I have decided - I had day 4 bloods taken to today for my PCOS lets see what they say results in one week
going to have baby no matter what - Action on Postpar...
going to have baby no matter what

Hi Pumpkins, all the best with your test results and I hope the info and shared experiences here have been helpful to you. Take care, xx

Hi Pumpkins
I do hope that you can get the professional support you need to make good decisions about your pregnancy if you are to have a baby - for example what medication is safe to take during pregnancy, rather than coming off medication that keeps you well.
I hope you can gain access to a perinatal mental health team to advise you. As I have written before, I found professional support invaluable when I had PP, and the support I received (mother and baby unit, and then the care team at home) was essential to recovering, and then staying well.
Take care,
Perhaps unfortunately, being in services was extremely traumatic - the staff constantly writing down subjective comments. Then my cancer screening results went missing. I also found out that they had divulged my information to a relative, who told a friend and then an employer.. As I have a gynae condition being in services allowed doctors to discriminate against me. Referrals for investigations were not being correctly followed up. Diagnostic tests results often missing. In all reality it was just plain harassment.

Hi Pumpkins
I'm so sorry to hear you have had such a horrible experience of some services, including not keeping your confidentiality.
Just to reassure you, I have met quite a few members of staff from perinatal teams because I have given talks etc, and they are always so passionate about their work, and really care about the patients and have their best interests at heart. I do hope that you would get good support when / if you are referred.
I wish you luck for the future
I saw the GP he told me I could conceive on the meds - I am still worrried