Combined royal equine/homo sapien efforts fail to re-assemble wall-dwelling ovoid!
Cryptic nursery rhyme news headline! - Asthma Community ...
Cryptic nursery rhyme news headline!
Humpty Dumpty!
Now, How did I guess this thread was one of yours Bluejam before I even opened it? LOL!
Great one.
Here's one from me!
Agnus minor stalking Miss Magdaline
Thunk hard about this:is it Mary had a little lamb???-lamb of God ;Agnus Dei and Mary (Magdelene) and the stalking bit would be following her wherever she went??
-never thought about that rhyme (assuming I,ve guessed correctly of course) as being a religious one.
Would Angus Dei be a Bovine involved in the Inquisition?
A nasal explosion resulting in an untimely terminal mortality.
Ring -a -ring of roses???
ok,try this:
Triumvirate of ocularly impared Mus Musculus observed beating a felicitous exit!
Three Blind Mice!
... and yes it was mary had a little lamb...
'A melanistic ovis giving away bodily goods to various people.'
That is spectacular. I can solve them, but don't ask me to make 'em up!
Black sheep, black sheep, have you any wool?
Now give me about three years and I might come up with one!
Arachnid surprise whilst partaking in cheesy by product
say this fast!
red lorry yellow lorry and repeat until you cant go on.
Little Miss Muffet?
Elderly matriarch struggles with animal husbandry.
Old mother hubard?
(and not a chance can i think of one)
john would not stand for bob's straight line extraction
Do you give up, it's not that difficult honest!
Can we have a clue please???
Little Jack Horner; SAT (would not stand) in a corner,stuck in his thumb,pulled out a plum (BOB) and of course a ""straight line"" extraction due to the plumbob......fiendish!!!!!!
Very good, it's only taken you 4 days. And Blue jam you haven't explained that ""Jack"" is a nickname for John but I will award a A-. Will have to get other half to come up with more now!
The last one was rather cryptic Katina ... must say that I gave up after about half an hour ... so quite impressed that it's finally been solved!
Have a go at this one!
Hardwood comedian has his E M removed
Alrighty then............................
""Incipient appearance of Ruprecht/Kringle duo leads to unwanted Anatidae obesity
Aren't you supposed to answer mind first? Got hubby working on yours now.
Apologies,I was in the midst of thinking of that one and you just beat me to it!!
Incipient appearance of Ruprecht/Kringle duo leads to unwanted Anatidae obesity""
Answer:- Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat.
Explanation Anatidae refers to group of geese, obesity = fat, and the Incipient appearance of Ruprecht/Kringle = christmas is coming. ARE WE RIGHT?
..this ""hardwood comedian "" thing is doing my head in.
Is it ""A wise old owl sat in an oak"" from Eric morecombe and Ernie Wise (comedian) an Oak (hardwood)
Simple one I'm afraid cos I'm too tired to think ""Barren bush giving fruit
No I am afraid not!
Clue ""to ascend
Either my head is still full of varnish fumes from yesterday or that clue has made things worse Katina !!!!
Hickory DICK (EM)ERY dock
The mouse ""Ran up the Clock"" (to ascend)
Believe it or not,I did think it was that but I didnt think Hickory was a hardwood -and for some reason,my pants have caught fire!!
Jocular reaction among guardians of Ovis Aries upon chance meeting between Gordon Brown and 700 nm in the EMS.
Well Blue Jam we reckon it's
""While Shepherds watched their flocks by night
No, Im a frayed knot!
Okay ""Little Bo Peep"" then!
Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross?
Turdus merula presented as a regal treat becomes peckish.
Sing a song of six pence.... 4 & 20 blackbirds baked in a pie....
Strigiformes and felis went on a marine adventure
The Owl and the pussycat went to sea!
On the right track with the ""jocular"" headline Katina ,but still not right!
Bluejam - is it 'Red sky at Night, shepherds delight' - just a guess because this fits, apart from the Gordon Brown bit!
Jocular reaction (delight) among guardians of Ovis Aries (shepherds) upon chance meeting between Gordon Brown and 700 nm in the EMS (wavelength of deep red light on the electromagnetic spectrum).
Cathy's ""Barren bush giving fruit"" is still unsolved!
Correct Ginny ,the Gordon Brown bit is P.M i.e night !!
-forgot about Cathy,s-it obviously isnt as easy as she thinks!