i really want to scream!!!
last thurs the asthma clinic altered my sons singulair tablets from bedtime to mornings in order to help the coughing and wheeziness at school (4yr old running about etc). i told the nurse that when she did this bbefore he was really ill coughing and wheezing and ended up in hospital 48hrs later with croup. she said he would be fine.
well.......... friday was fine during the day. friday night wasnt too bad but son woke coughing few times. took his inhaler and was fine.
saturday during the day was fine - saturday night i thought we had a dog upstairs, son was ""barking"" like mad with a cough and had to take his inhalers three times!
sunday during the day, he was coughing and wheezing, had to have his inhalers quite a bit. it didnt help that we had gone out when it was warm (had coats with us) and it turned very cold and windy and son complained his chest hurt. sunday night he was awake most of night coughing, and having problems breathing - couldnt breath when coughing which in turn made him cough more, inhalers helped a bit.
monday he was tired most of day and still had a barking cough and was wheezy, monday night was a repeat of sunday!
this morning i took him back to the docs, had to see a nurse (not asthma one) and she listened to his chest and said its clear - no wheezes and no chest infection (good note). she rang the asthma nurse who said to put his singulair back to nights as he obviously needs it to keep airway open at night. she also said that the school are going to have to cope with him coughing and wheezing, will have to give him his inhalers or keep him in at playtimes!!! (this isnt fair on him being only 4.)