Hi everyone, just to let you know the MRI scan I was referred for 10 days ago is not showing on the computer, so the doctor as made a further referral. We have agreed for me to try Naproxen to keep on top of the pain for a short time. Can't take long term as it affects the breathing. The trip to the arthritis research clinic was a waste of time just to fill in a four page health questionaire, just like synexus. It seems those already receiving treatment from the NHs can get these research tablets but not those being seen by their GP was my impression. The reason given was I am not allowed to take there research drugs due to having Gout as well as Osteoarthritis. So back to the waiting game for NHS treatment as there are no other ways to get the treatment I need without a GPS referral even if your paying for it. Unless anyone knows where I can get an MRI scan for a torn ligament or joint crystal investigation privately without NHS referral please? I've been taking pills for pain now half my life but when a new one occurs I can't have investigation as I am already consigned to the Knackers Yard. I can buy pain releif at the chemist don't need Doctor for that. and varied creams & sprays.Have a nice bank holiday everyone. Sorry about the rant but I hate time wasters.
Update on leg pain: Hi everyone, just to... - Arthritis Action
Update on leg pain

I have osteoarthritis and gout but cannot take NSAIDS like Naproxen as they inflame the gut and having crohn's disease it's a big NO for naproxen or ibuprofen.
Now on butrans patches that help a little along with Amitriptyline and Gabapentin and Paracetamol.
Hope you find some relief asap.
I just try to switch off from chronic pain and fatigue but it's very difficult.
Hi Katie I have been on constant pain killers all my life due to ankyolosing spodyolitis I have found indosid Suppositories Far better than naprosen with out such issues with gut problems. Of all the pain relief they have been the most affective. Hope you have the time to try some
Best of luck
I recall having suppositries many years ago , but they don't seem to be offered so much now. Might discuss with Dr at next appointment in June. Along withTLG233s one , because so far the only suggestion is morphine if I cannot tolerate Naproxen. Naproxen is only suggested as a tempory pain help not for long term use as I understand it. Thanks for suggestion anyway.
You may be able to get an MRI referral from a private physio or osteopath, give a couple a ring. I can't take NSAIDs for other reasons but I've found nefomam good. My GP said it used to be very popular but it's expensive and so they've been discouraged from prescribing it.