Horrible teacher aaarrgghhhh!!!!!! - Asthma Community ...

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Horrible teacher aaarrgghhhh!!!!!!

10 Replies

My son went back to school today, not really brilliant as we can't seem to shift his cold.

He has come home really poorly, had to have his salbutamol inhaler. His peak flow was 140. I asked him if he had been ill at school. He said he told his teacher he was not well (he's 6) and he said, she said "" oh well go and help tidy up then""

I am fuming, he has been ill this last month or so and has been off from school a bit. But I think they just think he is putting it on. As he doesn't seem to be well for very long.

We see the doctor again tomorrow for his 3 monthly check, so they should help us further. I feel like there is no hope and he will have a constant cold forever. Are all children like this when they are first diagnosed?

Is it a case we need to tweek his medication?

Does it get any better?

Many thanks in advance. Sorry to off load but I don't know where else to go.


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10 Replies

Hi Becci

I'm sorry to hear that you and your son are having such a horrible time at the momment.

My son is only 3 and a bit so it's a bit different re school - but he does tend to be ill for a month or so - he was ill from mid nov to just before christmas - so it can take a while. I'm not sure if it's just the viruses going around this year but loads of people we know have been ill for ages.

As for his teacher - i would definatley go in and talk to the head teacher and explain the situation and what needs to happen when he's ill. I'm sure that there are leaflets on this site that you can order for schools etc - it might be worth getting a couple and taking them in also have a chat with asthma nurse on this site - they are really good and spend as long as you need chatting about problems.

I'm not sure from your post but if your son is newly diagnosed then it can take a while to get the right balance of medication. We're only in our 2nd winter and have struggled a bit (but not a much as last year) trying to get the balance right.

i hope that your son is a bit better now that he's had his inhalers and that you get it sorted soon.

Take care


Hi Becci

I'm really sorry to hear about what a difficult time your sons having at school. I've got a little girl who has just started school and I know that I found the school nurse to be a great help. Our school nurse organised and helped implement a care plan for Holly and also helped organise further training for the school in asthma and the effects and management of it in children.

So far with her care plan being so clear, everything has gone pretty well and even though Holly's only nearly 5 it is clearly stated in her plan that if she says she feels wheezy or breathless then she must get help immediatey whether or not teacher or her classroom assistant can hear it.

I'm not sure if you have a school nurse but it might be really worth finding out about a care plan for your little boy. I've definately found that having everythings down in writing has been a great help as everyone knows their responsibilities to Holly and all are aware of the warning signs of an attack and the action to take.

I really do hope this helps.

Take care




Many thanks for your responses. I am not sure if there is a nurse. I know the person who they have down for the health visitor retired 3 years ago. This is just the tip of the iceburg with the place. I am currently trying to move him to a better school, but there are no places anywhere. I am really upset with them about a few things. I am not putting my little girl there.

I think he was very stressed about going back today, which has brought on the attack. He finally settled at 9.30 tonight.

I will be using this site more often now I have found it. Thank you so much

hi becci, i too have had my fair share of problems with schools regarding my sond safety due is asthma but i do believe tht it does depend on wot school and the difference in care plans for asthmatics does varie accross different schools it shouldnt but it does,,, i had to change my sons school because of the attitude of some of the teachers ( owens on alot of meds and these do have side effects) look at my profile if u want too,, but since owens been moved to a new school he has been a different kid, he likes going again which is good,, but i was on the understanding each child who has a illness like asthma should have a action plan in place for tht particular child and every school should have a school nurse by law you can call your local education authority and request a school nurse to see you and your child at school,,, have you got such a thing as a parent partnership they are based at your local education authority if you ring them and ask they will be able to help you talk and get your voice accross to the school and also you can also make an appt to see the parent goveners and voice your concerns there and they have to look into it.... hope this helps a little for you regards ruth

my daughter is taking lots of medication and has been hospitalized several times.when she was at junior school they were very understanding and sympathetic.however she now attends secondary school and i have had nothing but problems.she was away before xmas and they know she is asthmatic yet last week on first day back they had her running outside in gale force winds and pouring rain hence she is ill again.i also keep requesting work for her so she does not fall behind yet none ever appears.what i am really angry about is the fact that her tutor is asthmatic and yet has very little understanding.she also has an action plan yet no-one including the school nurse takes any notice.just to let you know it is not just you having to put up with this,all the best rachel

My sons school are fantastic and here is no reason why all schools shouldnt be the same. The secondary school held meetings with primary school before he transferred. There were meetings with respiratory nurses,school nurse, senco and myself and actionplans drawn up. The day before Sean started school there was a trianing session for all year 7 staff held by specialist resp nurses teaching peak flow,nebulisers,inhalers,epi pen and what to do if Sean unwell.

