Apologies sincerely to harp on. The leg is scarily shorter. 34 mill. I see surgeon next week but need to prepare questions to hopefully get my way forward due to this short leg, He told me on the phone to just walk and not exercise,? and I have a pain at bottom of buttock now which is unhelpful
I'm usually quite positive but now I'm confused as in pain and given these mixed s messages
I do a few exercises a aive taken on board most say it helps a lot and prevents scar tissue which makes sense to me. His registrar told me at 8 weeks not to massage scar as it is bad for muscle. My physio thinks my scar is bad and tells me to massage I go,back to him this week also but been unable to do his side lift leg at all, I feel the leg is a ton weight. My daughter has lifted it for me a bit then I can lift a couple,of inches. So I gather this big muscle is wrecked. I had a limp for 9 yrs before op but was told twice it is not the hip joint even though I had groin pain then pain up back at side I finally paid for private consultation and told to get a hip op. So it feels a long painful road tbh
If anyone had similar experience of how,I a man at present I would be grateful for a reply or pm.
Thanks 🌻🌈