has any one had bad experiance with s... - Action on Postpar...

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has any one had bad experiance with social services :( ???

kleigh profile image
12 Replies

am currently in a battle after being in hospital for 6 months they wont give me my children back

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kleigh profile image
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12 Replies
Lavender123 profile image

Hiya Kleigh,my heart goes out to you and when i read your comment i felt that i just needed to write to you ! Have you got any family that can help you with your chidren?? If not then i feel you must try and concentrate on gettin yourself well ,so that your children can then be returned to you.I know it must be really hard at the momentt for you but im sure once your feeling strong again and able to look after yourself you will have your children returned to you. I couldnt look after mine when i ws ill 16 years ago so i know exactly how you are feeling not being able to take care of them yourself,im sure they are being looked after as good as you take care of them when you are well again tho! Hope this helps you and i will be thinking of you and i know you will get better as i did and never thought that i would ever be able to look after mine again but im proof that you will get well and be able to do all that you did before you became ill ! Kind regards Lavender123. x

andrea_at_app profile image

Hi Kleigh, that must be so difficult for you, I really feel for you! Well done for reaching out & being brave enough to ask this question. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, it must one of the hardest things for a mum to deal with! How old are your children? I don't have any experience with Social Services but I hope some on here have & will come along soon & offer some advice. Have they given you any timescale or idea when they'll be back with you? As Lavender123 says, the best thing for you to focus on right now is getting yourself well & working hard to get better. Try to remind yourself that it's only temporary & they WILL be back with you soon. I'm also sure they'll be being looked after well. Also, try not to feel guilty, it's not your fault that you got ill & that you'll get better & be perfectly able to care for them as you did before - maybe even better as you'll see time with them as special. What other support do you have around you? Have you got friends & family nearby? Take care Kleigh, we're here for you if you need us x

Catharine profile image

Dear Kleigh

I am thinking of you. It must be really hard for you at the moment. It sounds as though you are at back home and six months in hospital must have felt like for ever. Have you told your GP about your problems, as they should be able to help? Do keep in touch, as Andrea says , we're listening. x

Hey sweetie, how are you doing this week? x

kleigh profile image

hi all thanks for your replys i have got to wait till febury in court to see if i can get my babies back am fed up that they are treating me like some sort of crimnal i love my kids all to bits its so upsetting .am so angry with the system

andrea_at_app profile image
andrea_at_appVolunteer in reply to kleigh

Hi Kleigh,

That's good you've got a date for court, it's a positive step. I can understand the anger & really feel for you - it must be so incredibly frustrating & upsetting! I guess it's just one of those things that you have to go along with & play it their way until you get the result you want - your babies back. Just show them that you're everything they want you to be, until they realise that you're well & that you're a good mum who loves her babies dearly. I guess all the bureaucracy takes time & you just have to go with the flow & try be patient (no matter how hard!)

Hang in there Kleigh, try to remember it's only temporary. February will come round quicker than you imagine I'm sure! x

serena_uk2 profile image

Hi kyleigh.me too i had a manic episode after my second baby and my care plan was to go in a m and b unit which i had.my problems started with lack of sleep and then in the unit one of the male staff a nigerian guy who i dont believe was fit to work there he made a play for me.i reported him to the doctor and i was accused of being paranoid then sectioned.i only lasted 1 week in the unit i was treated appaulingly after reporting the guy.by the other nurses and after an 18 month custody battle no family to help me and two subsequent manic episodes my little baby was adopted i have never recovered and have become virtually agraphobic i cry all the time i sleep all the time trying to block out my pain and sadness.id suggest you get yourself a very good lawyer social services arent always fair how they treat bipolar women.my babys social worker used bullying tactics when he used to ask me questions about the domestic violence id gone through.i wish you all the luck kyleigh.keep fighting for justice.my story really began i believe because i was adopted so was my first child like history repeating itself i wouldnt wish what happened to me on my worse enemy and i dont believe social services did all they could to keep my family together.

ruthraft profile image

Hi serena_uk2

I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been through. That must have been incredibly hard. It sounds like you're still struggling with how you're feeling, which is very understandable. Some of the professionals you've seen haven't treated you with the kindness and understanding you needed. I know it might not feel like it, but there are still some good ones out there. As you're still feeling so low, it might be a good for you to be getting some more support. Do you have a psychiatrist or a mental health worker you could talk to and explain how you're still feeling? If not, have you thought about having a chat with your GP? I can see that this might be very hard for you if you're having difficulty leaving the house, but have you thought of calling your psychiatrist or your GP surgery and asking to speak to someone? If you explained how you're feeling over the phone they may be able to help you find some more support and this might help you slowly start to feel a bit better. Just a thought...

Take great care of yourself and drop us a line if you'd like to. x

serena_uk2 profile image
serena_uk2 in reply to ruthraft

Thanks so much I didn't expect to get a reply I have actually started counselling now but only had one session so far I just cried a lot i moved house last year now I'm under a new team I am very honest with my feelings when I talk to them but when the only thing you hold dear has been so cruelly snatched from you you begin to wonder if there's anyone you can trust I know I've never felt this depressed in my entire life I hope there's light at the end of the tunnel

Hannah_at_APP profile image
Hannah_at_APPAdministrator in reply to serena_uk2

Hi Serena, what a hard time you've had and it's great you're finding the strength to come and "talk" about it - both on here and with a counsellor. As Ruth said, it's such a positive thing to do and keeping the lines of communication open, whilst it will take time, will really help you to start moving forward. I realise you've replied on a similar thread to your own situation, but starting a new question or post might also get your message out to others who will be able to offer some support. Whilst I haven't been in your exact situation, I had an episode of PP 4 years ago now and know how much it can really knock the stuffing out of you - if that makes sense! Getting the right support around you in recovery is so important. I hope you continue making those steps forward, and keep on reaching out - you're not alone. Take care.

ruthraft profile image

Well done for starting counselling, that's a really brave and positive thing to do. Don't worry about going there and crying, that's what they're there for, keep on being honest and letting it all out. It will take time for you to start to feel better after everything you have been through. I have friends who have been to counselling and it does take some time but eventually they started to feel a little bit better, so don't give up on it. Be patient and kind to yourself, you've been through a lot and you deserve to feel better and you will, you just need time to heal.

Take great care of yourself, take each day at a time and keep on letting us know how you're doing if you'd like to

Lilybeth profile image

Hello Serena_uk2

I'm very sorry to hear about the time you have had and what you are still trying to cope with. It's a good thing to be having counselling, just one to one time for you to offload your worries and stress. I have also had counselling in the past. It's understandable to cry because for the first time you are able to get everything out of your head and talk in confidence to someone who is there to listen and help.

For extra help, it might be an idea to ring your G.P. surgery and ask if the doctor can visit you at home? You could then explain how low you feel and hopefully he / she can put a plan in place for your care.

Be good to yourself.

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