better Santa than the one on Futurama????

Definately, do you remember those soft drinks that came in a round clear crinkled plastic cup, with a thin plastic cover over the top that you popped a straw through. The drinks came in various flavours and were still. Yucky. Panda Pops which you can still buyer are disgusting too. If anyone can remember the name of the soft drink I have just described, pm me. Another personal hate is cherry cola, but the worse has got be when Coke Cola did Vanilla Coke Cola, what were they thinking?

Does anyone remember ""Bazooka"" bubble gum, inside the wrapper was a little comic strip?

Sad ole me the soft drinks were called Tip Top, just done some research on the net. I need to get out more!

ooo I preferred hubba bubba lol! I remember as a child I was the only one out of my friends who couldnt blow bubbles!

Tip tops were nice frozen! They still do the calypso ones there just as yuck!

Is anyone watcing this years i'm a celebrity get me out of here??

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

No, can't abide Celeb/wanabecelebs progs of any sort.

Did Hannibal use African or Asian Elephants?

From my research Gorn Fishing, these elephants were know as War Elephants and were first employed in India so therefore your answer is Asian, is the likely answer. The Female elephant was used for Logistic purposes.

Have there been an successful attempts to cross breed the Indian and Asian Elephant?

There has,and curiously it is deaf .

Incidentally GF ,you said ""No"" ,so you owe us all a Tenner

Can the BIG 3 of crisp flavours (Cheese and Onion/Salt and Vinegar/Plain) ever be beaten?????

maybe an idea for a new thread.

I think so!

Tyrrels Parsnip, carrot, and beetroot crisps are pretty good. And they are made here in Herefordshire.

But does anyone remember Hedgehog Crisps, think they were supposed to be sausage flavour really. I remember eating them in the 80's.

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Hedgehog and Prawn were both flavours of that era which I don't see around any more. My favs are Worcester Sauce and Red Chill.

Ten Pounds of nutty slack on it's way to you Bluejam.

On the subject of coal, as a child, there were smogs (as a result of most houses not having central heating and using coal fires) which I still can remember the acrid smell and not being allowed out.

Does anyone remember coalmen delivering coal?

Very vaguely I remember a coal house at the bottom of the garden and coalmen delivering coal in hessian sacks. I also remember a coal yard which was always pointed out to me by my nan when she took me to school. More memorably I recall how I wheezed so loudly in front of our well stoked coal fires when the weather was extremely cold, whether downstairs or, ironically, when the fire was occasionally lit in the fireplace in my bedroom when poorly!

Does anyone remember Jack Frost?

Whilst coal fires, maybe not the in thing much these days was reading somewhere today that the government is thinking about starting up opencast mining again. I remember the coalman, lovely chap used to drop his jack russell terrier off with us so he could play with my daxie Rusty. Also remember toasting toast and crumpets over the fire with my grannie on a sunday afternoon. God I sound like about 60 not 37, those were the days.

I remember Jack Frost not to happy with him he killed one of my plants in the garden, last week. Oh well never mind back to Cornwall next summer and I shall try and get another one.

Does anyone remember those yorgurt pots that had a short stem on them, a bit like a short brandy glass. They around in the seventies, also wonder if anyone can help me with this one. My late grandfather always used to keep honey in the house, and as a treat I could have a spoonful. It was a solid honey and came in a pale round tub with a little outline of a little boy or girl not sure which coloured in royal blue. Its a fond a memory I have and if anyone can help I would be really interested.

I remember those yogurt pots, but I'm afraid I can't help you with the honey. I do remember the coal man though, and even remember our coal being delivered in huge sacks and some of them being emptied through the little door several feet up the wall in the back lane that went through to the 'coal hole'.

Here's something you don't see much of these days (not round here anyway) - the rag and bone man shouting his incomprensible cry down the lanes. I remember him with a pony and trap. What about you, do you remember the rag and bone man?

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Still get a Rag & Bone mane coming around, ringing a bell. Gone is the Horse and Cart, to be replaced by a flat back lTransit. Glamour has gone from the Steptoe business.

Use to get both milkman and bakers delivering to the door, plus a local poultry farm use to deliver fresh eggs and home grown veg. Now, you see the occasional milkman.

Does anyone still have regular deliveries to the door, other than supermarket orders?

do newspapers count?

Don't see why not, though a know of no one who as a newspaper delivered!

Occasionally we get a rag and bone man, who does come round with a pony and trap. My inlaws still have their milk delivered by a milkman, but not everyday. He usually comes 3 times a week and in the evening.

Who is old enough to remember school milk in little glass bottles, and do you remember when it was stopped by the conservant government?

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

It was the evil witch in her previous job in Ted Heath's govt as Education Minister. She was then known as Margaret Thatcher Milk Snatcher. The milk use to come in 1/3 pint bottles which was introduced in the 30's to counteract rickets.

I get my paper delivered.

As we are continuing the nostalgia trend, cars use to have semaphore indicators before the introduction of the flashing indicators. There were still on the roads in the 60's. Anyone else remember them?

Afraid not I was born in the seventies. In the seventies my parents used to work at a local mental hospital, I strangely I have some fond memories of these times. One summer the local mental hospital had a summer fete and my sister and I sold jacket spuds that had been cooked in the front of a traction engine.

Does any one remember these creatures working the land or just have seen them at shows. My family were into little traction engines etc and every summer we used to go to various shows, once had the privlege to meet the Late Great Fred Dibnah!

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