The medical senco teacher then showed every yr seven teacher a photo of Sean so every one knew him and issued Sean with a red emergancy 'get out of class quick' card. Some of Sean's classes are up three flights of stairs which causes a problem some days so he was given a lift key if needed. There are care plans in several locations of the school, there has been several occasions he has given them cause for concern but they have followed the care plan to the letter.

I appreciate we are fortunate that Sean has such a good support network but all children have the right to be safe at school so keep on until you get the support your child deserves.

Hi Becci

I don't know if Asthma UK have anything similar but Allergy UK produce a protocol document you can fill out and take into the school if you ring them and ask for a copy. It is a nice, clear document and simply underlines how the school (or any clubs your son might attend) should be treating/reacting to any exacerbation of his symptoms.

It's well worth giving them a call and getting a copy. There isn't a charge.

I've pm'd you too.

Jacqui Mac

Just thought I'd say thanks to all the posts. I guess all schools have diferent policies. It's a shame there isn't something in place that all schools have to follow.

Ethan has a rabbit in his class now, I'm not sure if that would effect him, but something is triggering it at school.

I hope everyone is doing ok today.


Hi gubean how are you are? I hope Ethan has recovered a bit from his cold and that things are starting to pick up a bit for you.

We are yet another family who have eperienced school issues. My son went to 3 primary schools and we had different experiences at each. The first were quite understanding about his asthma and took on board what I said. If I felt he should stay in at playtime they would arrange it, I had no problems with him missing school for illness and the generally tried to look after him (a bit difficult at times as Jay rarely tells anyone he is having a problem). We moved house and hense changed schools and after a year of the 'dragon lady' we felt is was best to change schools again. She complained constantly about him being off - said she didn't care if he had been up half the night ill she wanted him in school, refused to take him on trips incase he became ill and reported us to the education welfare officer. We were called in to see the school nurse, who had copies of all Jays A&E attendances in front of her since joining the school and had to admit his asthma was a problem. He moved to a much nicer school with only 2 levels and fantastic staff -they sent him little gifts when he was in hospital and bent over backwards to accomodate him when they went on school journey in year 6. He now attends a brand school secondary school which is attached to his primary school and so far has only 180 kids in it. Fantastic I thought, not many kids, easy to notice Jay, they already know about him from the primary department and he has the same head teacher. What could possibly go wrong? Resp nurse went in to have meeting with SENCO and year 7 pastoral manager and Jays 'homebase teacher' (they do all morning lessons in the class room with same teacher like in primary). Everyone understanding - care plan written up, meds left in box in office, Jay shunted off with care plan and inhaler/spacer in school bag so he has one with him all the time. PROBLEM -every time anyone asked Jay how he was he answered FINE. By half term they stopped asking and at one point Jay used inhaler 23 times during a school day. He doesn't want to use his inhaler in class as everyone stares but can't leave the classroom without explaing why and doesn't want to disrupt the lesson. No one is noticing if he is using his inhaler too much as he does it during different lessons and last week he didn't take his bag with his spacer into playground and accuhaler wasn't helping. He couldn't get into the bui;ding to get his spacer as he was to breathless to explain why he needed to go inside! No one picked up on this until he got inside with his friend explaining he needed his spacer then the primary staff from last year saw him and leapt into action.

All I can suggest is speak to the teacher, explain the situation and if possible arrange a meeting with the school nurse. It's a horrible situation to be in and you need to feel confident that Ethan is being looked after in school othewise you will be reluctant to send him when he is a bit under the weather. As for the rabbit, if you think it may be affecting him have a chat with the Asthma nurse on this site,they are wonderful and may be able to advise a diplomatic way to broach the subject of having furry pets in classrooms and may even have some leaflets about it you could take in with you.

hi beccie

i am new to the forum but i tell u i am constantly on at teachers/school my daughter 14 this year has been really bad but i am constantly on at them senior school to the point now the head of year blanks letters/phone calls etc i can feel another complaint coming on

my son who's 7 he is good compared with how he used to be in and out of hospital

only yesterday they went to the adjoing school and guess wot it turned out they didn't take his spacer and ventolin so yet another complaint was issued to them this morning

my own experience is if u don't keep on they forget they are not dealing with the 24 hr care we give to one or 2 or 3 children or even 4 kids

but school hours of up to 30 kids ours are just another one to them

better get off me soap box now i suppose

my best advice is go into school with action plan made out for yr little one and insist a meeting with head of first aid class teacher/ta and head

hope u manage to get throu to them gl tc xxxx karen

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