DLA: Dear All, I have been advised by... - Asthma Community ...

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12 Replies

Dear All,

I have been advised by my daughters that there is a good chance that she will get DLA because she is having such a difficult time at the moment.

What are your views on this as i dont actually feel comfortable claiming but on the otherhand if she is entitled then obviously i should claim.

Thanks for your advice.


12 Replies
KateMoss profile image

Hello Mellers,

can you fill us in with some more details please so we can help advise you!

e.g. how old your daughter is & how asthma is affecting her daily life.




Hi Kate,

Thanks for replying. My daughter is currently seeing her consultant every 2 weeks as her asthma seems to be difficult to control at the moment. She is waking up at least twice at night for her inhaler and has recently started having panic attacks which obviously i need to calm her down from. This is having an affect on both of us with lack of sleep etc my daughter recently lost 20% of schooling in a term because she was too poorly to go and i too have had 5 days off work in the last 5 weeks because i cant leave her alone. She is 14 and somedays even walking up stairs is causing her to struggle.

We are currently awaiting blood test results for aspergillos and her medication is being changed every time we go to the consultant at the moment. She is currently on montelukast, ventolin, atrovent, seretide and also takes citrizine, flucxitide nasal spray and her excema has flared up again.

Thanks again for your help.


hi mellers i get dla and mobility for my son , all i can say is try but what i was told u need to answer the questions on the basis of really bad day and night what u have to do for her and how it effects her life basically it states that if a child needs more help and care than of the same child of her age that she is entitled to dla also if she is awarded dla middle rate care or above, you yourself can claim for carers allowance. if u need more help dont hesitate to ask more questions

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hi mellers i get dla and mobility for my son , all i can say is try but what i was told u need to answer the questions on the basis of really bad day and night what u have to do for her and how it effects her life basically it states that if a child needs more help and care than of the same child of her age that she is entitled to dla also if she is awarded dla middle rate care or above, you yourself can claim for carers allowance. if u need more help dont hesitate to ask more questions

Just a word of caution about using the worst possible ""day and night"" it is probably better to do an average day as if you are called to interview or if they send someone out to do an assesement and things your daughter is having a good day that could count against you. I was advised to go for a day that was neither my best or worst and was a rough average, I got my award 1st time based on my original form no review or appeal needed. Photo copy you daughters rpt script sheet and get as many people as you can to do supporting evidence.

Good luck sounds like you have a good case!


i tried 2 get dla f myself bt was refused as ad myssessment i was aving a gud day.

Mandy26, I am so sorry you did not get your award how about trying again using the advice about taking an average day, then at least if you are having a good day when they come you can tell them about your bad days too.

Seriously what Mandy says is important. Don't over-egg the pudding take an average day neither your worst or your best. I know it is tempting to explain the worst days as those are the days you need most help but it can lead to your whole claim being turned down. It is worth putting on the form that you have taken what is an average as your condition can vary and telling them in the bit for extra information what a worst day is like. They may take that into account when awarding but at least you are not going to get caught out by having an assessment on a good day.


I know this is an older post, but i thought i would add my bit!

My son in on oxygen, nebulisers etc and so we get both lots of DlA, i get up every 2 hours or more if he is really bad every night without fail, and i still had to get extra letters to support my claim, i first of all was awarded middle rate for the care part, but my sons consultant said i shoud of got the higest so she wrote again on my behalf and also told me to send it 2 letters from Friends who know my son and explan what are situation is like..within 3 weeks i was back paid and awarded the higest amount...i'm not boasting here (god knows i'd rather a healthy son and a decent nights kip!) but sometimes having extra support ie letters from doctors, friends who know you really do help.

I was told you can never give them too much information, and i know its a total pain filling in all the forms but they usually give it to you for some time if they don't think the situation will change, ours was awarded back in 2002 and is due for renewal in 2010. ~ obviously (fingers crossed) if he improves we can ditch it all together.

Hope you get the outcome you want.

Hi there and good luck with the claim - just a word of caution!!!!

As suggested additional support is really useful but can be misinterperated so make sure what you are sending has nothing positive in it! I have found in the past that DWP will use anything positive to suggest you do not need help.

So please be aware of what you are sending, it is probably best to ask the consultant/doctor to write on your behalf as they will only say what is necessary.

Hope the claim goes well


hi we got dla after 6 very long month's.in the end i appealed and won!!i think you should go the your local cab sevice.for help to fill in the forms.then if you not get it first time thay can appeal for you.thats what i had to do.also if you can get a few letters for people to say what your daughter is like day to day e.g. friends, teachers, asthma nurse,gp,. it's hard work but its worth it in the end.if you need anymore info send me a pm.good luck

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