I was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis after the birth of my first daughter in June 2016
I was very unwell, not sleeping, talking jibbrish, suspicious beliefs and life was out of control. I was taken into a mother and baby unit in Essex which was brilliant and just what I needed. I was kept with my daughter and I was looked after well. I was put on onlazapine and had supervision most of the time.
We had routine and group activities in the unit which I responded well to. I particularly enjoyed the creative activities and mindfulness.
I was on the ward for 7 weeks and then returned home with my two month old daughter.
I had some help at home from the local psychiatric team and family and friends. After afew months I gradually came off onlazapine and went onto aripiprazole which works better for me. Luckily I have not relapsed and made a full and healthy recovery.
My daughter is now 3 years old and we both lead very full and happy lives.
I am new to this forum but if I can be of any help to anyone, I’m here.
Interestingly it was my sister who signposted me here as she suffered with postpartum psychosis afew years before me.
I hope my story helps someone, thanks for reading.