Surprise of the week!: Hi what has... - Asthma Community ...

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Surprise of the week!

yaf_user681_23350 profile image
47 Replies

Hi what has surprised you this week, good or bad?

I have been cycling today for long way, first time in 13 years, finally found courage after going deaf nearly 13 years ago.

Nearly got killed by a lime as my facebook friends know, had some very unwanted reactions from eating a lime cheesecake.Ironic as its one of the AUK colours!

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yaf_user681_23350 profile image
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I'm so pleased for u rattles. I can't get out on my bike yet gotta save up for that handlebar accessory . Posted a lovely pic of the one I want on fb to keep me motivated !!!!

I'm so pleased for u rattles. I can't get out on my biker yet gotta save up for that handlebar accessory . Posted a lovely pic of the one I want on fb to keep me motivated !!!!

there was a couple of things that suprised me this week (well last week as its now monday) and that was the lack of respect and empathy people show each other. reading the news a girl killed herself by throwing herself of a car park roof and people took pictures as she lay dying-so sad and so sick....i know not everyone is like that but britain seems to be losing any sense of community and people are out for themselves.....the other thing on a plus note that suprised me was that i went a week without an asthma attack!

Well done!

Keep going!

absoloutely nothing to do with asthma or me or anything, but i googled noel fielding yesterday, he's gone blonde :O i am a rather big boosh fan, and was really surprised by this :P does not look too good :) there's my shocker :P x

megg- good god what does he look like ha

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

ha ha rod stewart in his youth, a long long time ago........

Going up the main street tonight and not finding the usual long queue tailing back from our daft traffic lights at the top.

The chaos and noise we made at work on my last day. My friend txt me yesterday only a few people complained ha ha ha ha. So surprised at that

jay39- not good! it's COMPLETELY ruined his hair, google it.

tis not good, i liked his hair as it was, watched the boosh all day today :P

good, i AM obsessed :)

This week I bought my first ever proper prom dress and got my tickets to my prom. I can't wait!

megg- i had googled it and watched an interview about him saying that he looks like a young myra hyndley! did you like him in the IT crowd? creases me in that


what do you do?

i don't know really, should that be flashing? i don't know, should that light be on? i don't know....

what about la mighty boosh, or should i say the best programme that ever lived?

or never mind the buzzcocks?

i googled it again, think he's gone back to black (not the amy whinehouse song :P) which is a relief :))

meg x

Finding old photo on the web that shows the original house where mine now stands. Been searching library and web for years. Most photos of our town don't go far enough over.

angievere profile image

Megg - who are you talking about?

Edit. Just gone back and realised you're talking about Noel Fielding. Was he the goth in IT Crowd?

yessaaa he is :)

me and jay39 were talking about it earlier on, i am not just bursting out with some sort of insane-ness and he's gone blonde :O xxx

My husband telling me last night to organize our babysitter for this Saturday. He has booked a table at my favorite restaurant for our 9th Wedding Anniversary. Can't believe he remembered our WA

I managed to get an A* in my maths GCSE which is a huge achievement as i did it in a year and whilst having to put up with *ahem* difficult health.

Well done anzharry, especially with your health problems. I wish you well in the future and hope you keep well too. LIZ x

Well doen anzharry that is brilliant. Hope you treat yourself to something extra special with that grade and having to deal with your health as well. I have been thinking about everyone that gets there GCSE results today I can remember when I got mine as if it was only last year but it was 12 years ago know and I still remember that horrid OMG what if I did crap feeling and then the warm yes I did brill feeling. And then it hit me that in 8 years time I am going to be in the place of my mother on GCSE results day that feels strange and yet I can't wait to be in that position. Only because of the way I feel when I read my kids school reports and read the SAT's results is anything to go by the big GCSE's are going to be even worse

The way having a new inhaler case has changed my son Ryan's attitude to going back to school next week on Thursday.

Oh and surprise number 2 how well my website is going down and the amount of orders that have come in this week so surprised I might need to advertise for a seamstress at this rate to help our for 5 hours a week

For the first time EVER, I managed to get up a steep hill without stopping or resorting to the blue pump YAY!

Well done anzharry and asthmafamily and 1_winged_angel.

My surprising fact of this week is this - my friends dog was given the run of my daughters garden for an hour or two and didn't once sit down to 'leave a present' or do a piddle. Well done lad. Respect!

ahaa, grannyMo, when you said the dog was given 'the run' i thought you meant the runs and i was really confused why you were sharing it with us :L ahaa x

Sorry Megg. Just read my post again and can see why you were confused. Like the day I said someone should go to a fancy dress party as a big number two. In my brain, I was thinking of the BBC2 indents where they had a large yellow 2 doing various things eg seargent major etc.

