Well the first two infusions have gone without incident. No side effects , so far. No benefit either. The good news is I do not need to consider it again for six months. I am back on Methatrexate . My Angio CT has turned up Mediastinal /right hilar adenopathy- lung cancer. At least that is how it comes up when you google. I have another CT Thorax in February.
We are going to Mazatland January 13th. So I plan to park my skinny behind on the beach. No more 'treatment'. This is a very hectic time of year for us. Hubby's birthday, Dec 18, dad Jan 3, son Jan 11th. My daughter is moving to the island for four months, co-op training then our anniversary is Jan 18th. It is nice that my family understands the fatigue is brutal. I stayed as long as I could then went home . That way I do not feel guilty about everyone else. So far so good. I hope you are all managing the holidays well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.