Feeling stupid : I'm feeling confused... - Gynae Cancer Support

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Feeling stupid

Naneag profile image
2 Replies

I'm feeling confused and stupid. I saw my GP in April because I've had pink watery discharge everyday for over two months and occassional spotting. I've had implants for years and haven't had a period for about 16 years. My GP referred me 2 week pathway to gynae and they sent me for a colposcopy because i had a small lesion which was biopsied and came back normal and then I had a transvaginal scan last friday. This showed an area of thickening at the top of the womb and when i asked if it would need a hysteroscopy and biopsies he said probably yes. I called the hospital yesterday to chase a date for the hysteroscopy and explained that I was on 2 wk pathway so had assumed that it would be done quickly. The secretary was very nice and said that the report hadn't been looked at but she would show it to the Dr and call me back. When she called she said that I would get an appointment in the next few weeks for a hysteroscopy but the Dr said that he wasn't concerned as thickening was common in women my age. I feel so confused and stupid. I was a nurse for 20 years and have of course been looking at info on the web. I didn't think that you could get hyperplasia with an implant in situ and was convinced that I have endometrial cancer. I feel like an idiot i've shared my concerns with work and close family.

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Naneag profile image
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2 Replies
Lenny247 profile image

Hi there. Don't feel stupid, I had complex hyperplasia with an coil. Is this what you mean by implant? The hormone had run out on coil but I was taking estrogen still not knowing and complex hyperplasia set in.

That's what friends and family are for and it still needs to be investigated even if it is nothing to worry about. Just tell them you've spoken to the secretary who says that doc is not overly concerned so fingers crossed you were worrying over nothing.

Hope you get everything sorted quickly.

AskEveTeam profile image

You are so not an idiot ! You are trying to manage your health concerns practicly AND the emotions that surround this ….. not suprising you talked with family and work …. That’s what we health professionals advise you to do.

So the reassuring news is your colposcopy and biopsy are normal.

Thickened endometrial ( womb ) lining can be an indication of a pre – cancerous ( hyperplasia ) state , but not always the case by any means.

It may be due to a benign condition , it may be that the thickening is under the threshold to be tested as part of the two week wait process.

We think you need more information , as we agree it is confusing you don’t have an explination as to what the doctor thinks it may be to reassure you , so ask to see the report of the scan and the doctors referral for hysteroscopy so you can understand what they think it may be.

Wishing you well

The Ask Eve Team

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