In the other person's brain and no doubt in anyone else's standing near us, was something very different.

hahaa! oops! this has actually made me LOL,

and suprise of the week- that 10 puff of inhaler isn't asaffective as i would've hoped :)

edit- that smiley facewas meant to be a sad face, pressed the wrong button :L

Finding books we'd got for Christmas. They've been hibernating in boxes in a spare room - result of a rapid clear up when visitors coming, no doubt. Looking forward to curling up with a hot drink and catching up on some reading.

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

my lungs don't like 3pm, no idea why?? its not as if i eat anything then but they just get so grumpy :(((

a sudden realisation rather than a surprise- iv turned into my mother but 20years early.

Sometimes I feel like that but mostly I've gone straight from immaturity to senility.

Surprise of the week for you. I love the stuff by Armin van Buuren and fairly bounce along the road with the car reverberating to Above & Beyond's - Trance Around The World Podcast.

May have told you this before on random facts... och well, that's senility for you. Having the attention span of a goldfish means there's always something new to talk about.

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

1,walking in to A+E with brittle asthma I get treated quicker than by ambulance.

2, I do wheeze, well bark like a sea lion when airways close!

3, steroids work when pumped into your arm!

4, Sons asthma will always crash at same time as mine!!

5, Sons school have been fantastic regarding his asthma so far, very organised and helpful,Head mistress even got me cup of tea whilst Matty on neb today.

good week,yeah coz we are both still here :)))

My son is going on holiday with school in November to a place called Kingswood and they have medical staff on site. He can't wait and is really looking forward to going. I also feel so confident as his class teacher is going and has told me today that if I agree to him going then she will have him in her group. Saw the GP and he has said that he will give him preds to make sure his lungs are strong for trip and a course of anti-bios for him to take with him incase he needs them while away. I think that bit will be a waste of prescription but doctor feels it is best to be safe than sorry but I do agree with the preds again as doctor put it to be safe than sorry. He is in his time of year when his asthma is terrible and really hard to keep controlled because of the cold and wet but I really feel he will benefit from this trip.

Rattles - Glad the school is behaving as it should re Matty.

Asthma family - a holiday with the school is always a fun activity. No matter what they end up doing. Older DD slipped and fell off a log almost giving her teachers heart failure as DD had just recovered from a broken arm. They phoned immediately to let us know in case we wanted to bring DD home. No real damage done, daughter quite happy to be there, we said to leave her.

Surprise of the week for me - the amount of folk who, on hearing you have no voice from laryngitis, then ask 20 questions and get a bit huffed when you don't answer.

Decided I need a hobby as spending too much money on silly fads... Bought myself a remote control plane (more money I know) My surprise is to find out the glue may be a trigger and my asthma aint stable enuff to risk it......

Found my old teddybear, Edward. He's the only teddy I have ever come across with a bell in his tummy instead of a growl or squeaker. Not even in teddy museums or on the web.

had an urgent clinic review today, was dissappointed, my prof says he is confused, as my peak flow readings are not dropping when i have flare ups and attacks, and peak flows actually indicate my asthma is controlled at the moment. i felt like a fraud, he indicated i might b hyperventillating, which im not, i was asked to describe the flare ups and attack symptoms to which he said does indicate its my asthma causing it.... normal peak flow is 250 to 280, last year it was 390 and year before that it was 490.

Surprise of the week. Builders put up a new close boarded fence the whole length of our street in two days.

well i have had loads of suprises this week. main one is that i have a flat ready to move in after thinking i would have to wait months for one to come up. been elected to members council for nhs

Filled in Comic Relief's Market Research survey a month back.

To my complete surprise, they emailed this week to say thanks for giving my views and very pleased to tell me I have won a pair of swimming trunks signed by David Walliams.

GrannyMo, the real surprise of the week would be pictures of you wearing them - go on give us a twirl :)

eee granny mo thats funny. you gunna frame them or use them?

Not quite sure. Probably framed.

My daughter got given a level 8 right across the board at her parents. Only 1 level above her and she was the only in her class that got 8's. She also has a reading age of 7 years and she is only 6 a almost 2 weeks. They said by the end of this school year they expect her to be at a top end year 2/ bottom end year 3. My son also did really well too. Even with all his issues and learning difficulties he got middle end year 2 right across the board and they said they can see him going up at least 1 level but with a lot of pushing and help they feel confident to get him up 3 levels so middle group year 3 and they are also going to get him assessed for a list of things which was very surprising

Well done asthmafamily's family. Excellent results for all. You must be a very proud mama. Which reminds me we had a proud parents thread on here which we should dust off.

Suprise: that double nebs did not clear my wheezey, crackley, phlemy, squeaky, rattlely chest :O

even though 1 normally does??

lungs are too confusing :L

I am amazinly surprised that I passed my exam at uni! Thought it was a fail for sure! Just need to do my essay now though!

Well done, lindsaymloo

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