I was recently (less than a month ago) diagnosed with postpartum psychosis after a psychiatric inpatient stay. I am feeling a bit alone in this, as I am in an intensive outpatient program but am the only person with Pospartum Psychosis. There doesn't seem to be much local support services for this condition--most programs focus on postpartum depression. I am looking to connect with others with this condition and what kind of programs/therapies you found helpful.
Recently diagnosed with Postpartum Ps... - Action on Postpar...
Recently diagnosed with Postpartum Psychosis

Hello Jillian
Congratulations on the birth of your baby Welcome to the forum .... so glad you have reached out here as there will be lots of mums to share experiences and support you. Are you in the UK?
It must be very hard for you to come to terms with all that's happened but PP is a very treatable, temporary illness and you will eventually fully recover. I had PP many years ago and with good medical care and treatment I fully recovered. During recovery from my second PP I was also in an intensive outpatient programme, except in times of crisis when I was readmitted to general psychiatric care.
There are APP Insider Guides which might be helpful at this early stage, "Recovery from Postpartum Psychosis" and "Postpartum Psychosis : A Guide for Partners", at app-network.org/what-is-pp/....
You are definitely not alone ...... we are all here to support you.
Take care.

Hello Jillian
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm sorry you haven't found comparable support in the US. I wondered if you had tried Postpartum Support International in the US? There's a link on their page to Postpartum Psychosis Help, postpartum.net/get-help/pos... where you might also be able to find support as well as here.
I think the more support you have, the better you will feel. Do you have family to comfort you at this difficult time? Some mums here have benefited from CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) where you can talk openly about how you feel, although perhaps this is what you are doing in the group setting?
Try not to put too much pressure on yourself at this early stage. I found PP a very frightening experience but with medication in tandem with treatment I did eventually fully recover. It's very hard for family to understand what you are going through but you will be well again.
Take it easy and take care.
Thank you for the referral to Postpartum International--I had not seen that resource. I really appreciate your taking the time to provide guidance.
I am currently in a group setting focused on cognitive behavioral therapy, but I was looking to connect with a network specifically for postpartum psychosis.
My family is very supportive and so is my therapy group, but I figured more resources are better than less.

Hello JillianRose
I'm very happy to help and hope you will find Postpartum International helpful. It's good that your family and therapy group are very supportive. I agree that more resources are better than less. Another resource here is a brilliant blog 'PP Soup' at ppsoup.com with info and shared experiences.
It's very reassuring when you find a site specifically for PP and link to mums who know exactly how you feel. I was so relieved myself when I found APP and felt reassured by all the mums sharing their similar experiences.
We are all here to lean on across the pond. Take care.

Hi JillianRose and welcome to the forum,
You’ve had some great info and links from Lilybeth and I’m not sure I can add anything further except to say welcome and that it’s good to hear you feel the PPTalk forum is supportive.
I had pp in 2009 after the birth of my first son and was treated in general psychiatric wards together with a mother and baby unit so can’t share any experience of the intensive outpatient program you mention. When I came home from hospital I did have a MH nurse who visited me at home and helped with a lot of the practical things as well as monitoring my mental health. I didn’t meet anyone else with pp until finding APP tho - I too am in the uk.
It sounds as though your support network is strong and I wish you all the best in your continued recovery. Be kind to yourself and enjoy the little things, it might feel like a long recovery but you will get there, to where you want to be, and we are here to listen and share our experiences too. It’s a journey as they say!
All the best, take care, xx
Hi Jillian!
I am so glad you found this forum. Such good support here. I too agree you should look up resources in US at postpartum.net.
As a mom, who experienced, postpartum psychosis many years ago, I can understand how isolating it feels. If you want to connect with me in USA, feel free to reach out to me through my website at jenniferhmoyer.com
Take care and remember you are not alone.
Just wanted to say hello and that I felt very isolated as well being in the US (Portland, OR) after being diagnosed with Postpartum Psychosis in an inpatient stay and then doing intensive outpatient daytreatment. This forum was so helpful to find and just be able to connect with others who have had similar experiences. The only other thing I found in my area was Baby Blues Connection which was helpful later in my recovery journey to meet mothers going through a rough start to parenthood. My daughter is now 2.5 and we are doing well. Would love to figure out how to get more support for people here in the US.
Hello JillianRose,
so pleased to meet you. Congratulation on the birth of your baby!
I am based in the UK, but not of English background. In a way I am so happy to have found this forum, too.
It is good to talk, journalise and share your worries based upon our PPP experiences. Like Hanna I have been treated in a psychiatric ward/hospital and not a mother and baby unit (MBU). My experience unfortunately was not a positive one.
Nevertheless once out of hospital and back in my own sanctuary family and professionals worked together using a tailor made care plan. (Psychiatrists, Health Visitor, GP, Care Coordinator were involved)
My son is now 7 years and APP has played a vital part in my recovery. I suffered for quite a few years from loneliness and often emptiness, despite having a loving partner and a wonderful boy.
It is so important to feel that compassion and I only could find that on this forum, because we all have been in the same footsteps...struggling with PPP.
Wishing you well and just want to let you know, we are thinking of you...

Hello JillianRose
I hope you have been able to access more support for yourself in the US to add to the therapy group and intensive outpatient programme. I'm sure all the family support you have is very comforting and that you are slowly making progress in your own time.
Take good care .... very best wishes for the New Year.

Hello JillianRose
I was wondering how you are now it's been a few months since your first post? I hope the therapy and family support has been helpful in your recovery.
We're here to support you across the pond too Take care.
Hi Lilybeth,
I am doing really well, thank you. The family support of my husband, mom, and older sister has been the most important for my recovery. Therapy gave me tools to practice and now I am back to work, and active at home and in community. I am truly grateful for the support of this community also--it helped to read others' journey so i did not feel so alone.

Hi JillianRose
Thanks for taking time to update. I'm so pleased to read you are doing really well with brilliant family support and therapy, so much so that you are now back at work! That's such a big achievement and you should be very proud of yourself.
The forum is a great place to share experiences and it's good you have found the support here helpful, as I did years ago. I hope you continue to improve. Please take good care of yourself ...... PP mums are amazing
Im not sure if your still active but i had the same experience. Here in the states there seems to be a lack of info concerning pp.